Expedition 350 Technical Reports

X350 Technical Reports
The Offending Pipe

Conten ts

LO – ALO Handover notes

William Mills, Lisa Crowder & Tim Bronk

IODP Expedition 350: Izu Bonin Mariana Rear Arc

Expedition 350 is one of 3 expeditions focused on the evolution oceanic arcs and their relationship to continental building. Coring operations were conducted in the Izu rear-arc region west of the modern volcanic front with the goal to recover a complete record of rear-arc volcanism.
Leaving from Keelung, Taiwan, we completed a 1 week transit to our drilling location. Cored 2123.9 meters and recovered 1359.76 meters at two sites and nine holes. Deepest penetration was 1806.5 meters making U1437 the 3rd deepest.
Labs and Technical Services: For the most part we had only minor instrument issues to deal with; otherwise, it was uneventful in that regard. The concerns that cores would not be accessible for post-expedition sampling during the next year pushed us into heavy personal sampling which rapidly depleted our supplies. Scientists were more focused on the sampling and less on the job they were sent to do. Eventually, these issues were resolved but the whole process put a strain on the staff.
Facilities: If you haven't noticed from this expedition's title page, the staff would like our management understand how bad the ship smelled this expedition. We have had this problem since the conversion and everyone has talked about doing something but nothing seems gets done. The ship's crew worked hard to alleviate the stench but having the intake 3 ft. away from the sewage tank vent makes it an impossible situation. The affected system is the "L2" HVAC system which supplies air to the entire core deck and fo'c'sel deck (except the chem lab). We are one of the top science programs in the world and ours labs smells worse than the Paris Metro in August!

Operational Dates:


  • Port: Keelung, Taiwan (Keelung Passenger Terminal, Berth E4)
  • Arrived: 30 March 2014 @ 0700
  • Departed: 4 April 2014 @ 0753


  • Port: Yokohama, Japan
  • Estimated Arrived: 30 May 2014 @ 1100

General Port CALL information

  • 30th March:
    • The oncoming crew moved onboard and completed their cross-over;
    • The Co-chief Scientists and Staff Scientist boarded at the same time to being planning;
    • Loaded IODP air freight and Schlumberger surface freight ;
  • 31st March:
    • Science Party arrived in the afternoon and completed their safety a brief introduction to the ship;
    • Cut hand rails on Bridge deck work area so that the food container could be discharged on the vessel. Taiwanese law prohibits uncertified meat product to be unloaded on shore.
    • Public relation tours were conducted throughout the day;
    • Discharged Microbiology samples via World Courier;
    • Off loaded expedition 349 cores;
    • Discharged hazardous waste;
  • 1st April:
    • Sharp copier repairs completed;
    • Public relation tours were conducted throughout the day;
  • 2nd April:
    • Discharged outbound surface freight;
    • Inbound freight arrived and staged on pier;
  • 3rd April:
    • Discharged outbound surface freight;
    • Inbound freight arrived and staged on pier;
    • Technical staff assist catering with loading of food;
    • Inbound freight loaded;

Transit activities

  • Expedition 350 started with a 1 week transit from Taiwan to our first site just one day west of Tokyo. Because of Japanese fishery restrictions, only bathymetric data was collected and the magnetometer was not deployed.
  • During the transit, tracks and lab instruments were calibrated and brought into working order.
  • Completed Expedition safety inspections.


  • A few non-critical items documented in the shipment did not arrive; they were in T351 surface shipment boxes on the loading dock by mistake.
  • Ran a property search for items with the "2SHP" location code in order to make sure all critical property items were located. Search returned a surprising number of items but it turned out that most of the items just had multiple quantities. The property record will show that the item has the correct location but since there are multiple quantities, which really is not true, then often one of the quantities still has "2SHP" assigned to it. There is a report under Data Maintenance that will show property items with multiple quantities. Notified Property Managers and they had the items corrected.
  • Extremely high end-of-expedition usage of HW0165 p-boxes at the end of X349 – p-boxes did not fall below re-order point until it was too late for the X350 shipment. We saved all cardboard boxes to re-use for data/sample boxes.
  • Likewise with LS0215 sample bags, we used an inordinate amount at the beginning of our expedition and will be very low (or out) by the end of X350. Re-supply of bags and boxes are in the X351 shipments.


