Paleomagnetism Laboratory Notebook (Old and General Files)

Maybe we should change our File Structure so that manuals and files are children of the correct instruments??


Software Issues


  • Issues reported appear here and on All Reported Software Issues page, which serves as an archive of all software issues.
  • If you edit a Description, add your name, what you changed and the date. 
  • Once an issue has been resolved, change its Status to "Verified and Closed" to remove the issue from the Notebook.  All issues are archived in All Reported Software Issues.
  • Only developers and only technicians can add notes to their respective Notes columns.


  • Document PmagPy method
  • Investigate new home switch for SRM. 



Data analysis in Excel

Kevlar rope routing

PMAG and MAD sample sharing

SRM IMS bugs list

Paleomagnetic Standards Spreadsheet

2G Cryogenic Magnetometer (SRM)

WSGI SRM Vendor Manual

Cryomech 2800 He Compressor Manual

Restarting the SRM

Remote Motor and Compressor

SRM Vital Signs Logsheet (do weekly) RETIRED

Example SRM cooldown curve


PT405_CP2800RM_capacity curve

PT405_CP2800RM_cold head drawing

PT405_CP2800RM_compressor package schematic drawing

PT405_CP2800RM_specification sheet

Evacuate and Recharge CP2800 Compressor

Adding Helium using CT-001

Solenoid Valve Removal

Faulty Solenoid Video

2G Cryogenic Pump Down Procedure (old version)

Third Party Studies

Oda and Xuan SRM Response Length Measurements

Oda and Xuan Sensor Response Poster

Oda Response Length Data

Shanghai SRM Assessment 2017-07-19


SRM section tracking logsheet

AutomateUturn.xlsm  (PC version for correcting SRM data after Exp 395E.)

Universal SRM Fixer (For SRM data prior to Exp 362.)

Acton Spreadsheet (Use for manually calculating Inc, Dec, Int)

DAIE spreadsheet

Sagnotti 2013 DAIE paper

Haskris Chiller


ASC Scientific IM10 and IM10-30 Impulse Magnetizers

ASC-IM10-30 Vendor Manual

ASC-IM10 Vendor Manual

ASC Scientific D-2000 AF Demagnetizer

ASC Scientific Thermal Demagnetizer (TD-48 SC)

TD48SC instructions

JR6 Spinner Magnetometer

Agico Maintenance Documents

JR6 screen cleaning

JR6serv commands and application

JR6 Manipulator optocouplers

JR6 optocoupler testing, another version

JR6 power supply testing

JR6 U3 board diagnostics

IODP Documents

JR6 Barcode Scanner rules

JR6 Uploader Guide 374

JR6A spinner shaft repair

Troubleshooting optocouplers

Holder correction issues c. 2013 correspondence

How to degauss the shield cap on the JR6

Kappabridge KLY-4 Magnetic Susceptibility Meter

Gee et al 2008 AMSspin paper

Anisoft file format for AMSspin data

Agico Maintenance Documents

KLY3-rotator problem

KLY-3-4 UD Gears

KLY-4 Manual

Kappabridge up/down belt routing

Case ground (can be hard to spot)

Support Equipment

Hall probe user manual

Hall probe QSG

Model 520 Fluxgate manual

Orientation Tools

Exp 384 Relative Testing of Magnetic Orientation Tools Onboard the Joides Resolution


Exp 390R

See Expedition Specific Paleomagnetism Notes in the new Lab Notebook.

Exp 390C


  • Since Expedition 390C sailed without a science party, the main objectives were to install reentry systems and collect preliminary cores and data for the South Atlantic Transect, with the intent of returning for Expeditions 390 and 393. For the Paleomagnetic Laboratory, this entailed measuring core sections on the Superconducting Rock Magnetometer (SRM) from sites U1556A, U1557A, U1558A, and U1559A with all APC cores magnetically oriented except for U1559A.
  • All magnetic orientation tools (MOTs) appeared to be functioning properly (Icefield tools deployed – no Flex-IT tools). Both Icefield and Flex-IT Keyed End-Seal Snubbers (KESSes) were properly aligned and documented.\
  • No other magnetic measurements were required during the expedition, but most instruments were calibrated and used solely for characterizing the new Pmag Play Cube standards. The exception was the Kappabridge, which was only tested but for communications and basic functionality, but not calibrated nor properly exercised.
  • General lab diagnostics and maintenance were carried out at the beginning of the expedition (BOX) and the end of the expedition (EOX). The SRM was routinely monitored throughout the expedition.
  • The only significant issues were communication problems between instruments and computers after system updates and initial difficulty with the SRM and the SQUIDs having unstable output. Both are detailed below, but more in depth writes up are available on Confluence under the lab notebooks.

