Expedition 374 Technical Reports

X374 Technical Report PDF File

Ross Sea West Antarctica Ice Sheet History
Lyttelton – Lyttelton – Timaru, New Zealand
(Janurary 4 – March 8, 2018)

Table of _Toc508009033

LO Report

Chieh Peng


  • Expedition 374 is a high latitude cruise, the objective is to study the west Antarctica ice sheet history. Drilling sites are distributed in the Ross Sea, both on the shelf (water depth less than 1000m) and off the shelf (water depth deeper than 2000m). We required the aide of ice breaker vessel the Palmer to lead us through the ice field when we entered Ross Sea. We didn't need their service when departing.
  • The expedition was cut short due to ship mechanical issue in the stern tube for the ship main propeller. The problem was solved after we enter warmer water and ship engineers conducted an "oil change" in the stern tube.
  • The ship returned to Lyttelton, NZ on Feb 19th, and stayed until March 7th before headed out to Timaru due to a threat of the port workers union strike. During this time, IODP staff kept busy with reviewing technical document and SOP; giving and taking training on Excel, DESKLogic, G Gun rebuilding, thin section slides making, Photoshop, AMS, and Correlation software; inventory physical counts and review; lab cleaning; port call activities fro EXP375, and various ship and shore projects.
  • During the 5 weeks operation, we cored 5 sites, 11 holes, and recovered 298 cores with 1292.7m of material.
  • For underway geophysics summary, we did 8 transits, 2 VSI/PSO watches. Several scientists helped out with the PSO watches in near/subzero temperature on the helideck.
  • We attempted to operate the towed magnetometer. Due to a cracked seal, we were not able to successfully collect data. Therefore, the Maggie was not deployed


Hydrofluoric acid was used by 2 palynologists.

  • A protocol was established, scientist(s) would request the permission, either the LO or the chemtech would contact and get permission from the bridge, doctor is then notified. When the usage is finished, all party is also notified.
  • In-depth training was given to all technical staff, the palynologists, and chemists. General awareness was given out to all scientists.
  • Liquid waste was properly neutralized and disposed (with KOH then NaOH). Solid waste was disposed in the incinerator alone. The hood and centrifuge were cleaned with "Acid Eater'.
  • All HF is now stored in the cabinet under the HF hood with lock.


  • Captain Terry requested that IOD technical staff should be involved in the ship emergency drill, so we brought back the METS (Marine Emergency Training Squat).
  • The METS consist of the LO, both ALOs, and 2 technicians on each shift.
  • We participated in one drill, fire in the chemlab. We learn where to close the fire dampers, and shut off power to the hood, where the spill happened.
  • We also took lead in a security drill, taking roster and leading personnel from life boat to the designated citadel, and gave briefing on the protocol.
  • It is discussed what level of involvement the METS should have with ship emergency response team, but no final decision is made.

Special projects

  • Due to cold weather condition, the catwalk wall was erected during EXP372. PVC curtains were purchased in Lyttelton prior to the departure. Several metal pad eyes were welded on the bulkhead for overhead 2x4. We then secure the curtains to these 2x4. The curtains come with siding and zippers, which made it easier for personnel to pass through. Also these PVC curtains are transparent, which allows light to come in. These curtains were taken down at the end of the cruise, washed and dried. They are stored in the 2nd bat cave over the stair from TBULK to LTIT.
  • Eight storage cubes were created in the recess bookshelves in the hallway by PMAG labs. These cubes are mainly for the Paleontologists, as there is no drawer space in the microscope lab.
  • A hand held XRF was brought by one of the co-chief. It was heavily used during the expedition. It took a fall on Feb 5th. After communicated with the vendor, we determined that it is not operable. It was sent back to its owner the day after we arrived back to Lyttelton.
  • Celebrated Chinese new year, year of the Dog, with dragon dancers running through the galley and lab space

operation dates


  • Port : Lyttelton, New Zealand
  • Crew change: January 4, 2018
  • Depart: January 8, 2018


  • Port: Lyttelton, New Zealand till March 7
  • Port: Timaru, New Zealand
  • Crew Change: March 8, 2018

Assistant Lab Officer

Heather Barnes and Margaret Hastedt


Expedition 374 began in Lyttelton, NZ and ended in Lyttelton, NZ. This expedition was cut short due to a mechanical issue. There were no major changes in the labs. All freight was offloaded before oncoming crew change on March 8th.


  • Drawers were cleaned out in the UTS to make room for more IODPS items. Temporary labels are attached pending input from oncoming ALOs.
  • Miscellaneous freezer dryer parts were scavenged by the Chemistry and XRD techs for their labs, the remainder will shipped back to IODP. A few O-rings were saved as 'might need'; these are in the Blue cabinet in UTS – no inventory number for these.
  • Assorted UTS light bulbs were inventoried by the ET and we actually use them all. They were consolidated and moved to the Blue Vidmar in the forward starboard corner.
  • Received email regarding Sch. B/Export Control number requests – We were asked to email export@iodp.tamu.edu rather than LeRoy directly.
  • Edited the ALO shipping User Guide, added Gas Bottle editing.
  • Completed Gas Bottle inventory
  • All Batteries moved to BLO drawer
  • Old Munsell books from Core lab (pre 2004) were put out for scavengers. Those books have expired (Munsell says to replace every two years).
  • At the beginning of the cruise we had issues with AMS 'location' for oncoming freight as being "2SHP", keep your eye on it.
  • We received large quantity hydrofluoric acid in the shipment based on the request from 2 sailing Palynologists. However, the shipping document do not reflect the actual package of the chemicals. It created confusion. We had to open all the boxes and physically verified contents and quantity of the shipment. An email was sent to logistics group to clarify the situation. These HF bottles are now placed in the storage cabinet under the HF hood.

Special projects

  • Baskets made for the core splitter (each end). The saw produces a substantial amount of micro plastics. These baskets prevent some of the plastics from going overboard. They also help prevent the drain from clogging with sediment.
  • Replumbing of the Coffee Machine area on Bridge. A step-by-step guide was made for cleaning the coffee machine.


  • Offgoing
  • Air Freight to IODP (RAF) 1 x Cardboard Kbox
  • Express Boxes to IODP (EXP)
  • Foreign Air Freight (FAF)
  • Surface freight to IODP (SURF) 1 x dry 20ft container
  • 1 x 40ft Core Reefer, Cores from EXP375 will remain onboard
  • 10 Frozen and Refrigerated World Courier


Gary Acton


We took advantage of the extra time in port to do a thorough cleaning of the core lab, including going through all the drawers and organizing the contents, along with a considerable amount of discarding of never-used obsolete items. Numerous old Munsell charts with incomplete color pages were surplused.

Individual Systems

New Cubbies

Etienne Claassen used his carpentry skills to build new cubbies for the scientists. These are located along the hallway just past the paleomagnetism lab on the way to the hotel stack (Figure 1).

Figure 1: New cubbies.

Scrubbed and polished aluminum rulers

Kudos to Edwin Garrett for scrubbing and polishing the metal rulers. They have never looked so good, except maybe when they were freshly removed from their new packaging. (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Polished rulers.

Plastic fiber filters installed for core-splitter

Metal trays were installed on both ends of the core-splitting table to prevent plastic fiber pieces from going into the drain (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Plastic fiber filter is shown for one end of the core-splitting table.

core description

Rachael Gray


Expedition 374 was a sediment expedition, with nine sedimentologists and seven paleontologists, specializing in diatoms, radiolarians, benthic and planktonic forams, and palynology (staff scientist Denise Kulhanek also described calcareous nannofossils). The coring portion of the expedition was truncated due to ship's mechanical problems. During the ship's extra time in Lyttelton technicians were encouraged to perform maintenance, cross-training and document reviews. All documents in the Core Description subfolder of the IODP Technical Manual directory were reviewed (with the exception of those in the Imaging folder, which will be reviewed by the imaging specialist) and the Core Description SOP document was reviewed and updated.



The latest DESClogik version is One small issue occurred during training activities: when creating a DESCLogik export to use for the Thin Section Report Builder, the Excel file generated would sometimes be very large (~500kb) and cause the TSR Builder to hang during import. Tim Blaisdell made a change so that the Excel exports are consistently smaller (~15kb) and can be imported to TSR Builder without difficulty.
I trained Alexis Armstrong and Heather Barnes on DESCLogik technician duties.
A training curriculum is created for future training, see below
Practice scenario is created for each module, please see V:\IODP_Share\ALL things DESClogik
Module 1: Overview of DESCLogik (30 mins)
Introduction to scope and purpose of program, terminology and structure of data.
Module 2: Building a Template (60 mins)
How to create a spec sheet, edit a config sheet, and import as a new template.
Module 3: Data Entry and Retrieval (30 mins)
How to enter information into a template, see what you and others have entered, and teach the scientists to do it.
Module 4: Changes to Templates (30 mins)
How to make changes to a template during an expedition.
Module 5: Troubleshooting (30 mins)
Common problems and how to fix them.
Module 6: End of Expedition (15 mins)
How to export data at the end of the expedition.
Module 7: Thin Section Report Builder and Writer (45 mins)
How to integrate DESCLogik data into the TSR programs and build thin section reports.

Paleontology wet LAB

Drawers in the paleontology lab were cleaned and reorganized. Some obsolete or broken items, most notably an old vacuum filtration system, were thrown away.

Thin Section Report Builder and Writer

The sedimentologists only took a small number of thin sections for basic identification purposes, so thin section reports were not generated. These programs were used for training purposes and some small updates made to the Quick Start Guide.

Data Backup

  • All DESClogik data was exported to Excel and saved on a hole-by-hole and template-by-template basis to data1/10.1 Core description, and copied to Uservol.
  • All smear slide sheets and paper descriptive log sheets were scanned and saved to data1/10.1 Core description.
  • In order to sync all Google value lists on ship/shore all current value lists (main and sub), were copied from "All things DESC" on IODP Share to data1/10.1 Core description.
  • DESC data was backed up at the official "End of Expedition" around 22 February; however, the scientists who stayed behind have continued to make changes to core descriptions, so a second backup will be performed when these changes have been finished.