  • X350 cores will remain onboard until the end of X351 and shipped to KCC from Yokohama 2.
  • A pallet of cores will be sent from the KCC for X351 and the same truck will return personal sample boxes and thin sections to the KCC.
  • There is no surface freight container being sent home, just a flat. Will utilize a local storage facility to store gas bottles, the VIT Reel, and incoming Barite. The F350_STORAGE shipment was made in order to create paperwork and labels for the items to be stored. Gas bottles and VIT reel are planned to be included in the surface freight from X351. The Barite will be loaded in Yokohama 2 portcall.
  • 308 joints of drill pipe will be removed for inspection in Japan, F350_PIPE
  • Commercial Invoice used for WC shipments has been changed to say "Commercial Invoice/Packing List." Templates have been saved in the Logistics folder.


  • We had two personnel changes: Zenon Mateo is back as an UW/core lab technician and Tim Fulton doubled-over to sail as Imaging Specialist.


Core Deck

Core Entry:

  • New version of LazerKatjie was deployed;
  • Preliminary design work completed for the new safety interlock system to be installed X352;
  • The RF shielding was removed from the signal cable cause the system to pick the first arrival on noise. This cable must be shielded while we continue to use the SERVO motors on the tracks;
  • Speaking of servo motors, ETs finished the design work for the new stepper motor interfaces. Looking at X352 to move the SHIL and SHMSL loggers to the new motors.
  • Installed new "thru beam" top-of-core sensors. New holders are being designed to replace the temporary setup.

Splitting Room:

  • It's all good.

Core Description Lab:

  • New versions of DescLogic and TS reports released.

Downhole Lab:

  • During the 2 weeks of casing, Garrick and Clay held electronic classes with several cool projects completed using the Russian vacuum tubes.


  • The compressor adsorber was changed during portcall
  • DTECH AF demagnetizer: The software was not recognizing that the AF step had been completed. A restart of the computer resolved issue but not reveal the cause!?
  • Flext-it Tool: For an unknown reason measurements came back in a range of 0-180 instead or 0-90. In subsequent runs the error did not reappear and the cause is still unknow.

Fo'c'sle Deck

Chemistry Lab:

  • Cary Spectrophotometer: corrupted drivers prevent instrument communication; Drivers re-installed issue solved;
  • Coulometer: A blocked vent caused cathode to leak into the anode chamber of the reaction cell. Vent line removed problem solved;
  • Freeze-Drier: Leaky old tubing and seals prevented a full vacuum from being drawn. Hosing replaced and seals repaired. New parts on order??
  • Alkalinity: New program developed and testing started. The 352 chemist are asked to continue testing and identified any issues. The old program is still available.
  • Handheld XRF: Science party developed new methods and were able to obtain reasonable results. There was a lively exchange of ideals between ship and shore staff regarding future of this instrument. Currently, the instrument will be returned for repair of a decoupled Peltier cooler. Its future still uncertain.


Lounge and Movie Room:

  • Repairs and additional spares ordered for treadmills.

Poop Deck

Underway Geophysics:

  • New Bathy software installed that works with our new spares. Many passed issues with the software appear to be cleared up with this new release.
  • The ship's Gyro was restored to Winfrog. Still some issues to resolved with network configurations to resolved.