Specific Details

               X390C Tech Report: EXP 390C Paleomagnetics Tech Report

               X390C SRM Field Trap and Magnetized Fluxgate Probes (fluxgate-gate): X390C SRM Field Trap and Magnetized Fluxgate

               MOT KESS Jig SOP: MOT KESS Jig - Magnetic Orientation Tool Keyed End-Seal SnubberJig

Exp 384


  • Trapped new field in the SRM twice while in port at Kristiansand on July 20 and 22, 2020. Both fields were good but did it twice for practice.
  • Verified offset locations for discrete trays in relation to SQUIDS. Used a point source cube placed in discrete cube tray. measured multiple times, each time changing the point source offsetting IMS tray section editor but not moving the cube or tray. confirmed that highest intensity was measured when point source was placed in 3, 13, 23, 33... cm offset.
  • MOT testing
    • Terminology: 
      • The end piece for the pressure case has multiple parts: an External Key (external to the pressure case), End Seal (cap), Snubber (shock absorber), and an Internal Key (which resides inside the pressure case). The Internal Key fits into a T-Slot keyhole in the orientation tool and the External Key fits into a Muleshoe keyhole on the Sinker Bars. This end piece will be referred to as the Keyed End Seal Snubber (KESS).
    • Tested all tools and accessories for functionality, data transfer and processing, tested and repaired all battery units.
    • Conducted orientation experiments on MOTs to verify functionality of the various tools. Experiments were conducted on the dock when in port in an effort to distance the experiment from magnetic fields from the ship through a 360-degree clock-wise rotation (CLW), at 90-degree steps, aligned with the ordinal directions.
      • Dock experiments concluded that the Icefield tools (2007 and 2052) record the correct absolute magnetic tool facing (MTF).
      • Dock experiments concluded that the Flexit tools (0936 and 0937) recorded the correct MTF for due North and due South but displayed counter-clock wise rotation (CCLW). This was subsequently determined to be a result of holding the tool upside down (with the keyed end up). 
        • Interestingly, the Icefield tools correct for this using the accelerometers but the Flexit tools do not.
          • Morale of the story, don't hold the tools upside down when testing them.
      • Did not test Icefield 2043 on dock
    • Learned the proper orientation of the MOTs is keyed end down.  The key fits into the Muleshoe key hole in the sinker bars.
    • Found Icefield Tool (2043), which was still in a shipping container, and verify that it was working . It had been repaired for a bad accelerometer.
    • Conducted multiple rotation experiments on MOTs including tool inversion with rotations to better understand how the tools function and potentially eliminate this as a source of error in core orientation.
      • It seemed likely that flipping the tool would require a new normalization for that tool in the new orientation, termed “flip-normalized”, and was tested
      • Dug into prior experiments and verified for the Icefield that the sensor is at an extreme end of the nearly 2m long tool and should be expected to see a different local magnetic environment (TBD for Flexit’s). Note: for flipping only and NOT rotations. This justifies the afore mentioned “flip-normalized” data treatment.
      • Determined that all tools’ MTF should reflect the orientation of the flip-normalized magnetic direction.
      • When inverted the Icefield tools still retain the same CLW rotation, while the Flexit tools appear to rotate CCLW.
        • From this we were able to determine that the Icefield tools know up from down (likely using accelerometer data.)
        • The Flexit tools do not know up from down. In this case the magnetic axis remains fixed, while the vertical axis rotates around the magnetic axis. This results in the MFT being aligned correctly for due North and due south orientations but rotating in a CCLW sense for all other values. Basically, flipping a Flexit tool upside down changes the sign on the Y- and Z- axes