Sherry Frazier, Margaret Hastedt, Zenon Mateo


During Expedition 374 the WRMSL was used regularly, the STMSL was not used. Expedition 374 saw issues with the NGR. The bias cable of detector #8 came loose. This was undetected until the first section was measured and no counts were being recorded for it. The problem was identified, a new background measured and data was reprocessed. TCON was used regularly without issue. MAD pyncnometer had some initial issues with #3 & #5 cells in processing times and pressure. Adjustments were made and MAD station was used regularly without further issues. Section Half Multi-Sensor Logger performed well for the duration of the expedition, with no major issues. There were minor issues corrected with routine maintenance.
Exp. 374 drilling/sampling was terminated 2/8/2018 prematurely due to mechanical problems.

Individual Measurement Systems

Whole Round MultiSensor Logger (WRMSl)

WRMSL was used regularly during this expedition, primarily without the P-Wave due to sediment conditions.

Technical Service

  • The custom-made drip-tray for the PWL was installed during port-call.
  • Routine maintenance was preformed regularly, transducers buffed and cleaned, fresh couplant applied as needed.

Special Track Multisensor Logger (STMSL)

The STMSL was not used during this expedition.

Issues and NOTES

  • The custom-made drip-tray for the PWL was installed during port-call.

Technical Service

  • A shore-spare Digibase (#83852) amplifier for the GRA was installed to replace the one broken during the previous expedition. In the process, the two spare digiBASE pre-amplifier/multi-channel analyzers (11241116 and 53703) were also tested with the help of David Fackler. Using both IMS and Maestro and a counting time of 3 seconds, channels 0 to 1023 showed approcximately 80 counts per channel, but without an identifiable Cesium peak centered around channel 460. These two units were therefore sent to D. Houpt thru the express box during portcall, either for refurbishment or replacement.

Figure 1: Spectral profile of the new STMSL-GRA detector with digiBASE 83852, showing the Cesium-137 peak centered around channel 460. The GRA Utility of IMS 3.10 was used for this measurement.

  • After installing the new GRA detector, calibration was attempted but initially failed due to incorrect measuring position of the telescoping aluminum rod. Re-measurement of the top-of-section switch was also unsuccessful as it could not detet the leading edge of the pusher (it consistently stops in the middle of the pusher at 155cm). Comparison with the WRMSL indicated that this "Find top-of-section switch" routine is supposed to quickly move the pusher to 155 cm, and then slow down until the switch detects the leading edge of the pusher. However, in the post-rebuild state of the STMSL, the distance between the pusher and top-of-section swtich was only 150 cm. Aside from not allowing the top-of-section switch to be properly measured, normal core section would also be hardly accommodated. To solve this issue, the entire actuator was loosened and move about 10 cm to the starboard side. Once this was done, all normal routine processes were successfully performed.
  • Transducer acrylic wear faces buffed and cleaned, fresh couplant applied.

Natural Gamma Radiation (NGR)

The NGR was used throughout the expedition.

Problems and Notes

  • On a couple of occasions during the previous expedition (372), the coincidence and NaI total counts displayed in the electronics cabinet were hovering around the upper limit (1000 counts for the NaI detectors). Upon disconnecting the anode cable for detector #3, the counts normalized. Further testing of this cable revealed that the BNC connector under the pre-amplifier must have been worn out as the counts reverted to normal range after a new BNC connector was installed.
  • During the transit to the first site, the bias cable of detector #8 came loose. This was undetected until the first section was measured and no counts were being recorded by detector 8. The initial background measurement was done without having detector 8 online. As a result, core section offsets 0 and 10 cm had extreme edge corrections for all cores on the first site (artificially high counts per second).  A second background was measured by all detectors at essentially the same lat/long after all cores were run through. All the data from this site was reprocessed using the offline NGRMasterTest utility.
  • Cooling fans had issues. Certain fans temporarily stopped working on the starboard rack, and the electronics started overheating/alarming during a short period when the A/C was down. Etienne taped the ceiling vent to direct more air flow into the electronics, the fans resumed working and it has since maintained temperature.

Technical Service

Energy Calibration and background checks were conducted as needed.

Thermal Conductivity (TCON)

TCON was used regularly during this expedition.


  • Thermal TKON internal switch was off, not sure how that happened. Issue quickly resolved but it may be something to watch for in the future.  Symptom:  power light illuminated but nothing shows on the instrument's display.
  • Small puck (51011) not working (01/17). Ettiene tested and it shows resistence, but does not measure. Appears to have been dropped, as the puck's wire channel appears cracked/shattered. We requested the purchase of a new probe, in ship REQ#6

Velocity Gantry

The Velocity Gantry system was used to measure the X axis velocities of section halves. New software interface was easy to follow, but no instructions left for calibration procedure. Regular calibrations and maintenance performed.

Notes and Problems

  • After a measurement, the method or type button in the middle remains active (i.e., selected). If unclicked by the user, the transducer continues to transmit and tends to get warm. May need to include in the code an automatic de-select button and stop measurement command in the code.
  • There is no calibration procedure on User Guide for new version.
  • Calibration guide written by S. Frazier to be reviewed.
  • User Guide needs to be updated.

Moisture and Density (MAD)

The MAD station ran successfully and no major issues were reported.


  • At the end of Exp372, it was reported that pycnometer cell #3 was exhibiting erratic status, initially diagnosed as due to possibly leakage. However, subsequent test runs during port-call (06/118) didn't show any abnormal results. We will continue to monitor this cell during the expedition.
  • In the process of troubleshooting cell #3, it was noticed that (a) the inlet gas pressure was set to ~23 psi, and (b) visual observation of the pressure profiles of all cells during calibration and volume verification procedures indicated that pycnometer cell#5 would finish about 45 seconds earlier than the rest. It was found out that each step of the measurement, especially the injection of gas, is programmatically terminated either (1) after ~30 seconds, or (2) if the pressure goes above 18 psi (if it reaches 22 psi, then the process is automatically ended). Subsequent run verified that the faster processing time of cell #5 was due to the inlet pressure reaching 18 psi before the 30 second time limit.

Technical Service

  • Cleaning and calibration were performed throughout the expedition. The standard Sphere_10 was measured as a sample throughout the expedition.

Shear Strength Station

Shear strength measurements were conducted with the Torvane during this expedition.

Section Half Multisensor Logger (SHMSL)

The SHMSL ran successfully throughout the expedition, with MS point and color spectrometry measurements taken on archive section halves. Bulb changed on halogen light source.

Issues and Observations

  • Shutter stopped working on halogen light source, would not open. Temporarily put on spare halogen light source part , gave malfunctioning one to ET to repair (01/17). Repaired unit put back into service on the track.
  • No power to limit switch (01/17) due to dislodged cable.

Section Half image logger (SHIL)

The SHIL was used to image section halves. No issues reported.

Whole Round image logger (WRIL)

The WRIL was not used during this expedition.


To Shore

  • GRA DigiBASE 11241116 and 53703 sent back to D. Houpt via express box for either repair or replacement (2018 Jan).

From Shore

  • Received on 2018-01-06 a spare pycnometer cell labelled (temporarily by a black marker) #5. As of 2018-01-07, it is kept in the PP2-G drawer.


Technicians: Edwin Garrett, Gary Acton, Maggie Hastedt
Scientists: Saiko Sugisaki, Tim van Peer


Several issues related to the configuration, operation, and performance of the Superconducting Rock Magnetometer (SRM) were noted and addressed during the expedition. Several previously unknown sources of external electromagnetic noise (EMN) were identified, along with unexpected pathways for EMN to enter the sensor region and cause flux jumps. We were able to remove the sources of flux jumps, the majority of which were cellular, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi devices, and to shield pathways (cables) into the SRM.
The Kappabridge susceptibility instrument was used heavily. Both anisotropy and bulk susceptibility measurements were made for all discrete samples (671 in total). This provided a good test for the new Kappabridge uploader (MUT), which performed well. The spinner magnetometer was just returned from refurbishing, but it was not used. The Icefield tools returned from repair were deployed. The results from these are inconclusive owing to the high latitudes of the sites and less than ideal lithologies recovered for paleomagnetic study.


  • Trapped a Low Field in the SRM: During the previous expedition, the SRM was powered off for an extended time. Thus, it warmed and lost the low (or "null") field that is trapped in the sensor region. The SRM was cooled to superconducting temperature later on Expedition 371 but the field trapped at sea during that expedition was larger than acceptable. We trapped a low field during the more stable conditions while at the pier at port call (Figure 1). We reviewed the videos Margaret made when Bill Goodman trapped a field in the SRM after it was delivered to IODP. It was a helpful to review the process and watch the videos: .

Figure 1. The low-field trapped is shown on the readout of the flux-gate magnetometer.

  • Established the SRM Response Function Lengths: Multiple small (point) dipoles were measured at 1-5 mm resolution as they passed through the sensor region in order to confirm the response function lengths (RFLs). The RFLs are then computed by integrating under the Gaussian- or sombrero-shaped curves, using the integration function in KaleidaGraph, which subtracts for the negative side-lobes of sombrero-shaped curves. The dipoles were made of small (1-10 mm long) pieces of paper clip or strips of magnetic recording tape, which were affixed to the inside of plastic cubes. The cubes were then given an IRM using the ASC pulse magnetizer. The AGICO calibration standard (20 x 20 x 20 mm3) for the JR-6A Spinner was also used in some of these experiments to compare with prior experiments made in Shanghai and on Expedition 372. In addition, we rely heavily on results from experiments done at the Hobart port call (28-29 September 2017) by Oda and Xuan (2017) using a ~1-mm long dipole measured every 5 mm. The dipole is embedded in a 5 mm x 5 mm x 5 mm cube that can be placed in multiple Figure 2. The Oda plastic jig used for positioning a small dipole in different positions relative to the axis of the SRM sensors.positions in a plastic jig (Figure 2).