Emily Fisher and Kristin Bronk


This expedition saw a mix of materials, from sediment to mudstone to volcanic clastics. There were a dozen sample parties throughout the cruise to keep up with personal samples. The auxiliary table that attaches to the core racks was very helpful this expedition.
Sample bag supply became scarcely low, due to heavy sampling on 349 and this expedition. Should we run out of sample bags, it has been determined we will use the small k-pack bags or whirl pack bags to satisfy sampling needs. With shipping deadlines so far in advance, important inventory items should be monitored and if any supply nears reorder point halfway through a cruise, an ALO should be notified.
There is a new version of Laser Kitty for the laser engraver. It allows for more versatility in choosing working or archive (in case it was skipped), engraving sections in different orders, and engraving very small sections/whole round samples. Beth has written a manual found printed out near the engraver and also on IODP Share.
This was our first cruise to utilize the new working and archive D-tube racks. The added space for more sections was great for leaving cores in the lab prior to personal sample parties.
There was a need to make a new batch of wax for sealing the physical properties whole round samples. The recipe for the crock pot was determined to be: 1 + ¼ block of paraffin and ¼ block beeswax and a spoonful of Vaseline.
There were a few issues with the splitting table sink and the splitting room counter sink leaking. In the last week it was found that the counter sink threads from the drain to the pipe are almost completely bare. Changing out these parts could be a tie-up project.
The blade on the super saw was changed out halfway through the cruise.

CORE Description

Margaret Hastedt


Expedition 350 had a total of thirteen core describers and four paleontologists aboard. The DESC templates encompassed macro- and microscopic lithologic descriptions, planktic (with minor benthic) foraminifers and calcareous nannofossils.
The main core description templates were based on the master copies stored on the DESC google site, which incorporated much feedback from the January 2014 description workshop for the IBM cruises and input from our describers. See X350 Methods for details of the revised core description paradigm employed during this cruise.
As we did on Exp. 346, the DESC support team downloaded the complete Google lists for the paleontologists to be able to 'shop' their species, zones and datums without having to find a (slow!) Internet station for this task. The scientists can very quickly view and color-code their selections for easy pasting into our config sheets. The Internet connection was markedly slow this cruise even by normal ship standards. Speaking of the Google lists, I've downloaded a fresh copy of the Giant Book of Value Lists.xlsx, which is a snapshot of everything in our lists for offline viewing. You can find the most recent version in IODP Share\all things DESClogik. It will do in a pinch when you can't get on the Google Docs DESC site at all.
Algie has fixed the extra trailing spaces and unwanted bracketed classifiers in downloads and exports in the latest version of DESC. He has also shrunk the default column widths on the sample info sections of the templates.


DESClogik Issues

  1. Overlap resolution (v. the core describers attempted to use this feature post-upload, but it doesn't seem to be as effective as resolving things prior to upload. If you do it after the fact, upload and then re-download the data you may see the original 'master' overlap interval as an extra row, which reflags all the overlaps as green boxes again. This relict row has to be canceled again and then the overlaps indicators disappear. Reproducibility of this behavior is inconsistent though.
  2. Having trouble importing paleo config sheets into DESC? Make sure none of the species names have a trailing space in the Google lists. Those miserable spaces…
  3. We saw one instance of DESC on one of the microscope stations not displaying a new import of a recently-edited template even after multiple quits/restarts of DESC. Several other workstations with the same version of DESC worked as expected. Uninstalling and reinstalling DESC on the problem workstation solved the issue, but the reason remains a mystery.
  4. Just before mid-cruise we had an issue with a recently-edited but mis-configured template creating havoc in previously orderly downloaded data. Extra rows appeared in the downloads, data appeared to change columns or even disappear etc. Very startling/alarming to the users. Although quickly repaired, this episode illustrates that we have no meaningful validation of (hand-edited) configuration templates at time of import, other than catching duplicate column headers. Unfortunately, much more damage can be done if there are duplicate column definitions or even partial definitions that shift rows during copy/paste operations. The former could be caught with a looped search in Excel, but the latter, more dangerous situation would be very hard to detect as it is contextual. You would have to have a very complex set of rules to catch it. We need to investigate how we might accomplish this sort of validation if we are going to continue creating templates as we are now. Especially now that templates are so large and complex.
  5. A petrologist noticed that two columns with seemingly identical grain size names generated two different ranks for the same term 'microcrystalline'. The columns were average vs. maximum grain size and had the same sublist name of 'grain_size_igneous_2014'. But on closer examination it turns out that although the sublist name and items are the same, the ranking scheme differed between size_name and size_name_max components.
  6. Late in the cruise a bug revealed itself in DESC that hasn't been seen in a while: when downloading against a hole there is a spontaneous adding of 500 empty rows at the top of a template sheet. This displaces the downloaded results well off the screen and makes it appear to the user that the download didn't complete. This happened during the sorting step post-download when a certain number of rows is exceeded, for one hole on our cruise. It also happened to both the current working version ( and Algie's limited-deployment test version for DESC support staff ( This bug has been fixed in the latest release.