      • Since local deviations on the ship make absolute magnetic orientation virtually impossible and make comparing values between tools difficult, we devised a normalization process to account for each tool’s immediate local environment.
      • Development a framework of interpreting these tests using the relative orientation “stages” of the “flip-normalized” data, with numbers 1-4 from low to high values respectively.
    • Received a rigfloor walk through on how the orientation tools are set up for deployment.
    • At Site U1554, sample declinations were within reason of the expected declination for the site for cores oriented with tools Icefield 2007, Icefield 2052, and Flexit 0937. U1554B-1H through 4H (Icefield 2043) were off by approximately 180°. Flexit tool 0936 was not used downhole due to a weak solder connection for the battery.
      • Note, we later determined the origin of the 180° offset was due to the internal key of the Keyed End Seal Snubber for Icefield 2043 being misaligned by 180°.
  • SRM log created
  • Folder structure on ~/IODP_Share changed
    • Parent directory /IODP_Share/PMag created
    • The following folders were migrated into PMag but should probably be reorganized
      • Core_Orientation
      • PMag_Data
      • PMag_Documents
      • PMag_Health
      • Icefield and Flexit folders migrated to ~/PMag/Core_Orientation
  • Consider reorganizing manuals and such to have MOT parent directory/info with child directories/info for Flex-It and Icefield Tools
  • Should MOT info/data live in Paleomag or in Downhole logging?
  • Added wiki page for Impulse magnetometers
    • Confirmed that field is directed into the instrument for the IM10-30. IM10 produces a field outwards from the instrument, towards the user
  • Could not locate previously made J-cube sampling guide. Re-printed a new guide for J-cubes with a taller collar for keeping cube straight. Also printed a guide for J-cube extruder
  • Pmag standards received from Lisa Tauxe were determined to have intensity values corresponding to a volume of 1 cc. This causes the measured intensities of the samples to be significantly lower than the specified intensity. If a volume of 7cc is assumed for the standards, the listed intensity is similar to the measured intensity. The wiki page and lab notebook table have been updated to reflect this.
  • SRM discrete background correction is not being applied correctly.
    • In order to have the background applied correctly, discrete samples which are collected from the working half, must be run through the SRM using an archive half preset with the up-away arrow orientation. IMS will complain that your sample ID is not from an archive half though. The work around for this is to enter your samples into IMS using a working half preset then click measure. Once the tray begins to move, promptly click abort then return to load. Now that your samples have been loaded, you can click reload sample tray and change the preset to archive. IMS will now allow you to measure your discrete samples collected from a working half as if they were collected from the archive half.
  • Core Orientation Tests: A primary objective was to test the MOTs by comparing the MOT observed orientation to the expected orientation determined from the mean paleomagnetic declination.  We determined that all tools were working within specifications once the internal keys of the Keyed End Seal Snubbers (KESS) were properly aligned. Both Flexit tools were misaligned by ~5° and the Icefield tool 2043 was misaligned by 180°. The KESS's are just the end cap for the pressure cases and can be interchanged between Icefield tools. We suspect that the problems observed on many prior expeditions is related to the misaligned KESS being used with multiple Icefield tools, because other Icefield tools were reported to give orientations that were off by 180°. A full report on the core orientation tests is being written elsewhere and will be linked to the Wiki Manuals when it is completed.