Determining precise RFLs proved to be difficult because these lengths are sensitive to the size of the dipole used and to the radial position of the dipole relative to the axis of the SRM sensors. The latter is the more significant factor. Values determined when the source was centered have been typically used, although by far the most commonly measured samples (split-core sections) sit in the lower half of the sensor region. Ideally the RFLs would be computed from the integrated response for a split-core, whole-core, or any other shape of long sample. The method used by Oda and Xuan (2017) makes it possible to map out the response for samples that reside at 19 different positions relative to the axis of the sensors (Figure X). While integrated responses could be computed from subsets of these for long samples with different cross-sectional shapes, it is not clear that such a computation would provide an improved estimate of the true RFLs over simply taking the RFLs computed for the central point dipole. Many sources of uncertainties occur in the measurements, including how precisely the dipole is oriented along each of the axes during the measurements, how well the off-axis terms are constrained, e.g., what is the significance of the X-axis and the Y-axis moments measured when the dipole is oriented along the Z axis, how well using 19 or fewer positions fully represent the integrated response of different shaped objects, noise during measurements, small positioning (~1 to 2 mm) errors during measurement, and others. If one had a thin slice (<5 mm) of homogenously magnetized material with a known magnetization, which could be cut or molded into a variety of shapes, and could be magnetized in any direction, the response functions could undoubtedly be improved. Until then or until there is an improved methodology for computing the response functions, we prefer to use the method that has been in effect for past IODP SRMs and is also used at other labs, which is to use results from a sample relatively well centered in the sensor region.
Based on such measurements (Table 1), we set the RFLs to:
X-axis = 7.3 cm
Y-axis = 7.3 cm
Z-axis = 9.0 cm
Differences in the RFLs for the X-axis and Y-axis noted in the past have generally been <0.05 cm, with one axis or the other, being slightly larger or smaller. These appear to be random variations rather than real difference. Because of this, we round them off to the nearest equal value, which sets them both to 7.3 cm. Random errors in the RFLs are about ±0.1 cm. Systematic errors in the RFLs, mainly related to factors like the shape, position, and precise orientation of the dipole source, are probably about ±0.5 cm.

Tests were also conducted on the positioning of samples in the SRM by the IMS software. IMS v9.X was used during the cruise and the beta version (IMS v10.1) was tested. We were able to position samples to within about ±2 mm of the expected position with IMS v9.X, but had difficulty with changing the value of the home offset in version 10.1. This will need to be fixed before the new version of IMS is used.

  • Shortened the Cable for the SRM Boat: The rope for the SRM boat had stretched to the point that there was little play left at the pulley, making it impossible to tighten the rope (cable) sufficient. The rope was shortened and the tension adjusted.
  • Sources of Flux Jumps: At the beginning of the expedition, the cryomag was experiencing many flux jumps, sometimes dozens per minute. The most were on the X and Z axis, but Y also had them. Physical cleaning, using anti-static spray, and demagging the boat did not help. Eventually we found that cellular devices near the open end of the cryo were causing the problems. Even with no cell phones around we still had intermittent problems and discovered the laptop used for XRF analysis was causing the issue, probably because it was using older wireless technology. So its wireless function was turned off and it was hard wired to the JR network.
  • Kappabridge: The Kappabridge was used heavily by the scientific party, however there were some issues with the Kappabridge program and the new Kappabridge MUT database upload program. The Kappabridge DOS program called SUFAR saves a record of the measurement for each sample in a data file, with multiple sample records in a typical output file. Occasionally SUFAR would truncate a data record for a sample, resulting in a file good data records and one or more truncated records. Truncated records caused the upload program to either fail completely or not upload any data after the bad record. One way the truncation appears to occur is if SUFAR is closed or quit abruptly. Otherwise, the occurrence of the truncation seems somewhat random. Bad files were fixed by saving the non-truncated data lines into separate files and then repairing the truncated file if possible or rerunning samples with truncated records. Other files that did not upload had sample names with an extra letter in them from inadvertent data entry errors.
  • Core Orientation: Icefield tools were used for orientation in order to compare data and hopefully determine if the problems with the declination data offsets has been resolved or not. Unfortunately, the high latitude of the sites on Expedition 374 and Antarctica position near the South Pole over the past 20 m.y. results in both a steep ambient magnetic field and a steep paleomagnetic direction. Even small errors in determining the direction of the field result in large changes in the declination. Thus, the results from the Icefield are inconclusive as discussed in the Paleomagnetism Method section of the Expedition 374 Proceedings. A table with the results is provided there.
  • JR-6A Spinner: One JR-6A spinner magnetometer was returned from refurbishing and the other was sent away to undergo the same refurbishment. The spinner was nominally tested, but was not used by the scientific party as they chose to use the SRM discrete boat.
  • Dtech Degausser: The Dtech degausser functioned properly but was not used.
  • New Plastic Cube Holders: Etienne and Zenon made some plastic holders for the Japanese cubes. These are new holders designed to be placed in the square sample holders that are part of the existing discrete tray measurement squares. The Japanese cubes then fit tightly inside the new holders.
  • IMS 10.1: The new version of the cryomag software was tested but not implemented this expedition. The main issue found was the different home location from version 9.2, it was 1cm further from the limit switch than 9.2. Changing the Offset value in the software had no effect on the home position, but entering a value of 3.0 was the only way to get an accurate position (tested using a point source and 0.5 cm resolution). Another minor bug was that the motion utility would regularly crash when launched, but would work the second time you launched it.
  • Cryomag Slideway: During the expedition we noticed the cryomag boat was tilting to the side somewhat as it passed through the front shielding. We removed the front shield and found that the brass screws connecting the front slideway were not inset far enough and could deflect the boat as it passed over. The ET increased the inset and added some epoxy to create a smooth and tight join.
  • Pmag Documents: Pmag laboratory documents and quick start guides were reviewed and some minor changes were made.


Zenon Mateo


Expedition 374 is the second expedition to the Ross Sea in the history of scientific ocean drilling. As such, logging was scheduled for every site occupied. VSP/checkshot surveys were also critical in calibrating or converting the multitude of single and multi-channel seismic profiles collected across the basin.



Passes (mbrf)



Run #1 (Triple Combo): MSS/HRLA/HLDS/APS/ILEF/HNGS/EDTC-LEHQT with 2 MCD centralizers

D: 3031.2 – 3781.2
R: 3781 – 3630.8
M: 3781 – 3067.4


Run #2: FMS/DTA/MCD/DSI/MCD/HNGS/EDTC-LEHQT with 2 MCD centralizers

D: 528.1 – 1222.1
U1: 1220.7 – 674.4
U2: 1220.7 – 561



1221.2 to 662.8

16 levels


Run #1: MSS/DSI/HRLA/HLDS-no source/HNGS/EDTC/LEHQT includes 2 centralizers

D: 512.1 – 1218.6
R: 1218.4 – 1082.2
M: 1218.4 – 560.2



867.4 - 664

8 levels


D: 544.1 – 764.6
U1: 763.5 – 670.6
U2: 761.2 – 561.6



Run #1: MSS/DSI/HRLA/HLDS-no source/HNGS/EDTC/LEHQT includes 2 centralizers

D: 775 – 1132.5
R: 1131.6 – 996.8
M: 1127 – 830.8


Run #2: FMS-HNGS

D: 811.5 – 1132.5
U1: 1127 – 932.1
U2: 1127 – 830.6




During the coring operation, core physical property and lithologic data were imported into Petrel and plotted against the primary seismic lines using the initial stacking velocity TDR model. As the coring progressed, a secondary model using the PWC data was continuously calculated and applied. Plots were sent to the logging scientists and co-chief and also displayed in the core laboratory (as per co-chief L. De Santis' request) to provide a 2D geometrical framework for scientists and reference for operation decisions.

*Figure 1: Sites occupied during Expedition 374. Also plotted are the single and multi-channel seismic reflections profiles loaded in Petrel. Relief bathymetry from http://www.marine-geo.org/tools/GMRTMapTool/sp/*

  • Raw and processed logging data from the highlighted passes in the summary table above were uploaded into Petrel, plotted and also displayed in the Core Lab. With the availability of checkshot data, the sonic data were also calibrated using the Seismic well tie module of Petrel. Preliminary synthetic seismograms were also generated to refine the time-depth relationship. In U1521A, G. Acton generated a synthetic seismogram using his own software. The very high recovery for Hole U1524A also enabled generating an accurate synthetic seismogram using despiked and smoothed PWL and GRA data, although the combination of PWC and MAD-density data improved the accuracy of reflector amplitudes. These, albeit preliminary, synthetic seismograms provided alternative or more accurate time-depth relationship (TDR) models for the core-log-seismic integration and interpretation.
  • For the VSI survey, water column velocity was from actual sonic measurements by the R/V OGS Explora in 2017. An SST and SSS was still collected prior to the survey in U1521A for use with empirical formula by Del Grosso, which provided an average velocity of 1460 m/s or 10 m/s higher than actual water column sonic velocity measurements.
  • Formation temperature were collected in the following holes and depths. Heat flow and crustal ages were calculated using the Excel workbook modified from Pribnow et al. (2000).



Measurement depths (mbsf)



51.5, 80, 108.5, 137





Checkshot datuming and correction

  • A diagram modified from the Schlumberger VSI report was drafted as a reference for the checkshot datum used, and potentially helpful in the basic understanding and subsequent travel time calculations.
  • The file resides in IODP_Share\Logging\ folder. Note that the rig floor elevation, hydrophone offset and water velocity vary per site.
  • Conversion of transit time (TT) from hydrophone to two-way time (TWT) corrected to SRD (TWT-SRD corrected) is simply a geometric calculation, but can be 2 ms faster than official values from SLB.

TDR modeling workflow and accuracy

  • Below is a simplified diagram illustrating the workflow in creating different TDR models for an expedition. The stacking velocity is provided pre-cruise and serve as an initial guide for the coring plan. As cores are retrieved and P-wave velocities are measured, either by PWL or PWC, alternative models can be presented for comparison. The downhole sonic raw SVEL or processed VCO data provide a more in-situ estimate. If checkshots are collected, the SRD-corrected transit times may be use as an independent TDR model. However, the higher resolution sonic log is more preferable if it is corrected with the checkshot data. Final verification will be made with the generation of synthetic seismograms with various wavelet inputs. Analytical wavelets commonly use the Ricker wave and extracted wavelet is from the actual seismic profile. If properly adjusted using other waveform parameters, the seismogram should provide the most accurate TDR model.