Thin Section Report

Not much happened to the thin section definition builder and report writer until the 2-week hiatus for casing the hole. We continued testing the current working version v.0.16 BETA and RDB v.1 for the writer and definition builder respectively. The results of the testing were sent to jr_developer and also reviewed by the onboard TS report testing team (Blum, Hastedt, Morgan). Peter will post the results of the shipboard review to his Google site for prioritization and assignment to a developer(s). Thin section reports in draft form have been distributed to the science party for comment; not much was received but what we got was positive. Unless things change radically after this writing we will continue to use the definition "350_working_20140522" v.1 for generation of the final reports.
Note from Paul Foster re: uncanceling a cancelled report version: "The method is a bit arcane, but you can get the report back. Search by canceled / canceled on the options. Find the last version of the report you canceled, and click Un-Release. This actually sets the status back to active, since there are only three statuses (active, canceled, released). Now you can work on that report again. If you want other versions as well, get them back the same way. "


The SEM did not see a huge amount of use this cruise. The foram and nannofossil paleontologists took some images for making plates. Files were collected and reorganized per our naming convention and put on Uservol and DATA1 during the last week of the cruise. There were some file names I simply could not resolve and some images had no accompanying metadata text files. I'm not sure how that happened though. I'm awaiting information from the scientists as of this writing.


The compressor adsorber was changed during portcall.
We received a box of old ODP cubes (no arrows or holes), and JR6 spinner magnetometer holder box for Spinner 1. The cubes are to be disposed of as they do not fit in the instruments properly.


The paleomagnetics lab was used extensively this cruise to measure archive half sections and discrete samples from APC, XCB, and RCB cores. The Flexit tools (0936 and 0937) were deployed in Holes U1436A, U1437B and U1437E. Cubes were shared between physical properites and paleomagnetists for harder material. Overprints caused by physical properties tests were an issue because the scientists opted to only partially AF demagnetize the samples prior to passing them to physical properties. Thermal demagnetization and AF was continued after physical properties returned the cubes. The sediments during this expedition included muds, mudstones, and volcaniclastics.
The scientists used the SRM to measure archive sections from NRM to 40 mT in 10 mT steps at Site U1436 and up to 30 mT at U1437. They also conducted measurements on the discrete specimens utilizing the spinner magnetometer, Bartington MS2 meter, A.S.C. Thermal Demagnetizer, AF Degausser for AF demagnetization and PARM measurements, Impulse Magnetizer, and the Kappabridge. 174 specimens from U1437 B and D underwent AMS measurements.
Liquid Nitrogen dunking was done on specimens from U1437D and E to remove the multi-domain magnetite overprint. Mu metal shields and a Styrofoam container were used to house the samples and liquid nitrogen.


DTech AF demagnetizer and Remasoft 6

The system sporadically had issues completing degauss steps. (i.e. degausser begins and completes demagnetization, but the software does not recognize that the demagnetization has been completed. The "Percent done" bar will freeze and degauss must be halted and restarted.)