Exp 378 (SPLAT)


  • Checked trapped field Jan 6, 2020.  Field was good, so no field trapping was done.
  • Jan 8, 2020:  Reset Holding Current for SRM motor back to 30%.  It was set to 95% by Bill Mills at the start of Expedition 385 in hopes that it would fix an issue noted with tray homing.  The tray was moving home, moving off the home switch, and then jerking a bit.  This high holding current was making the motor very hot and was not the solution to the tray issue, so the values were returned to the original values.  This edit was made in the
  • January 26, 2020: Ships chill water was shut off without notifying technicians. PMag scientist noticed that the compressor was not making any noise and informed techs. Scientist said that the compressor has been silent for ~2 minutes.  Cooling water was switched to the Haskris promptly but the compressor was not restarted for a few minutes after that. Total time that the compressor was shut down is estimated to be ~10 minutes. A field profile was run once the compressor was restarted and showed the field in the SRM Z-axis to be ~125nT. SRM X and Y axis was still below 20nT. Trapped new field while still onsite and all values in the squid measurement region were below 20nT. A tray background was measured following the field trapping and the Z-axis was very noising (fluctuating between 10-9 and -10-9). The track and tray were then cleaned. After numerous times running a rag through the track, the background noise was reduced (fluctuated between 0 and 10-9). It is unclear whether the track cleaning was responsible for reducing the background noise or if it was due to giving the squids more time to 'settle' after field trapping.
  • February 7, 2020: Checked field profile while in transit. Z axis was high (-19.4 nT). X and Y axes were -7.7nT and 6.8nT respectively. Measured tray background and z axis background fluctuated between 0 and 10-9.
  • February 13, 2020: SRM analog signal for z axis seems to wander quite a bit. Over the course of a week or so, the value will climb from ~0 (after being zeroed) to ~.4. May be due to the transit (boat heading is ~68 degrees). UPDATE: after several days of observation, Z axis seems fine. Periods of high activity followed by periods of more stable readings. Likely due to transit.
  • February 24, 2020: Drained water in Haskris. FLushed with DI water till clear, then filled with DI water.


  • AMSSpin BULK only measurements do not upload to LIMS and cause the files to be sent to the error folder.  A request was sent to the programmers to assist with this issue. Update Jan 31 2020: Test MUT uploader is working.  Although we noted that the Foliation values are not being input into the report. 
  • MUT for Kappabridge does not give error messages
  • Need updated Kappabridge guide for AMSspin/uploading/using Anisoft.  Scientists could not locate their .txt files needed for Anisoft.  AMSspin writes this directly to the AUX_Data folder instead of the IN folder.  The .csv is used to upload the Kappabridge data.  There is an issue with file writing in the text file because text ids are one character longer.  No space is left between the sample id and the first set of data.  A space must be manually entered before opening in Anisoft.
  • Updates were made to Kappabridge Code and a new executable was built on the Kappabridge computer.  Updates included file directory changes and file extension updates. Code was backed up to SVN with detailed notes.


  • February 16, 2020: The JR-6A tag #91063 gave the error code E6 (wrong or missing pulse 3x120 of auto-position manipulator). After this error code the holder would still rotate and the brass manipulator rod would still move up and down but it would not rotate. The hex head on the end of the manipulator rod would engage the hex fitting on the holder but there was slight friction between the two and it wasn't a perfect match. Initially, we thought that if we re-aligned the holder and rod, the E6 error code would go away. However, the same E6 error code would throw whenever using the auxiliary commands 'turn' or 'initial' and with the manipulator rod unable to rotate, we could not perform the steps to re-align.

    We then tried to use the JR-6A on another computer. When it was initialized we received the following message (figure 1):

           Figure 1

From here we tried to change the holder to the automatic holder in Setting>instrument configuration but that option was grayed out. We switched back to the original computer and got the same message upon initialization. The unit appears to be communicating just fine because the manipulator will move up during initialization but after that, its says 'not available or failed'. None of the auxiliary commands associated with the automatic manipulator are available after initialization either.

We used the JR6 Manipulator optocouplers troubleshooting and guide for the up/down optocouplers located in the Lab Notebook Agico Maintenance Documents to check the up/down optocouplers which appeared to be appear to be in good working order. The voltage reads ~8v with no flag in the gap then changes to ~3v with a flag inserted for both connectors (labeled U and D in figure 2). These voltages are when read across pin 2 and the right (i.e. upper) side of the resistor as specified in the Troubleshooting optocouplers guide attached. Important to note that when we first opened the cover, the ribbon wire that runs from optocoupler 2 to connector 2 (see figure 2) was caught between the flag and the 'up' optocoupler when the automatic manipulator was in the up position. We lowered the automatic manipulator using the small flat head screw at the bottom and freed ribbon wire which now has a bad kink in it but still has continuity through all 4 wires and there do not appear to be any shorts. This ribbon has been re-reouted so that it will be less likely to get caught in the optocoupler again

Figure 2

Figure 3

With the black disc in a position such that one of the three slots is centered in optocoupler 2, one slot is at the bottom of the disc (i.e 6 o'clock position), and the third slot is just to the right of optocoupler 1 (Optocoupler 2 open/Optocoupler 1 closed), connector 2 pin 2 read 8v when read across pin 2 and the right (i.e. upper) side of the resistor as specified in the Troubleshooting optocouplers guide. Optocoupler 1 reads 3 volts. If the set screw is loosened and the disc rotated so that optocoupler 2 is now closed (no slit), optocoupler 2 now reads 3v. Interesting to note that optocoupler 1 does not respond to any of the slits and it will stay at 3 volts even if a slit is centered in it. It only changes to 8 volts when the larger oval opening is rotated into it. I am not sure if this is the desired behavior but those optocouplers seem to be reacting.