The graphs below illustrate the precision and resolution of the various TDR models that can be constructed. In this presentation, the TDR output of the synthetic seismogram modeling would be similar to that of the calibrated DTCO, but with small refinements for some reflectors to match with the reflection seismic profile. Note the differing accuracy between the stacking and PWC velocity models relative to the checkshot and calibrated DTCO. Despite this, the stacking and PWC TDR models can potentially bracket the range of possible time-depth relationships, especially in boreholes where no downhole logging is conducted. A choice can be made by plotting other petrophysical data against the seismic profile vis-à-vis seismic stratigraphic interpretations.

data backups

Logging data files and Petrel Project files for Expedition 374 were copied to: \\JR1\DATA\data1\27.1 Logging and also at S:\Uservol\Downhole_Logging. Petrel projects files (~53 GB total) are backed-up in the logging external drive; L. De Santis also has a copy.


William Crawford


The Expedition was characterized by two 8 day transits and unfortunate mechanical problems which caused the time on site to be cut short The recovery on the sites we did core were excellent with the exception of some ruble which proved hard enough and time consuming to drill.

Still Cameras

  • With the Canon 1DS X having failed on Exp 369 the photographs were taken with the backup camera and the images were fine.
  • I brought a personal DJI Phantom 4 pro drone with a special viewing system with me in hopes of capturing images of the JOIDES Resolution with sea ice or icebergs. We met up with the Palmer, an icebreaker ship which led us through the sea ice. The ice was thin and we were through it in a short time.
  • Once there the drill sites were free of ice. The drone was launched successfully on a dead calm day with the glass-like sea conditions. The angle of the light and the setting of the sea made for spectacular images which I expect to be used many times in reports.
  • It was also the 50th year for Ocean Drilling and the 60 years for significant Antarctic Science. It was decided to photograph the traditional group photo on the heli-deck with the drone and then later those who wanted make a large 50 and a large 60 out of people standing on the deck to symbolize the significance of those dates.

Video Camera

No video equipment was used other than a few pieces typically borrowed by the Educational Officers

Epson printer

  • The Epson Printer performed well and as we had passed the Antarctic Circle and crossed the International Date line, several certificates were to be printed for the entire crew. This was printed on parchment paper and the results were great.
  • All of the group photos were printed on standard 8.5x11 at the request of the Lab Officer. The only other change to the printer was the standard replacement of ink cartridges and the waste ink container.

Close-up Imaging

The close-up station worked without flaw using the original Phase One Capture One program. There were many close-up request and the work station was busying most days.

Petrographic Image Capture and Archiving Tool (PICAT)

The PICAT was used lightly as this was mostly a sediment expedition. I want to take this opportunity to thank Tim Blaisdale for solving a small glitch in the software which had been avoiding solving for years. The issue was the cueing of images in the image capture program. Once the problem was explained, Tim solved this elusive problem in less than 30 minutes. He certainly knows his trade. Thank you Tim!

section half image logger

  • The Section Half Imaging Logger worked very well this time and did not need adjustment other than tweaking from time to time. The largest problem is the Green Flash, which occurs every time the machine sits for a period of time unused. The work around is to image something and then discard that image. The next image will be fine. The frequency of the Green Flash was greater but the intensity was less.
  • Other than the green flash, after calibration during the extended transit, the. track did not drift and performed very well with the exception of the mounting for the lights allowed the array to move out of adjustment.

Other duties

  • Normal duties including the images sent to shore and identifying those in the image and suggestions for cut-lines were done weekly.
  • Helping the Education and Outreach Officers were requested time to time with still, video and live demonstrations for live broadcast.
  • Normal duties of photographing groups and printing of those groups were completed without issue.

Shipped to Shore

Nothing from Imaging is being shipped to shore. There were discussions to ship one of the stereo

Image Summary

LSIMG 1240 Core Sections
Close-up 93
Micrographs 686
Thin Section 14
Still Images 102 Gb (including edited and Raw)
Video 0
SEM 0 uploaded


  • The microscopes were cleaned, configured and adjusted during the transit. The systems and the cameras worked well.
  • The mbio microscope was moved from the chemistry lab for use. The microscopes were configured for use with many of the scientist wanting and needing X/Y stages. We had in storage and in use a total of 4 of these types of stages. One of which does not fit the modern style scopes. One of the stages was mounted and the one of the remaining two showed enough wear as was too loose to use.
  • A new Zeiss V8 arrived and it was assembled and placed into use. Two of the stereo microscopes were removed to give more counter space.
  • After all of the configurations and moving, every one of the scientist had their own scope more or less.
  • Tim Blaisedale installed config files to match the type of scope temporarily assigned to a specific computer and work space. (The config files must match the optics for the scope in use)
  • At the time of this report, progress is being made on ordering color temperature adjustment filters, the possibility of new X/Y stages and new Quartz Wave Plates.


  • The SEM was heavily used with great results. I was pretty hands off with Racheal taking the lead. I was not aware of any large issues other than the frustration with the chunkiness of the method of uploading the images.
  • As of writing this report, none of the SEM images has been uploaded to LIMS. The scientist was errant in competing the steps needed to place the images in the data base.
  • This was not discovered until those who can identify the photographs had left the ship.
  • The images were placed in Data 1.

Other issues

  • Imaging Specialist download and check many images several times a day for quality purposes. There are several methods to do this. One being a down loaded called Image Grabber. I personally did not use this as it had no or limited ways of selecting dates or ranges. This method had the user download the entire collection every time.
  • Once again, my hero just this Expedition was again Tim Blaisdale. Once the issue was explained he quickly modified the program to include many methods of tweaking what specific images you wish to download.
  • Once again, a problem causing inefficiencies for years was solved by Tim Blaisdale.
  • The Still Imaging computer's cables were rerouted and cleaned up. All in all, the new computers work very well and appear to be much faster.

Chemistry Lab

Eric Moortgat & Vincent Percuoco


IWs taken




IW ICP/sediment ICP




Coulometer & CHNS




Individual Measurement Systems


The ampoule sealer was not used.


The glass window 'lifter' on the Cahn broke and was repaired. There have been no updates to the completion of the new Cahn balance software.
There were no issues with the Mettler balances.

Carver Presses

There were no major issues with the Carvers/motorpacks aside from the habitual leaking of oil around the base of the middle piston. This piston was rebuilt at the EOX.

Cary Spectrophotometer

  • The spectrophotometer was used to measure ammonium and silica concentrations in the porewaters. Silica concentrations (Silicic acid) closely match those measured by ICP (total Si). It is recommended to communicate with sailing geochemists that these techniques provide essentially duplicate data, in case porewater recovery is poor or time needs to be saved.
  • The read delay on the sipper was increased from 5 to 30 seconds for better repeatability.
  • A standard excel program was created to help maintain analysis consistency between runs & expeditions, with the hope that we may be able to perform better QA/QC in the future. The program is stored on the SPEC host computer desktop. It is intuitive, the user only needs to type in the sample names and absorbances output by Advanced Reads, and copy/paste a curatorial report. The program provides, among other things, data displayed in charts, statistical analysis of the calibration curve, the option for the user to select or deselect samples/standards, and conversion into spreadsheet uploader format.
  • Finally, the poor precision we traditionally have encountered with the ammonium analysis was investigated towards the end of cruise. The problem arises from the density and miscibility differences between the rinse solution and the sample, since a sample aliquot contains a portion of ethanol (less dense than water) and phenol (less miscible). The water rinse adequately flushes the cuvette of sample, but an incoming sample does not adequately flush the cuvette of the previous water rinse. Instead, within the cuvette the sample 'floats' atop water, partly flushes, and mixes with the remainder. This behavior is easily seen if you squeeze a drop of a prepared sample into a beaker of water. We varied the rinse solution with different ratios of water:ethanol but one of two things occur:1. Using a less dense rinse solution: The sample precision is really good, but sample carryover is significant. (RSD < 0.3%, n=10) 2. Using a more dense rinse solution: The rinse carryover is significant and, as a result, the sample precision is poor. (RSD >5%, n=10)
  • Further testing should be done on subsequent expeditions. Specifically, try using the same reagent mixture for the rinse as is used for the sample (Phenol/Ethanol + Oxidizing Solution + Water + Sodium Nitroprusside). The density and miscibility should be identical. Therefore, the cuvette should flush more efficiently which providing better precision. The default rinse time we use is the maximum rinse time the Cary Autosampler can do, so we cannot simply rinse longer.


Total nitrogen and carbon were measured on the EA. The Buffalo River Sediment calibration standard was used.


There were no issues with the coulometer.


There were two times that the compressor could not hold temperature (-56°C) with the alarm sounding on both occurrences. After the second time, the unit was shut down for about a week and it was looked at by our ET. Nothing was obvious and it was turned on and appears to be working okay. It was mentioned that sometimes the compressors get 'blockages' and shutting them down for a period of time can clear these blockages (ice accumulation?).
The Labconco vacuum pump was also observed to be leaking. It was replaced with a Welch pump. One of the gaskets was replaced on the Labconco pump at the EOX and was moved to the DHML as a spare.
New oil mist filters were requested.

Fume hoods

There were no issues with the any of the fume hoods.

Gas Lines/manifold

There were no issues with the gas system aside from 5735 crashes of the Gas Data Collector.


There were no issues with GC3 nor NGA.

Hydrogen generators

No issues with the hydrogen generators.


  • The detector that was having issues during Exp369 started to exhibit similar behavior (random CD fluctuations) but this time the behavior was different in that after the fluctuations, the CD flatlined (no response at all). Since this was occurring on the anion side, it was decided to switch it over to the cation side so at least we would get anion data whilst troubleshooting. A new detector was requisitioned, just in case. The behavior started to become random…erratic CD response intermixed with flatlines. After a while, the response returned to normal…standard peak integrations. It may have been that an air bubble got stuck in the detector. It can be cleared out by detaching the line from the column to the detector (column side) and pumping nanopure water through with a small syringe.
  • The suppressor was cleaned and 20mM Oxalic acid through the system, to flush any possible iron contaminants. The autosampler ultrafiltration holder was also cleaned (ethanol).