  • Originally the error was noticed at 20 and 25 mT, but once the decay rate was adjusted the issue disappeared.
  • Issue noticed again at 5mT and a complete restart of the computer, software, and instrument were necessary. Error not noted again after this restart.

AF Demagnetizer applying reducing fields when PARM measurements were first applied and then stopped applying a field. A restart of the computer and instrument solved the issue.

JR-6A Spinner Magnetometer

Specimens often came loose in the spinner magnetometer, especially when using the Japanese cubes. We utilized a slightly longer screw to help hold the Japanese cubes and utilized low speed for the Japanese style cubes, which corrected the issue. High speed measurements were conducted on many of the rock cubes without any difficulty.
Spinner errors:

  • Overflow error given by Spinner.
  • Manipulator became stuck in the holder of the spinner. An alignment of the hexagonal axis and a thorough cleaning of the inside of the spinner was completed
  • Scientists noted that rotating part of sample holder was particularly loose and holder was stopping in incorrect positions. Dirt was found to be reducing the movement of the ball which secures the holder in place. I removed the inner ball, rubber plug, and screw and cleaned the parts thoroughly.


Issue observed during RCB orienting test per Zenon Mateo:
The FlexIT core orientation tool was deployed for core U1437E-27R in order to verify the inclination of the hole. Despite the use of the RCB coring system, valid readings can be collected because of a mechanical set-up that isolates the core barrel from the rotating drill pipe (K. Grigar, pers. comm). However, inclination readings from FlexIT #0936 came back as a range from 0 to 180 degrees instead of -90 to 90 degrees. Several bench-tests were conducted afterwards and we were only able to replicate these unexpected readings once, but without any discernible trigger. The same tool was then sent back down for U1437E-33R and this time, it returned a -90 to 90 reading for the inclination and indicated that the hole being drilled is near vertical at 89.476 degrees.


  • Several sections were measured backwards in the SRM and needed to be manually corrected using Excel. A general user guide and spreadsheet were generated to reduce human error for this process in the future. This spreadsheet and the user guide have been placed on IODP Share in the PMAG_Documents folder under the names "UniversalSRMFixer.xlsx" and "SRM Flip Correction Guide.docx."
  • An Excel Macro was generated, upon request by the scientists, to help organize their data from LIMS in a specific order. This macro has been placed on the Kappabridge PC and the Spinner PC excel personal workbooks. It is titled "Organize Demag Levels." A document titled "Quick Guide to Using Macro.docx" is available on IODP Share in the PMAG_Documents folder. Macro is still in early testing mode.
  • Scientists: Robert Musgrave, Myriam Kars

Cryomag readings





T2 Squids

T1 Shield

Dewar pressure

Boil Off

He level

















94% LG










Absorber Changed
































































h1. Paleo Prep LAB

Paleo Prep Lab

Our cruise had only four paleontologists, two foram specialists and two nannofossil specialists. Workloads were initially heavy due to the unexpectedly large number of sediment cores recovered, but eventually things slowed down when we hit volcaniclastics.
The Barnstead diamond reverse osmosis system had low membrane pressure and low reservoir level error lights. This required replacement of all 2 carbon and 3 membrane filters on April 14, 2014. After re-setting the timer and re-starting the system, the system was restored to normal.
The 30L Diamond storage reservoir also overflowed through the float switch assembly and lightly flooded the countertop. The cause was traced to an overflow tube assembly that was constricted and pulled too high by a zip-tie that holds it in place with the sink faucet.
Many samples for foraminiferal analyses were too lithified for conventional disaggregation using hydrogen peroxide and hot water bath. Following the method of Leg 126 which also encountered similar materials around Izu-Bonin Arc, rock chips were soaked in kerosene for about 12 hours. The excess kerosene was later decanted; the remaining sample is immersed in boiling water and stirred. Heat from the boiling water expands the kerosene absorbed into the pore spaces and the agitation aids in the disaggregation of the material. This results in cleaner and identifiable foraminiferal tests that would otherwise be difficult to recognize and identify when in clumps or coated with clay. Below are a couple of photographs 350-U1437D-53R-CC-FORAM showing sample state before (top) and after (bottom) kerosene and boiling water treatment (photos courtesy M. Vautravers).
Fig. 1 Lithified sediment samples before and after treatment with kerosene soak/boiling water application.