We switched out the larger board (JR6-S2) with a spare to see if the problem was related to that board but there was no change in behavior or connections. Beth Novak consulted with Garrick who said that sometimes the motor will get loose and slip or spin which can knock some of the connections loose. Upon further inspection, this appeared to be the case (figure 4).

Figure 4 (as viewed from the side of the unit)

  • Hooked up the spare JR-6A (tag #90769) and tested it to make sure it works. This unit remained connected and ready to use.
  • February 20, 2020: after further troubleshooting, it appeared that the motor on the defective unit had become loose in its mount and had rotated. In rotating, the wires on the back became wrapped around each other and the terminals. The motor was rotated back to what is presumed to be the original position based on the motor position on the spare unit. The motor now works but Rema6 still says Not available or Failed. It seems optocoupler 1 is not functioning properly.
  • Located spare optocouplers. replaced defective optocoupler 1 and unit functioned normally. Realigned manipulator and measured standard. All in working order. Ordered 1 additional optocoupler for the up/down direction and 2 optocouplers for the rotation direction. The intent is to have a complete set of optocouplers on board. 


  • February 11, 2020: Measured Pmag standards provided by Lisa Tauxe with the SRM and JR-6. Intensity values were all at least one order of magnitude lower that stated. A manual was added to confluence documenting procedures for measuring the standards. the standards are oriented as if they were collected from an archive half so it can be confusing if you are not aware of this. A page was set up in the laboratory notebook for keeping track of the values obtained from the standards.

Exp 385 (Guaymas Basin)

  • Performed Windows Updates on the SRM, spinner PC and Kappabridge PC during portcall.
  • Issue noticed during port call, with the drive gear for SRM motor was slipping on axle, fixed by Garrick (ET) by flattening a portion of the axle beneath the set screw to prevent rotation.
  • New field trapped in SRM by Beth Novak on 09/23/2019
  • The JR6 has intermittent issues uploading through MUT due to the removal of "CUB" from the data outputs. Issue is easily remedied by manually repairing affected samples in the .csv file.
  • The AMSSpin.exe software also only appends "csv" instead of ".csv" to any new file name. Manually define the full filename and extension either when first making the file, or prior to uploading through MUT.
  • Orientation data will not upload through the Kappabridge PC, however uploads the same files fine through most other computers. MUT is configured to recognize orientation datafiles however the problem doesn't seem to care.
  • Excel loves to crash every time you make a cell bold, or attempt to enter the "format cell" window for any cell in particular.
  • Orientation data from U1545 icefield tools appear to be good for the first 12 cores, with magneitc declination aligning after processed relaive to core magneitc tool face orientation. The final three cores to not align with the prior twelve - no clue why.

Exp 379T (JR100)