  • There were no issues with the ICP. It produced great results for both pore water and sediments.
  • We performed an extensive test of combusted and non-combusted sediments at the beginning of the cruise and found there to be no apparent value in using combusted powders over non-combusted sediments. In addition, the certifications for the reference materials are not valid if the standard has been combusted. Therefore, it was decided to perform our ICP analysis using sediments/standards that were freeze-dried, crushed, and homogenized, then fluxed. We believe this a more efficient ICP workflow because it removes the LOI step. But this is probably something that should be discussed in the next chemistry lab working group meeting.
  • We created and tested a new program in Excel to make it easier to display data in tabular format, graph data, and convert data into spreadsheet uploader format. It is similar to the ICP Data Reduction Program used with the previous ICP. It will be stored on the ICP host PC, the technician's/scientists computers and on IODP share.


The GC Sampler 80 (S/N CH00264637) was installed on the GC2-PFT for configuration. Many attempts were made to get this sampler configured, including tickets with Agilent, but no headway was made. The error "EXCEPTION 016" would appear on the terminal window after any sort of comms were initiated. It was decided to take the GC Sampler 80 from the NGA (S/N CH00264634) and install it on the GC2-PFT and see if this unit fared better luck. It was a battle with this unit as well. We did not see the "EXCEPTION 016" errors upon any comms initiations but the sequencing still would not work. Another ticket was initiated with Agilent (SR8101719372) and this was turning into a futile exercise with their technical support person. Numerous WebEx meetings were held, sometimes they ended up leaving the system in a worse state than before we started.
The commonality of these exercises was the PAL module error: Validation of PAL method failed: Atom.index:=1 SL.OVL.ResourceIndex is not a good parameter.
Agilent sent us a new firmware update (G6501B_4-3-0_Agilent_E.SSS) and this was installed using PAL Loader. I also decided to switch from IP to RS-232 communication to the GC Sampler80. After these changes, running sequence tables started to work. ¿
Method : 374_28Jan2018.m
Sequence : 374_28Jan2018.s
During the transit, the GC Sampler 80 (S/N CH00264637), that was giving the "EXCEPTION 016" errors, was connected to the NGA system, the firmware was updated, as will be available as a spare to the GC-PFT system.
The Gerstel autosmpler is being sent home (surplus?).
The laminar flow hood in the MBIO Cold Room was used for subsampling.


There were no issues with the optical refractometer.


The SRA was not used.


There were no issues with any of the pipettors.



There were no issues with the alkalinity titration system.


The chloride titration system was not used.


Was not used.

Water system

One of the pressure gauge tube press-connects (bottom one) started to leak on the RO unit. No spares could be found so a swagelock fix was installed. It appears that all of the press-connects to the pressure gauges are cracked and should be replaced ASAP. They were requisitioned and should come in the freight.
The spigot on the RO reservoir was replaced.


Hydrofluoric Acid waste was neutralized using at first, potassium hydroxide, but after we ran out of the pellets, sodium hydroxide pellets were used.
The aft most small refrigerator was defrosted and left off.
There was a big cleanup/re-organization of the drawers/cabinets in the ChemLab. You may have to do a bit of searching to find things, especially in the MBIO area.
The b/w printer was moved to the MBIO area for easier access for the Chemists.


Justin P. Dodd Inorganic Geochemist Geology and Environmental Geosciences Northern Illinois University, IL, USA jdodd@niu.edu
Juliane Müller Organic Geochemist Marine Geology Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany
Osamu Seki Organic Geochemist Institute of Low Temperature Science Hokkaido University, Sapporo Hokkaido, Japan seki@pop.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp
Tina van de Flierdt Inorganic Geochemist Department of Earth Science & Engineering Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom tina.vandeflierdt@imperial.ac.uk
Zhifang Xiong Inorganic Geochemist First Institute of Oceanography State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao, China zhfxiong@fio.org.cn


Alexis Armstrong


Expedition 374 was a low recovery, short expedition. XRD and ICP samples were taken. Sediment ICP were taken on 'raw' material, i.e. no LOI or heating was performed. An Olympus VANTA XRF (property of University of Victoria-Wellington) was sent to the ship; section half XRF measurement were performed. Unfortunately, the XRF was dropped and a service call is needed for repairs.



D4 ran without issue while in port call, however once at site we continued to get the error 'Object Lost' as seen on Exp 372. The Grabber unit continues to fail, and so a decision was made to run the D4 on manual mode; bypassing the auto-sampler entirely. This was without issue and worked perfectly.
The new unit is in the shipment for Exp 375. After communicating with Bruker, they have indicated that this is not a routine maintenance, and is rarely performed. Because of this, Bruker does not have any step by step instructions on the repair. Most service technicians have not done this maintenance; however, he believes we should be able to make the switch in house. Diagrams of the unit have been printed and are located on the Xray whiteboard. If the installation is too much, we can arrange a service call for Exp 376 port call.
To run the D4 on manual mode:

  1. Place the sample, by hand, into the sample transport (Sample swing).

  1. Set up the Job in XRD Commander
  2. In the Job tabs, create a new job
  3. For sample position, enter "man"
  4. Set the rest of the job up as normal, i.e. dql file, raw file…
  5. Select start
  6. The sample will swing back into place, and lift it into measuring position
  7. When the measurement is done, the sample will be brought back to the front of the sample transport.
  8. Multiple dql files can be used only if the same sample is being measured.

*There is no way to set up multiple sample runs with this method.
**Along these same lines, a sample can be loaded under the Adjust tab by entering "Man" in the Sample pos. box, and pressing the Load button

sample holders

PMMA back-loading sample holders have been ordered and should be in the Exp 375 shipment. These are to replace the metal back-loading sample holders which have already corroded. Old sample holders should be trashed once the replacements arrive.


The Haskris ran without issue. The flow rate was 7.01. The filter was cleaned and the water was replaced.

Freeze dryer

The Freeze dryer ran without issue. A service of the vacuum pump as well as an oil change was performed.


Sediment ICP was performed. At the beginning of this expedition, extensive testing was done to compare results of 'raw' versus 'baked' material. Scientists found no difference between values, and decided against performing LOI or baking sediment samples. ICP beads of raw material were without issue; and behaved exactly the same as expected (no problems with sticking beads).

Shatterbox/Mixer Mills

Shatterbox ran without Issue. Mills were not used.


The Beadmaker ran without issue.


  • An Olympus Vanta handheld XRF was sent out to the ship. This analyzer is the property of University of Victoria- Wellington. A user guide, section half shielding (modified to fit the Vanta), and a customized stand for discrete samples were created to safely and properly handle the machine. Other than these modifications and difference in software, the operation, safety and protocol of analyzing samples were identical to past expeditions. However, due to differences in how data is exported and file type, data was unable to be uploaded to LIMS without extensive work by the developers. It was decided with the scientist's approval, to simply store data on Uservol.

  • Unfortunately, the analyzer was dropped and a service call is needed. While a measurement was actively being taken, i.e. the analyzer was positioned into the section half shielding on a core section, the scientist using it stepped away. Meaning that the analyzer wasn't being held; this coupled with the fact that the section half was short (~70cm), resulted in the entire unit tipping to its side, and the gun falling onto the lab floor.

  • The gun could still be turned on and off; however, no measurements could be made. Each time you went to make a measurement the error code: Filter Fault; Filter Movement fault, would appear. After speaking with Olympus technicians, they believe that it is a hardware problem and to fix it, a service would be necessary. Best case scenario is that the analyzer is not recognizing samples, i.e. that the shutter is not opening or closing; worst case scenario, a component, potentially the filter wheel, has been damaged and/or moved. 

User guides

All manuals have been reviewed and edited if necessary. A Vanta XRF user guide was created.

Thin Section Lab

Seth Frank (Sparky)


Word of the expedition
Winfall: an unexpected, unearned, or sudden gain or advantage
5 total thin section requests. 3 Large Formats.
17 total thin sections made from 362T billets. 8 Large formats
Cross trained Sherry Frazier, Maggie Hastedt, Alexis Armstrong, and Erik Moortgat in basics of thin section.


  1. The slurry drum for the LP50 should be emptied and power washed and left open to dry at the end of every expedition.
  2. These are simple things I noticed that have nothing to do with the effectiveness of the machine itself, simply observations:
  3. Everything worked fine with this machine. The screen is still shaded and dark making it somewhat hard to see from an oblique angle.
  4. It is crucial to ensure no foam bits are caught on the monitor otherwise it wont spin continuously on the plate, causing the computer to think there's an issue with the flatness.
  5. The amount of drips can be cut back to approx. 1 drop per 1.5/2 seconds instead of 1 to 1 in order to save on slurry. There also doesn't necessarily seem to be a need to 'spin' jigs manually, though if you do there doesn't seem to be any negative consequence from the action. It can be comforting to the user to know that the jigs and the material attached to them are always in motion.


Vacuum pump oil changed out every month, everything with this machine ran well.

PM5 Polisher.

The polisher head is having spinning issues. There doesn't seem any way to fix or adjust for it, the spinning head still works, but about every 20 cycles or so on 70 percent speed it slows down for about 20 cycles or more. I can't seem to find an explanation. This doesn't seem to affect the polishing action of the machine at all though, which is the good news.