Thomas Gorgas


EXP350 was poised with generating good physical property data, measured with instruments that were well calibrated and maintained, while our labs were always kept in pristine and clean working conditions. The expedition was overall a positive experience and also a logical consequence of the much hailed (and needed) "Top Academy" training in January 2014. Consequently, all systems (i.e. WRMSL; NGRL; Therm-Con; MADMAX; Gantry; SHIL; SHMSL) worked according to their expectations without any major setbacks. Only a few (minor) failure points were noticed and are reported here:


Whole Round Multi Sensor Logger (WRMSL):

  • All three sensors (GRAPE==Gamma Ray Attenuation Porosity Evaluator; MS==Magnetic Susceptibility; PWL==P-Wave Logger) produced data according to expectation in terms of resolution, accuracy and precision. Regular calibration and verification measurements allowed users to accomplish the scientific goals. The new peristaltic pump worked well, albeit was not used for very long due to the short time of APC coring (only for Site U1436 measurements; the PWL sensor and pump were turned off thereafter.) LIME editing was occasionally necessary to clean up our data records (unwarranted repeat-measurements, etc.)


  • The WRMSL bar code scanner lost its code-reading capability after a PC re-boot, resulting in a constant "beep-beeping", not reading a bar code properly into the corresponding dialog window; at first we replaced this bar code scanner with the one at the STMSL (to test functionalities), which worked. To avoid transferring the problem simply from one to another track, we eventually re-programmed another bar code scanner for proper bar-code readings. We ended up using the original WRMSL bar code scanner for the MADMAX station, which also lost its own scanner unit during Week-5 (see: below).

Natural Gamma Ray Logger (NGRL):

  • Numerous calibrations and verification measurements were performed throughout EXP350 (incl. two background measurements). Data patterns recorded with the NGRL were in good alignment with those observed in logging data. Fine-tuning of the instrument was performed in between sites and during drill bit changes via the "Bias Adjustment Box". We also worked on upgrading and updating the NGR User Guide (NGR-UG), including new photos and screenshots and adding/modifying the text content. This edited version is placed in the "Current" folder of the corresponding Physical Property manual directory on IODP_SHARE. As with the WRMLS data, some LIME editing was necessary at times to clean up NGRL data records (unwarranted repeat-measurements, etc.)


  • The typical edge-effects were observed as expected, and occurred more frequently in harder parts of the formation where material edges also had become more prominent. We reduced the measurement length (in terms of "Section Length") for most measurements by 1-2 cm, which helped to minimize these well-known effects.
  • Frequent verification measurements on Co/Cs samples, which display distinct peaks at certain energy channels, revealed the possibility of temperature effects on the calibration and measurement results. A temperature probe, which we installed during the "TOP-Academy" training, allowed us to track the temperature variations over time in the vicinity of the electronic components. It showed short-term drifts in channel (ch)/energy peak precision and accuracy of up to +/- Δ10 (ch)/Δ 18keV. The only way to mitigate the possibility of temperature drift effects on NGR measurements is to have a temperature controlled electronic assembly. This phenomenon is considered to be a non-issue because we cannot install a temperature-controlled environment for the NGRL electronics at the moment. However, the plausible match between NGRL and corresponding logging profiles indicate that EXP350 NGRL data are overall of good quality.
  • The NGRL still exhibits sometimes the typical high-frequency pitch as reported in the past (e.g., EXP345). After discussing this phenomenon with both ET's, Mr. G. van Rensburg and Mr. R. Gjesvold, it is recommended to replace all the cooling fans during a tie-up period and see whether it makes any difference in the noise generation (the speculation is that the fans have worn out and/or their shafts are dried out). Of course, if this noise remains persistent after replacing the fans, we know that it must be caused by something else.
  • The "Green LED" for the fan-switch (front-bottom, right-hand side) is not working and needs to be replaced. Since this requires to pulling this unit out of the electronic rack, it is recommended to take care of this maintenance step during a tie-up period.