  • Performed Windows Updates on the SRM, spinner PC and Kappabridge PC on 7/21/19 (portcall day 2).
  • 7/21/19:  SRM Z-axis SQUID seems particularly noisy compared to the other 2 axes.  Swings of several integer values only 2 digits past the decimal point on the analog display.  The other 2 axes show no movement until 4 digits past the decimal.  Monitoring; will do a field profile and look for trapped flux.  Heading = 154°  UPDATE:  Something was going on here on the ship this morning that upset the Z-SQUID.  Two hours later and it is much quieter now, although still noisier/driftier than the other axes.  Field profile was run and results put in IODP_Share\PMAG_Documents\SRM\Field Profiles.
  • 7/22/19:  Oops, too late.  Compressor's oil temp exceeded 120° and it shut down overnight.  Trapped field was lost and the SRM came almost all the way to room temperature.  We could not get the currently operating compressor to behave; it thermally shut off within minutes of being powered back on, even after other measures were taken to troubleshoot any flow restrictions in either the chill water lines or the Haskris.  BTW, the Haskris water tank had a lot of rust and gook in it so the ETs emptied and flushed it and the lines to the compressor with fresh water.  It still did not resolve the issues with the compressor so we switched back to the original compressor from the Guam install.  Hours on compressors:  7086 for tag# N2267 and 15787 on tag# N2266 (which has a new adsorber).  Our intent is to try back-flushing all the black gook from the water out lines on the ailing compressor during the San Diego transit and try to see what it is (mold? rust? combo?).  We may elect to send it home if we can't determine its issues.  From the old Cryowatch logs we can see that its oil temperatures really started climbing on ~ 3/15/19, close to the end of Exp. 379.  It stayed at about 110-115F for the next 2 expeditions.  The mystery is, why??
  • 7/22/19:  SRM cooldown started at 1320 hrs.  Field was trapped on 7/23/19 by ~2000 hrs.  Fields at SQUID center are ~3, ~9, and ~5 nT for the SRM x, y and z axes according to DAFI.  New field profile was acquired.
  • I created a linked page to a table for the cryo vitals, currently on paper logsheets.  The intent is to log the vitals electronically so the paper copies won't get lost.  Older content was migrated to the new page.
  • 7/24/19, 1345 hrs: Mini heart attack on a random check of CryoWATCH.  Chill water temperature was monotonically increasing to the point where it was generating alarms on compressor oil T (>90F).  We quickly turned the new valve to bypass the tube-in-tube coil and the temperatures immediately dropped back into the safe zone, at least for the time being.  However, the chill water temp. was still slowly increasing so it was just a matter of time before we switched to the Haskris.  ALOs inquired as to what is going on down in the ECR.  Update: ship's chill water starting to cool down again at ~1400 hrs.  Opened valve to double-tube coil at 1445 to keep things from getting too cold again.
  • 7/25/19:  JR-6 bench spinner would no longer rotate the holder via brass actuator after a hard jam caused by the holder screw sticking out too far when the holder was tested empty.  Etienne found that the wire to the rotation motor had broken.  Repaired, realigned and put into the spares cupboard on 7/26/19.  Unfortunately, a large magnet was accidentally stuck on the shield cap so presumably it will need degaussing.  Contacted Agico for their recommended procedure.  Successfully degaussed about a week later.
  • 7/27/19: demo'd DTech and Kappabridge to Cristina.  Began work on anomalous declinations seen after SRM U-turn (bug list item).  Update: confirmed U-turn bug reported on X382 that produces incorrect declinations.  Emailed Bill.
  • 7/29-7/30:  both JR-6 spinners take multiple trips to the ET shop for maintenance.  The most-heavily used unit had a bent brass actuator and tube; both were throwing #E5 timing errors on the up/down motion.  ETs cleaned the actuator screw mechanism (filthy!) and checked opto-couplers etc.  The screw cleaning really helped speed up the motion and eliminate the #E5 errors.  As of 7/31/19 the original unit is back in use and working fine so far.  The second unit was cleaned up by the ETs a few days later and returned to the Pmag cupboard.  By the way, we installed Rema6 on the ET computer so that they can troubleshoot our JR-6s in the comfort of their office.  They just need to borrow our USB-to-serial converter, which is kept down with the spare spinner.
  • 7/31/19:  getting used to uploading JR-6 and Kbridge data via MUT.  Downloaded an updated version of Anisoft from Agico to install on the Kapabridge PC (April 2019 update).  Awaiting word from Martin Chadima on proper file reformatting of AMSspin files so that they can be used in Anisoft.  Update 8/6/19:  he sent an example file but I needed clarification on some of his columns as they lacked header information.  Still pending.
  • 8/7/19:  the Kappabridge up-down belt broke again this cruise (death-by-dust cover redux).  Fortuntely we got extra belts after it happened on X382.  Etienne installed a new belt and we will keep the broken one as it can be used in a pinch with a little glue and some ingenuity (i.e. trim carefully, stitch it/glue it and put that patched bit under the clamp on the tower).
  • 8/14/19:  another episode of a noisy Z-axis SQUID on the SRM.  The noise was confined to the analog portion of the signal (no associated flux jumps) and did not affect any directional data (sediments were several orders of magnitude greater than background).  The SQUID finally settled down after several hours.  I wish we could determine what sets if off like this.  Update:  noisy again on 8/16/19 during transit.  Again, confined to the analog portion of the signal.  We are headed almost due North so maybe that is affecting things?
  • 8/16/19:  backed up all SRM etc files to DATA1 in preparation for EOX backups.
  • 8/17/19: performed latest round of Windows Updates on SRM, spinner, and Kappabridge PCs.