Samples and methods

  • Worked on a solid method for soft samples that require lots of impregnations. Using vacuum doesn't seem to improve the chances of success, though I suppose it couldn't hurt, as long as you can create a proper seal, and as long as you don't boil the epoxy in the chamber (Yes this is possible, just not in the same way that heat boils it)
  • Frosting slides only requires 18 minutes at the current jig height (picture to indicate the pointer should be just before the red line drawn on the dial) in order to achieve the flattest slide at about 1500 microns. The plate must be flat for these to happen, or no more than 1 or -1 micron off from center. Any more or less than this causes slides to be unduly angular on one edge, and eventually causes more breakages of slides in later phases or causes thin sections to be more difficult to flatten out to proper thickness in the end.
  • I was having trouble with polishing the 362T thin sections, as in, the polisher wasn't removing any material whatsoever. I thought it might be the hardness of the material creating the problem, so I designed a small experiment to test my theory. I took a billet of beryl (emerald, low grade) and I attached it to a slide, then I took the same billet after the cut phase, and did a full impregnation in a mold, and attached that to a slide, and ran the two thin sections through a 10-minute cycle on the LP50.
  • I then took those slide and polished them for 30 minutes, and by then end of the process, the impregnated billet had lost 2 microns less than the non-impregnated slide. The results of this proved to me that while there is a technical difference in the relative 'hardness' of the epoxied billets, it isn't enough to make a significant difference in the polishing phase. So I had to change my tack with the hypothesis. I took a small billet of hard material (basalt) and made two identical slides with it. Ran a 10 minute cycle on the LP50 and then 30 minute polish. These both proved to be too thick, about 60 microns. From here, I used the glass plate method to reduce one down to 40 microns and then did an hour polish, full weights on both. The end result of this was the 40 micron sample became 31 microns, while there was little to no change on the 60 micron sample.
  • I can conclude that the hardness of the material doesn't play into the polishing phase as much as the THICKNESS of those samples. The harder the sample, the less you will lose on the polishing phase, of this I can be sure, simply because of the resilience of the materials, so for softer samples (grain mounts, sandstones, altered materials) be gentle and go slow with them, else you will have to start over because you will polish them too thin (remember, it's always better to leave something too thick than too thin). When it comes to hard samples, the polishing phase will work better if the sample is closer to 40 micron thickness, in order to achieve the desired 30 micron end thickness. A good note to make here is thus: even if you can't achieve perfect 30 microns, polishing should be used to clear up the picture and reduce the cloudiness of the image under the microscope. You should never use polishing to remove more than approximately 10 microns as you could be polishing your thin sections for half a day and wasting a good bit of time and resources to achieve this.

Slide laser engraver

Everything worked to perfection, there were no errors or problems.


  • I frosted about another 100 slides in preparation for the next hard rock leg 376.
  • Made updates to the manual that were minor and submitted it to a new centralized database on the system.
  • Physical count of everything needed for the next hard rock leg, and everything has been updated accordingly.

Underway Geophysics

Zenon Mateo, Etienne Claassen, Erik Moortgat and Chieh Peng


Expedition 374 started and ended in Lyttelton, New Zealand, departing on 08 January 2018 at 1624H and arriving on March 2018. A total of 4,903.69 NM were covered during the entire expedition, which occupied six sites in the Ross Sea: two on the continental shelf (U1521 and U1522), three on the continental rise (U1523, U1524 and U1525) and one in the abyssal plain (U1526).
After navigational, bathymetric and magnetometer systems were set up in the Underway Geophysics Laboratory, these surveys were monitored mostly in the LO-ALO office.


Navigation lines traversed during Expedition 374

Filename prefix


Start Date

End Date

Distance (NM)


Transit from Lyttelton to U1521A

01-08-18 03:26:01.8

01-15-18 22:12:38.3



Transit from U1521 to U1522A

01-21-18 09:35:00

01-21-18 18:41:01.0



Transit from U1522A to U1523A

01-28-18 00:32:25.8

01-28-18 13:20:26.3



Transit from U1523A to U1524A

02-03-18 16:53:37.2

02-03-18 22:23:37.2



Transit from U1524A to U1525A

02-06-18 07:46:49.2

02-06-18 14:27:49.3



Transit from U1525A back to U1524B

02-06-18 07:46:49.2

02-06-18 14:27:49.3



Transit from U1524C to Lyttelton

02-11-18 05:44:03.9

02-19-18 02:21:04.6




As this report is due, we found out that we are transiting from Lyttelton to Timaru. So there will be another transit
Exp374_L8TTransit from Lyttelton to Timaru03-07-201803-08-2018148.8nm
1500 0800 (eta)

Site fix coordinates of holes cored. Winfrog position averaging, JR_Site Fix, or both were used to calculate the moonpool location.

Filename / Site-Hole

Start Date

End Date




01-16-18 10:06:45.6

01-16-18 17:43:44.9

75° 41.0351'S

179° 40.3108'W


01-22-18 00:57:03.2

01-27-18 17:35:27.6

76° 33.2262'S

174° 45.4652'W


01-28-18 23:54:41.6

01-29-18 10:37:40.9

74° 9.0172'S

176° 47.7067'W


01-29-18 10:50:45.9

01-31-18 03:05:46.2

74° 9.0179'S

176° 47.6660'W


01-31-18 06:28:14.3

01-31-18 06:34:14.3

74° 9.0288'S

176° 47.6680'W


01-31-18 18:48:46.8

02-02-18 04:30:21.9

74° 9.0288'S

176° 47.7087'W


02-02-18 16:28:19.2

02-03-18 10:29:59.8

74° 9.0290'S

176° 47.7491'W


02-04-18 08:29:45.5

02-05-18 17:11:40.6

74° 13.0427'S

173° 38.0185'W


02-05-18 21:45:44.7

02-06-18 00:14:44.8

74° 13.0440'S

173° 37.9834'W


02-06-18 16:45:29.3

02-08-18 11:06:40.7

75° 0.0603'S

173° 55.2028'W


02-09-18 07:35:53.4

02-09-18 16:25:52.7

74° 13.0537'S

173° 37.9338'W


At the start of the transit out of Lyttelton, Bathy2010/Winfrog2 lost communication with the transducers. The issue was resolved by shutting the system (Bathy and PC) and re-plugging the USB connector for the USB-serial port conversion box. Since then, no other problems were encountered.
Table of profile lines collected



Equivalent Navigation File


Transit from Lyttelton to U1521A



U1521A PDR


Transit from U1521 to U1522A



Transit from U1522A to U1523A



Transit from U1523A to U1524A



U1524A PDR


U1524A PDR

Transit from U1524A to U1525A



Transit from U1525A back to U1524B




Transit from U1524C to Lyttelton



Transit from U1524C to Lyttelton: NZ shelf


Transit from U1524C to Lyttelton: NZ shelf north of Bounty Channel


Transit from U1524C to Lyttelton: NZ shelf range change near Lyttelton, NZ

Table of water depth measurements per site


Uncorrected Depth (m)

Matthews Corrected Depth to transducer (m)

Actual Depth (mbsl)





















A note for consideration: Whenever the range is changed when acquiring the Bathy (sub) bottom profile, the length for each trace also changes. This creates problems when re-compiling the SEGY file in other software, requiring a cleanup procedure before the real profile can be displayed (cf. Expedition 362). If at all possible, stop the data recording before changing the range and start a new file.


After leaving New Zealand territorial waters, the magnetometer was initially deployed on 10 January 2018 18:29:12.5 UTC, using the SeaLINK software in Winfrog2. The survey was ended the following day (11 January 2018 18:16:06.7 UTC) due to an initialization problem (see details below). A 341.3 km long profile was collected from 55.046118S, 176.353636E to 57.907348S, 176.544015E.



Start Date

End Date

No. of Samples

Exp372_L1T (txt, MS access and XYZ files

Segment of transit from Lyttelton to Ross Sea.

10 Jan 2018 18:29:12.5

11 Jan 2018 18:16:16.06

19,962 (16,782 with GPS tag)

Lost GPS synchronization

SeaLINK constantly recorded magnetometer readings with proper date-time stamps. However, similar to what was reported in the preceding expedition (372), GPS synchronization was intermittently lost and some readings have no location tags. Once the link is lost, the logging has to be manually stopped, so that the GPS can be synchronized before logging can be re-started.

Level Wind

In deploying the magnetometer on 11 January 2018, the level wind on the seismic winch got stuck after reaching the starboard limit switch. The chain on the portside had to be disconnected so that the follower can be moved (out of the starboard side limit switch). Only then could the electronic control be used to control the level wind. (See ET Report for other details).

Tuning initialization

On 11 January 2018 (local), SeaLINK displayed constant tuning initialization for the magnetometer, with very poor signal and gradient and readings fluctuating between 17,000 to 6,000 nT. The fish was pulled out and tested to be fine on the deck. However, when it was re-deployed to about 100m behind the ship, the same tuning initialization problem occurred again, prompting for the fish to be reeled back in and for the survey to be stopped.
Initial assessment from E. Claassen points to a partially mis-aligned connector in the fish. The photo below was taken on 31 December 2017.

Erik Moortgat has been in contact with Michael Daffem and Gina Lopez of Marine Magnetics and has received a quotation for a replacement of this 1000m female isolator assembly (Part# M-SS1400). Furthermore, the electronics control module sent back to the company has been diagnosed and a quote emailed to Brad Julson.

fantail / seismic gun

The testing of the new 4-point synthetic strap harness with stainless steel shackles is postponed to the next expedition. E. Claassen and C. Peng deem that the extremely cold temperature in the Ross Sea might not be a suitable test condition.
The G-gun cluster was deployed during the VSI surveys conducted in holes U1521A and U1522A. During the initial deployment at U1521A, the trigger box lost power, potentially due to the extreme cold (cf. ET Technical Report for details). After that, the G-guns worked without any problems.

data backups

Underway data files for Expedition 374 were copied to: \\JR1\DATA\data1\1.5 Ops Navigation; 1.6 Ops Bathymetry - PDR pulse depth recorder; and, 1.7 Ops Magnetics


Etienne Claassen

Che mistry lab

Labconco freeze dryer

The freeze dryer in the chemistry lab stopped working: the temperature did not go down to -50, we switched the machine off for four days and it went down. We suspected a blockage in the piping.
We also had to change out the vacuum pump. It made a noise and leaked oil, so we replaced the pump and had to change the wiring to 220 V to work with the machine. Spares have been ordered for the pump: this pump is an Andrews, not a Wells pump.
The new pump does not reach vacuum as low as the previous pump, but we believe that this pump is not set to go that low. No leaks were found.

Core lab


New inserts were made for the P-mag tray. The new cubes don't fit in the tray, so we made insert adapters that work with the tray and the cubes.

Inserts to support new cubes


In the shipment we received a new detector and it was replaced on the transit down.
We installed the new sinks for both the P-wave tracks, and the plumbing was done to the water bottle. We added some RCT to keep water from getting under the sinks.

Mad staTion

Cell #3 was reported by off-going crew as leaking. The cell and spare cell were checked and no apparent problems were found, but the programmer reported that there is a problem with the program. We ran cell #3 again and there is no problem with the cell or the spare cell. Through the whole expedition we looked at the data on cell #3 and found no further problems. The problems were caused by the program and not the solenoids.