Thermal Conductivity (Therm-Con):

  • Both Full ("Needle") and Half-Space ("Puck") probes worked according to their expectations. Data quality was routinely checked by observing corresponding "TeKa-Graph" curves.
  • To reduce the risk of salt-water intrusion into the "Puck" via the electrical cable connector, the plugs were wrapped with vulcanizing and electrical tape as a temporary protection of the cable connectors. Consequently, no destruction of the "Puck" occurred throughout EXP350 via salt-water intrusion from the top. We also avoided using excessive pressure to make good contact between specimen and sensor at the bottom of the probe. The acrylic/epoxy material is quite sensitive to being exposed to too much "squeeze". We thus used only strong rubber bands to attach the probe to the specimen (which worked very well).

Improvement recommendations:

  • Currently the Therm-Con Uploader uses the Text_ID of the Therm-Con folder names, plus the offset information. We like to suggest to adding the Label_ID and concatenate this as a full name for the actual uploading process. This concatenated file name should then also appear in LIMS REPORT/WEB TABULAR for easier tracking purposes when comparing files and folders in the Therm-Con Archive directory and corresponding LIMS REPORT downloads (LIMS REPORT denotes this information as "Proceedings Label").
  • In addition, it is also suggested to reformat all files inside all Therm-Con folders, which are generated per Therm-Con Uploader in the Archive directory. This working step takes place after uploading all Therm-Con files/folders using a utility (from EXP336), which transforms the Therm-Con "Unicode" into an "ANSI" format. During EXP350 we performed this step manually, which requires the duplication of all archived measurement folders into a 2nd sub-directory, and then apply the utility in a batch run mode. One of our developers (Mr. Algie Morgan) has already developed a technical mock-up of such an automated process (i.e., "file renaming and reformatting") during EXP350, which can be discussed during our next Geophysics-LWG meeting onshore.

Moisture and Density (MADMAX)

  • As always during our expeditions, bulk wet & dry mass, bulk volume, and thus bulk density (and porosity) were measured and calculated on discrete samples per METTLER Balance, Pycnometer and MADMAX systems. Measurements and tests were according to expectations, producing results within the +/- 0.5% precision and accuracy range. Some small issues with the MADMAX application occurred, which we (mostly) related to user/operator errors. Among all working stations, LIME editing was probably applied the most on MADMAX data during EXP350.


  • When entering data into SAMPLE MASETR (SM) and uploading them by clicking on the "upload and print" button, the data initially seemed to be uploaded properly, labels were printed - and yet, the data did not show up in the MADMAX sample table. We tried this protocol a couple of times and could reproduce the error. The proper workflow is instead to always upload the data at first, and then secondly print the labels under the SM menu (File/Print Labels/…)
  • In one occasion users initially did not find their samples in the MADMAX sample table as expected, but then the sample ID's reappeared upon refreshing the sample list.

This case was much more confusing than the first issue because the users re-entered some of the data, which were originally associated with the correct Sample_ID, and subsequently linked them to a wrong Sample_ID because they did not see the original Sample_ID anymore on their list. Consequently, this situation required us to edit corresponding data via LIME and using other test/result-QC tools. We were not able to reproduce this error. The only way for us to correct the error(s) were by going back to our hand-written log sheets, which are always advertised to our scientists as "life insurance" – just in case...

  • For no apparent reason, the MADMAX bar-code scanner quit working at some point. Unlike it was the case with the WRMLS bar-code scanner, the one at this working station could not be revived and utilized anymore at all – it was simply dead. The bar code scanner was retrieved and taken care of via one of the MCS's.