Exp 383

  • Field trapping completed in port call
  • Compressor running at high oil temperatures.  Working with Siem engineers to diagnose issue.  Air was released from the lines by Siem engineers, it was very little and we saw no change in behavior in the lab
  • Added a temporary light indicator on the SRM track to help the scientists see when the core was at the outer staging location.  
  • Oriented cores at U1539A.  All three tools were used.  Tool 2043 had acceleration values outside the normal .98 to 1.02 range for the entire run (cores 1-6).  Testing is needed to determine if this was due to ship heave and motion or a faulty accelerometer. 
  • Used U-turn utility to flip sections from U1540D 2H6 and 7H1
  • .ini and SRM load files have ???? instead of the instrument group name SRM.  Problem traced back to the SRM having ???? in the default instrument name.  Anytime a new .ini file was written, it defaulted to ???? and if an existing .ini already included ???? it was written to all of the new SRM load files.  The instrument name was updated in the SRM to SRM.  Load files now contain the SRM instrument group.  Programmers did a data patch to correct all SRM data on ship to have SRM as instrument.  Shore was notified.  June 15,2019
  • June 15th, 2019- Scientist using discrete boat.  Boat was missing top pins, so pins were glued in, positioning adjusted and tray was measured.  The plastic inserts were magnetically noisy so they were cleaned and the tray measurement returned results on the scale of 10^-12.  

Exp 382


  • 4/2/19:  the belt for the vertical positioning of the sample holder broke when the unit was accidentally activated with the dust cover cinched down to the pickup base and everything in the lowered position.  We were able to repair it with the one belt we have in our spares for the instrument.
      • contact shore and ask them to order 2 more belts.  The belt is the same size for both vertical positioning mechanism and for the sample rotator, but the latter has a white mark on it for the photo sensor.
  • 3/26/19:  had issues running the AMSspin code on the Kappa PC as it was asking for SUFAR.SAV and CALKLY4.SAV files and couldn't find them.  Recompiled and redeployed application.


      • 4/3-4/5/19:  We discovered to our dismay that the I_PI_SRM.ini and backup .CSV files that are saved up to ASMAN for each run references the SQUID calibrations and response lengths that go with the old cryomag. The correct values can be seen within the IMS software if you check, but the old values were being loaded as soon as IMS started up (missing sign change of Y-axis is a dead giveaway).   After some testing we saw that IMS was silently reverting to default values at launch even though a good I_PI_SRM.ini file was placed in the correct folder for the software.  (The old SRM's calibrations and response lengths were hard-coded in the VI that is our failsafe for missing or corrupted config files.)  During testing if you view and accept the (new) SRM parameters as seen in the setup screen then the config file and constants would stay correct for the length of that session.  But if you quit and restart IMS then the old values sneak back into play.  Algie has now changed those defaults to the correct new SRM values as a workaround, and is trying to determine why the current working version of the software is creating default .INI files to begin with.

        SRM setup screen in IMS  displays SQUID data for new SRM

        CSV backup file for same section:

        I spot-checked historical I_PI_SRM.ini files going back to Exp 366, which is the first cruise after the Shanghai assessment took place.  It has the correct SQUID constants (response lengths are a tad off but I think that was before we standardized it to 7.3 cm for X and Y).  Subsequent expeditions 367, 368X, 368, 369, 372, 374, 375, 376 and 379) have the correct settings, and others (371, early 382) had old SRM settings.  The X382 paleomagnetists will correct their declination data for the first 2 sites and we will move forward from here. We had a brief scare afterwards with a remeasured discrete sample because it referenced the zombie old SRM values, but that's because the same text ID was in use and those runs are appended to its original backup file (which at that point had the old SRM values at the top).  You need to double check the timestamps within those files but they have to be converted from Labview time back to human-readable time to see the date changes.  Update: created an Excel macro to do the honors on the discrete .CSV files for the time being.