On a couple of occasions during the previous expedition (372), the coincidence and NaI total counts displayed in the electronics cabinet were hovering around the upper limit (1000 counts for the NaI detectors). Upon disconnecting the anode cable for detector #3, the counts normalized. Further testing of this cable revealed that the BNC connector under the pre-amplifier must have been worn out as the counts reverted to normal range after a new BNC connector was installed.
Detector #8 did not work at all, so the covers were removed and the cable was plugged back in. The PMT base has to be replaced in dry-dock. We could not get to the detector to replace it as there was no down time to do so.


The thermcon did not switch on at the beginning of the expedition. After we opened and removed all the covers, we found the on/off switch on the Fluke was switched off - we have no explanation how a switch inside the instrument can switch off on its own. It was switched back on and the instrument worked.


The halogen light source got hot to the point you could not touch it. We found that the cooling fan was not working, so it was removed and the fan was found to be faulty. A new fan was ordered and has to be replaced.

Lockers in core lab

The book shelf between the Microscope lab and the P-mag was change into lockers for the scientists. Two shelves were kept for P mag documentation, and the other three shelves plus an extra shelf were changed. We made doors for the lockers and installed latches for them; in all we made eight lockers to be used by scientists on an expedition.


None to report

Down hole

We ran APCT-3 temperature with logger 185007 C tools on sites U1523, U1524, and U1525. At site U1523A we had problems with the formation with drop stones. Site U1524A we ran core 4 but had problems with retrieving the data, then we ran cores 6, 9,12,15, all of which were good runs. At site U1525A we ran core 4 but the formation was too stiff so we abandoned the APCT-3 for the site.
New shoes were received in the shipment, and we checked them to see if they fit with the logger. They fit perfectly, but we did not have enough time to run the new shoes on a temperature measurement.

Fan tail

Maggie Winch

The level wind stopped working. We found that the level wind did not stop at the limiter and slammed into the side of the frame. We removed the chain and sprocket and moved the level wind by hand to reset the electronics. There was still a small issue with the level wind, but on the next run it ran perfectly.

Magnetometer Tow fish

At crew change I was informed about the state of the tow fish connector, and looked at it before deploying.
The fish works, but we found that in rough seas the fish had issues. It is apparent that the connector on the fish has intermittent problems.
As soon as we got the fish out of the water and on deck it worked, but in the water with rough seas and constant pulling on the connector and cable it gave us intermittent readings.
We ordered a new female connector for the fish.

VSI G guns

We run the G guns on Site U1521 and U1522. We pumped antifreeze to prevent the line from freezing. The G guns were dismantled, cleaned and rebuilt.
The shutoff Swagelok valves were replaced to work with the antifreeze pump.
The regulator on the fantail is working, but not as it is supposed to. We made a temporary fix but it has to be replaced. The replacement was ordered by Bill Mills and will be in the oncoming shipment.
The spare regulator in underway is not working and needs to be repaired or replaced.


Lab Lighting

Some of the lights' backup batteries were replaced. The ones that were replaced are clearly marked with a tag with the date of replacement.
Two more lights were received in the shipment at the beginning of EXP 374. The lights were installed: LED lights were installed above the archive rack and the LEB emergency lights were installed in the back of P-Mag at the door leading to accommodations.
More backup batteries need to be replaced; a request was made for them.

Electronic workshop

The table tops in the ET shop were all removed, stripped, repaired, sanded and varnished. A new shelf was built in the window sill.

Rig watch

Draw works stopped working. We decided to remove the encoder and replaced it with a spare; after the covers were removed we found that two of the four wires were off, the red + and white o V. There is no paperwork on which wires go where. We found a cable in the Rigwatch drawer and traced which wires go where. The old cable is repaired and back in the drawer.


We had a look at the A/C in the RAD van with the help of the crew.


A few small projects were done around the labs.


Movie room

The HDMI cable was removed and replaced with RCA cables on the Popcorn Hour. It looks like the HDMI connector on the Popcorn Hour is worn out, and this will be a problem until we change the cabinet that no one can get to the back of the equipment like we had it before.


The new level motors were installed in the Cybex 750. The Treadmill was used the remainder of the EXP and had no further issues.

Coffee machine

The brass inserts for the bridge deck coffee machine cracked. We machined new bronze
inserts that will also work with our replacement filters.
Brass insert for coffee machine


Rui Wang and Tim Blaisdell


This document highlights changes to the JOIDES Resolution laboratory data management environment during Expedition 374.
Selected issues are highlighted, but not reviewed in exhaustive detail. In general, see the ship activity log and product pages on the developer site for additional detail:
The activity log specific to this expedition will be placed here:


During 374 the developers participated in

  • Routine expedition support.
  • Development of the Sample Party Planning Tool (SPLAT) project.
    • Both Tim and Rui spent a great deal of time throughout this expedition working on this project, which is the first part of the SampleMaster replacement project. This was especially true due to the problems related to drilling, returning to port early, etc., that resulted in long periods with no drilling operations.
  • Maintenance of several software applications (as detailed in the sections below).

CHange Summary

Applications, services, instrument software.



Release Notes



Fixed bug for showing 2.5cm longer trimming length



Multiple changes (see below).



Minor change to reduce export file size.



Fix for problems seen on TS workstation.

Outstanding Issues

Outstanding items are tracked by development in a system called Trello.


Below are detailed all changes to software systems throughout the ship. Items that have not changed are not listed.


  • Minor change to export function so that it does not include empty rows after the last row with data. Reduces the size of the export file significantly.
  • Changed "data properties" dialog (accessed via cell right-click menu) to include "changed_by" and "changed_on". These had never been included before, and scientists/techs asked for it.


  • Changes to the "FileSystemWatcher" instances that detect file system changes (e.g. the creation of image files to be uploaded). Added handlers for various rare cases, including error handling which was causing problems on the thin section station and would cause ImageCapture to stop watching for new files.


  • For computed value in reports in LORE, if the computed value is negative, set it to 'bdl'
  • Deployed new limsM service group with changes from some time ago, but never deployed on ship. Changes include showing correct trimmed length for report edge trimming.
  • Change to LORE Javascript to add back support for DTAB setting in report definition, which enables/disables the "download tabular data" button.
  • Change to the Sample Report so that it shows offsets off ancestral section half rather than immediate parent (to conform with "about" text and user expectations). This involved updates to limsM and the report definition.


  • No changes.


  • Added new filtering options at Imaging Specialist's request. The user can now retrieve images by date (i.e. images created since a given date) and/or by core number for selected site(s). Core number filtering includes a list of specific cores, a range of cores, core number less than a value, and/or core numbers greater than a value. These can be combined.

Development Tooling and Infrastructure changes

Visual Studio 2015

  • No changes.

Hardware and Server

  • No changes were made during this expedition.

System Manager's Report

Steve Thomas and Mike Cannon

Servers (Microsoft):

  • The WSUS server stopped delivering patches to other Windows Server based computers and would not update itself. We researched the issue on Microsoft Technet and determined a patch needed to be applied manually. After downloading and installing the patch the server began distributing updates properly.
  • All Windows servers were patched with latest security updates.
  • After the issue above was corrected we applied patches to all servers.
  • Sthelens was upgraded to Windows Server 2012
  • Hood was upgraded to Windows Server 2016
  • Cannon was modified to house the McAfee updates repository. Everest continues to house its own repository until such time that all clients are reconfigured to use the Cannon repository.

Servers (Linux):

  • All SLES/OES servers were patched with latest security patches available.
  • Novarupta had an issue where NDSD and AFPTCPD services were consuming excessive system resources. An attempt to restart the services caused the AFPTCPD service to hang. The entire service was restarted and the server's system resources were monitored for the remainder of the expedition. The problem did not reoccur.
  • Work from previous expeditions was continued on the server Thunderhead. This is a test server setup as a log collection resource. We continued exploring this resource to evaluate various log collection software packages.

Servers (ODA):

  • No issues or changes to report.

Servers (VMware):

  • A temporary vm storage volume was added to house the new OEM13JR server until such time that services are transitioned to it and the OEMJR server can be removed. This was done to provide ample storage space on the other vm storage volumes for vm snapshots and backups.


  • Added a temporary volume to store OEMJR13 until it can replace OEMJR permanently.


  • Updated Netsight software on Sthelens and NAC software on ETS.
  • The JR firewalls were reconfigured into a high availability active/passive configuration. This configuration saves us on support costs. Failover was tested and is working as expected.
  • JR firewall and VPN firmware upgraded to latest release.
  • Network switches utilized for the previous wireless system implementation were removed from service as they are no longer required for the new wireless implementation. They have been returned to spares inventory.
  • A D2 switch was added to the main deck network closet to supplement the existing D2 there. Both switches were remounted on an appropriate bracket made to support them. This addition was made to server all IODP state rooms on the main deck with IODP network services. The single D2 switch did not have enough ports to service that deck.

PC Workstations:

  • The user room workstations were reconfigured with static IP addresses to facilitate EOX script changes detailed in the Other Projects section.
  • Installed Acronis Backup on the new SRM instrument host.

MAC Workstations:

  • The user room workstations were reconfigured with static IP addresses to facilitate EOX script changes detailed in the Other Projects section.
  • Mac users, using their personal equipment, experienced performance issues opening and using applications on their devices, sometime working on local resources and sometimes when working with network resources. We found that these issues were not all related. Nothing is conclusive so far, but we believe the issues may be due to a number of reasons. The reasons being that most Mac users are trying to do file operations over a Wi-Fi connection and that connection is 5-10% the speed of wired Ethernet, also complicating the matter is files should not be opened directly on the server and instead copied to a local hard drive first because of the intense i/o that happens across a slow connection. It is better to do one large sequential read from the server to the local disk and then work with the file from there. Also there are known issues with SMB connections as well as AFP connections (which is what we use). AFP is more stable, but it is also slower. No performance issues were reported on the ship's Mac workstations.


  • The core color printer exhibited unstable behavior during the first few days of the expedition. The printer would lock up occasionally and stop printer operations all together. We swapped printers with the user room color printer and monitored the former core color printer now located in the user room. It has been working fine since.
  • Despite a service call during the start of Expedition 374, the copier stopped printer functions after 2 weeks of operation. Working with the technician via email, we determined some of the development units had failed causing the printer to display an error code and cease all function. With no replacement parts of this type on board we could not fix the issue. We did however manage to restore scanning functions by bypassing the printer error with a unusual procedure. This allowed users to continue to use the copier as a "Scan to Network" scanner although printer functionality was disabled. The copier was repaired after returning to Lyttelton.


