JRSO Radvan Survey Meter Procedure

Contamination Survey Using a Survey Meter


  1. Check the calibration is within the last 12 months.

  2. Turn on survey meter, check battery has sufficient battery life using the Bat Test button.

  3. At beginning of expedition, the LO will perform a source check with one of our check sources.

  4. Any location in which the count rate is more than twice the background should be considered contaminated.

  5. All surveys and results are recorded in the logbook.

Contamination Survey

  1. Record the date of the survey and indicate the instrument used for the survey.

  2. Determine and record background reading by holding the meter over an area that is not contaminated.

  3. If performing a laboratory-wide routine contamination survey, obtain a map of the laboratory to indicate areas surveyed.

  4. If performing a post-operation survey, indicate that you are surveying a work area.

  5. Slowly move the probe over designated areas in a zigzag pattern without touching the surface, listening for an increase in the audible pulse rate survey instrument as an indication of increased activity.

  6. If an area with a count rate more than two times background is identified, record the location, determine the extent of the contaminated area and decontaminate.

  7. After decontaminating any area, resurvey to verify that the area is clean.

  8. Record the results of the survey in the logbook.

Personal Survey

  1. Record the date of the survey and indicate the instrument used for the survey.

  2. Determine and record background reading by holding the meter over an area that is not contaminated (this can be done after enter the Radvan and turn on the meter).

  3. Without picking up the meter, slowly move both hands, wrists, and cuffs of lab coat, front and back, over the probe face without touching it.  Listening for an increase in the audible pulse rate survey instrument as an indication of increased activity.

  4. If there is no contamination then the survey meter can be picked up to continue the survey.  Survey slowly the front of your lab coat and areas of the sleeves that may have been in contact with the benches or hood.  Survey the tops and bottoms of shoes.

  5. If an area with a count rate more than two times background is identified, determine the best course of action.  Gloves and shoe covers can be removed.  If remove gloves because they are contaminated, resurvey hands then done a new set of gloves before proceeding.  If it is the labcoat it should be removed, folded up and placed in the appropriate isotope waste bin as it would be difficult to clean it.  If it is shoes, attempt to clean them and resurvey.

  6. Record the results of the survey in the logbook.

  7. Personal surveys can be done any time during work to check for contaminated gloves or any time contamination might be suspected.  A personal survey is required after work is completed and before leaving the Radvan.


Archived Version

Radvan Survey Meter Procedure_28Sept2022