  • 382 Orientation tool tests

Exp 368X 

November 2018


      • SRM restarted after dry dock activities.  Cooling took approximately 30 hours.  
      • Prior to portcall concerns were expressed about the helium pressure in the compressor.  The pressures were fine.  No helium venting or additions were needed.  The high and low pressures should be read with the compressor on.  Compressor in use is:N2267
      • Updated User Guide and continued IMS 10.2 testing
        • Bug list generated:Paleomagnetic Laboratory Notebook SRM IMS Bug List
        • Some minor corrections to the code were made during Exp 368X
      • Edited IMS SRM code SRM DAQ Sequence File Name Maker so the sequence files were named correctly
      • Made modifications to SRM Code to correct movement speed
      • Updates to IMS SRM code to correct issue with Tray data/background measurement saving even when cancel selected.

      • SRM computer still having clock issues: Not set to any correct time (off in minutes and hours)


      • JR6 SN #09090/ IODP Property #90769 was returned from Agico
      • JR6 SN #09105/ IODP Property #91063 was reported to have issues during Exp 376 with the actuator timing out during upward motions.  Issue was not resolved during 376.
        • Error was an E5 error
        • Plugged both JR6 units into PC 53297 and both gave E5 error
        • Tried JR6 units using the Dtech laptop.  JR6 90769 worked properly.  JR6 91063 continued to give the E5 error.
        • Noted issues with software- Part of the Auxillary command window was greyed out when first opened on the Jr6 PC 53297, but this window was not grey when open on the laptop.
        • Uninstalled and reinstalled Rema6 on the PC 53297
        • JR6 90769 worked properly.  JR6 91063 continued to give the E5 error.
        • Serial communication issues occurred with JR6 91063- There may be a lose wire.  Communication issue went away after awhile without a known solution
        • Attempted to use different cables, but did not make a difference
        • Agico contacted for further help-  
        • They suspect the error is related to a timeout on the upward motion of the actuator-  Instructions for testing paleomagnetic JR Laboratories page
        • While following Agico instructions for testing optocoupler, vibration was noted in two points as the actuator moved down
        • Voltages were 4.7 and 3.7 V.  AGICO is sending a new optocoupler and new screw assembly parts
        • The screw was removed, cleaned, and replaced.
        • Issue Resolved!  The JR6 unit functioned without issue for all up and down motion

      • JR6 91063 seems to move slower by end of a 12 hour shift and squeaks.  Cleaning helps the issue, but it returns after the JR6 is used.  
        • Small amount of black dust noted inside JR6 by actuator screw- likely brass threading wearing
        • Agico recommended a very light lubricant/drop of oil on the screw
        • Applied Multi Purpose Precision Lubricant (CRC) to the actuator screw with a cotton swab stick
        • Checked unit after every shift and the squeaking issue has gone away and the up and down motion timing is consistent (3.33 seconds for Up, 3.2 seconds for Down)
        • Lubricant seems to have helped. Do not apply any thick lubricant that may gum up the motion!!

Cryomech Compressor

      • Adsorber change out on compressor N2266. This unit is now the spare for the SRM.
        • When compressor opened, corrosion was noted on the Aeroquip coupling between the adsorber and oil separator and a small amount of oil was noted on the inside of the Aeroquip
        • Contacted Cryomech (Brian Stoddard).
        • The response was 1) A small amount of oil film is expected.  But if the Aeroquip is removed from the adsorber and oil pours out, that is a concern. 2)The corrosion is likely due to our chill water being too cold and causing condensation.  We could replace the Aeroquip, but the entire compressor would need to be bled of the pressurized helium. Instructions were provided and can be found on the paleomagnetic JR Laboratories page
        • We opted to clean the Aeroquip since the corrosion was only on the surface of the coupling
        • We removed the Aeroquip on the adsorber to look for excess oil.  None was found.  Note that the adsorber is under pressure and this should be done carefully!