  • We experienced brief moments of service outage due to our extremely high latitude. These outages required transmit power increases, both on our equipment and at the ground station, to overcome but service overall was relatively reliable.
  • We did experience a brief phone outage in late February. This was attributed to equipment upgrades by TAMU IT on campus.
  • We experienced a service outage due to an unstable condition with our Bow antenna. The antenna stopped tracking the space vehicle and required a complete reset to bring it online.

Other Equipment/Projects:

  • End of expedition script was modified to use new static IP addresses. This is a better configuration than the previous one and should help prevent future EOX script issues that could arise from using dynamic IP's.
  • A new end of expedition (EOX) delete script was developed to easily erase EOX data from the user room computers.


Jean Wulfson


My duties included collection of publication materials from the scientists and generating the visual core descriptions (VCDs). I generated VCDs for five sites and 11 holes, core recovery figures for each hole/site, and figures for the Methods chapter.
I distributed/collected passports, visas, and crew declaration forms from the scientists and technicians for port call activities and worked closely with the Radio Operator to provide the necessary paperwork to ensure the science party and technicians would clear immigration. I also kept track of seagoing personnel using the check in/check out spreadsheet for port call.
Other expedition related administrative/publication duties.
When I had free time, I assisted on the catwalk, wrote and updated excel macros to facilitate plotting, modified the lithsymbol font library to facilitate symbol selection, and documented/updated procedures, cleaned/reorganized the Pub Specialist office, watched Lynda.com training videos assigned from shore,.

Equipment & Software Performance Summary

Software used: Strater 5, Acrobat, Illustrator CS6, Excel, Word, FontCreator. I experienced no problems with the software or PC and Mac computers. I did experience a problem with Outlook not sending attachments. It seems to be a sporadic problem.

Database, entries, and data upload or downloaD

L2E was used to export depth, section, core scale, title, core images, samples, track data, and core composites photos. I experienced no problems with the performance of the L2E software.
DESC export was used for all core descriptive data. I experienced no problems with the use of DESC.
DESClogik suggestion – lock the read only columns so data cannot be manually entered. The scientists on this expedition frequently mistakenly entered data in these columns that were intended for other columns.
LORE was used for downloading core summary, and section summary data for plotting in Strater and for double checking problem areas in plots. I encountered no problems with LORE.
LIVE – no problems with the use of this program.
LIVE suggestion: When zoomed in to core level, there should be an easy way to scroll to the next or previous core level view without having to type in the next core number
Virtual Photo Table – no problems with the use of this program.

Volume Materials

Chapters were collected as they were finished and I kept track of all material using the tracking logs for text, tables, and figures.
I updated the VCDs daily and provided the scientists with a PDF with comments indicating areas of concern.

General Duties Performed

  • Exported data using L2E, DESClogik, and Lims Reports; reviewed data for accuracy; plotted data using Strater software version 5; produced PDFs of the VCDs, recovery plots, and hole summaries; and distributed PDFs to the scientists for review.
  • Wrote excel macros as needed to facilitate data plotting.
  • Worked with the scientists to ensure accurate data display in the VCDs. Corrected/modified VCDs, Strater schemes, templates, and Methods legend figure as needed.
  • Collected, organized, and tracked all publication volume materials including text, figures, and tables in hard copy and electronic files.
  • Assisted scientists with figure creation and in the use of the Adobe Illustrator software.
  • Attended science cross-over meetings as needed.
  • Provided administrative support to scientists and technical staff as needed, including providing supplies and assisting with travel arrangements.
  • Distributed and collected necessary expedition paperwork - IODP communication policy, photo image release, manuscript and copyright forms, cabin repairs, personal safety equipment, shipboard network access, and science party addresses.
  • Worked closely with the Radio Operator to ensure the science party and technical staff had appropriate documents for departure and arrival in Lyttelton.
  • Kept track of seagoing personnel using the check in/check out spreadsheet for port call.
  • Planned and executed the T-shirt logo contest and assisted with the Hump Day party.
  • Arranged birthday celebrations for 4 scientists and technicians.
  • Communicated with shore staff regularly to provide updates.
  • Restocked Publication supply cabinet as needed, and provide science party with supplies per request.
  • Cleaned and reorganized the Pub Specialist office.
  • Attended Excel and DESC technician training sessions
  • Created Antarctic Circle and International Date Line crossing certificates for technicians, scientists, Siem, SOS, and Entier staff
  • Distributed 50 years of IODP patches to all participants and crew
  • Modified lithsymbol font library for easier sorting
  • Watched Lynda.com training videos assigned from shore


Sell USB drives with the JR logo in the JR store. People are always needing one.

Curatorial Report

Brittany Martinez



A total of 4,249 samples were taken on Expedition 374. This includes 471 personal samples and 3,778 shipboard samples. 1,293 meters of core material was recovered during the expedition with 51% total recovery.
Only samples for ephemeral properties, pilot studies, and shipboard analysis were taken onboard. However, residues were reallocated for to help formulate post-cruise sample requests. All personal sampling is deferred to the post-cruise sample party at the Gulf Coast Repository (GCR) in August 2018.


13 pallets of 213 core boxes and residues were shipped from Lyttelton to the GCR in College Station, Texas. This includes 3 boxes of legacy cores used for training at the beginning of the expedition.
The core boxes were divided into Archive and Working pallets. Each core box is labeled by the box number followed by an 'A' (Archive) or 'W' (Working) to denote the section halves in the box. All cores were boxed in order, however, please refer to the Core Box Inventory sheets emailed with this report. The pallet inventory will be sent to the GCR with the Expedition 374 curation documents.
All sediment and lithified sections were wrapped in Glad Clingwrap. Sections with large drop stones were wrapped in 4 mm thick shrink fill
8 frozen and 2 refrigerated coolers were sent via World Courier from Lyttelton. The shipping information is as follows:
Jeanine L. Ash (57238IODP) / Justin P. Dodd (54894IODP)
1 cooler (refrigerated)
C/O Xiaodong Gao
Rice University
Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
6100 Main Street, MS 126
Houston, TX 77005
Jennifer Biddle (59900IODP) / Jeanine L. Ash (57238IODP)
3 coolers (frozen)
University of Delaware
213 Cannon Laboratory
700 Pilottown Road
Lewes, DE 19958
Juliane Mueller (54003IODP)
1 cooler (refrigerated)
Attention: Denise Diekstall
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Marine Geology
Am Alten Hafen 26
Bremerhaven 27568
Shiv M. Singh (56675IODP)
5 coolers (frozen)
Banaras Hindu University
Institute of Science
Department of Botany
Varanasi 221 005
Mark Leckie hand-carried samples after his departure from the ship. Mark's samples cleared New Zealand customs upon our arrival in Lyttelton, but a hand-carry letter was given to him in the event of any future customs issues.

Site Conversion

The conversion between pre-site to site identifiers are listed below:

Scientific Prospectus Site











A, B, C, D, & E



A, B, & C





Catwalk Sampling

The Expedition 374 Catwalk Sampling Strategy is shown in Figure 1. The following samples were routinely taken:
Head Space (HS) – 1 per core, 5 cc brass syringe
Interstitial Water (IW) – (1) 5 - 10 cm WRND per core
Paleontology (PAL) – (1) 5 cm WRND per core
Ash (ASH_HS) – 1 per core, 5 cc brass syringe

Figure 1: Expedition 374 Catwalk Sampling Strategy
IW and MBIO Dedicated Holes: Two single-core holes (U1523B and U1524B) were drilled for high-resolution IW and MBIO sampling. WRND's taken for Jeanine Ash (57238IODP) and Shiv Singh's (56675IODP) post-cruise research were assigned to their respecitive Sample Request Number.


Shipboard Sample Plan

The Expedition 374 shipboard sample plan is shown in Figure 2. Adjustments were made depending on core recovery and flow.

Figure 2: Expedition 374 Shipboard Sample Plan

Residues The residue distribution is as follows:

Shipboard Test





Harwood (54992IODP), Romero (55006IODP), Xiao (54772IODP), & GCR


Leckie (55646IODP)




Ash (57238IODP), Dodd (54894IODP), & GCR


Beny (54804IODP), Dodd (54894IODP), Mueller (54003IODP), Seki (54795IODP), & GCR




Kulhanek (57484IODP)




Esper (54135IODP) & Sangiorgi (54580IODP)


van Peer (57852IODP) & Sugisaki (54908IODP)


Cortese (54537IODP)







Smear slides and thin sections were sent to the GCR from Lyttelton at the end of the expedition.
Biostratigraphy slides were requested and distributed as shown in the table above.
Smear Slides
412 smear slides were prepared and described by the shipboard sedimentologists. All smear slides were shipped to the GCR. A smear slide inventory will be sent electronically to the GCR.
Thin Sections
A total of 5 thin sections were made during the expedition. They were shipped back to the GCR with the expedition residues. A thin section inventory will be sent electronically to the GCR.
Personal Sampling
Below is a list of the samples requests that were approved by the Expedition 374 SAC and their respective Sample Request Codes:


Sample Request Number

Sample Request Code

Jeanine Ash



Jennifer Biddle



Denise Kulhanek



Robert McKay



Shiv Singh




Core Expansion: Curated lengths were updated in Sample Master for sections that expanded more than 2 cm
Crushed and Shattered Liner: Some of the core liners were crushed or shattered when they were received on the catwalk. We accommodated for this by acetone-ing liner patch to reinforce the sections.


Expedition 362T Core Description Workshop: 29 thin section billets were sent from shore to the thin section lab on board. 12 thin sections were made during Expedition 369. The remaining 17 thin sections were made during the expedition and sent to the GCR with the expedition residues.
Legacy Cores for Training (57539IODP): 30 sections were requested by Denise Kulhanek for onboard training. In order for the sections to go through normal core flow, the cores had to be entered into LIMS. New labels were printed and damaged/old D-Tubes were replaced.