  • As for every expedition, we obtained discrete ultrasonic sound speed ("velocity" - Vp), and in softer material intervals, also some Automated Vane Shear (AVS) data. Both systems worked according to their expectations. Some minor issues occurred.


  • For the sound speed measurements, in about 50-75% of all GANTRY motion initiation processes a "Time-Out" error message for the Y-Bayonet transducer pair was observed. These transducers are barely used, and so it was not much of an issue for EXP350. However, if the Y-Bayonet fork transducers want to be used regularly, the entire cable and com-port connections must be re-checked and re-tested. A simple "Continue"-click normally does the trick to pursue the actual measurements with both Caliper and Z-Bayonet transducers.


  • One of the PP-scientists wanted to investigate the actual frequency amplitude spectrum of each waveform in addition to recording sound speed data. This additional feature had been discussed since the "Baffin Bay" voyage, but not been implemented (so far, the EXP350 scientist has been the single individual among all sailing scientists, who was interested in this kind of data and to investigate "Attenuation" phenomena, perform "Q-Factor" calculations on time-domain waveforms, and so forth).

Consequently, a modified (uncompiled) version of the Vp-Gantry application was developed and temporarily co-installed (via developer/LO Bill Mills) in addition to the currently used code. This modified version of the software allowed our scientist(s) to acquire the warranted frequency amplitude spectrum of a time-domain waveform per one extra mouse-click before saving the sound speed data. Frequency amplitude data were written to an xls-file and stored in the local archive directory (i.e., not uploaded). This "Test Module" did not interfere with the routines of sound speed data acquisition, and also opens doors for discussions with our Geophysics-LWG about this additional Gantry-feature.

Section Half Image Logger (SHIL)

  • No issues were reported. High-quality images were produced and used also for a test project using the software application IGOR PRO (see: below).

Section Half Multi Sensor Logger (SHMSL)

  • Regular maintenance included cleaning the OCEAN OPTIC sensor at times and replacing two light bulbs at the very beginning of EXP350.
  • No offset jumps in the reflectivity data, or other weird data output phenomena were observed or reported during this cruise. Conversely, the new BARTINGTON MS2K Point Source sensor (denoted as "MSPoint" in LIMS REPORT) worked really well and produced consistently high-resolution, surface contact-based records of the magnetic susceptibility. "MSPoint" records were in good alignment with corresponding data acquired on the WRMSL track and logging instruments.


  • One time the OCEAN OPTICS USB port lost its connection with the corresponding sensor. The sensor was reset by pulling out and re-plugging the USB connector back into its corresponding socket. We also restarted the application, which properly reset all sensors and instruments back into their routine function mode.


The expedition offered opportunities to test some data analysis using the software application IGOR PRO (www.wavemetrics.com), and thereby showcasing the "Proof of Concept" for computing the digital overlay of SHIL LSIMG's with corresponding track data.
As a test project we cleaned certain data sets (GRAPE; Vp) and generated composite images of entire hole/site segments, which then were overlaid with composite data of any kind (from both PP and XRF measurements; FMS images; logging data). The output from these simple examples can become base for further discussions around the development and evolution of a new edition of the LIMSPEAK tool.
Some of these generated plots (see above, one example for a "mafic ash layer") served PP scientists as part of their data presentation – a "First" in terms of "New Services" of that kind for our clients.

Hand-held XRF:

  • Another "First" for our IODP operations was to produce high-quality XRF records on discrete sample specimen.
  • Good results were generated despite the fact that the instrument displayed some thermal problems due to a faulty internal Peltier-cooling of the unit (it has been speculated that the internal cooling might have degraded over time in the sometimes humid and slightly salty air conditions on board of the ship).
  • Video footage of the set-up and use of the instrument was recorded with a hand-held photo camera in video-mode. This demonstration of the unit in front of our Tech-Staff is further supplemented with the written summary of the scientists "Geo-Chemistry Method" section.
  • The video footage has been copied to an external hard-drive of the shipboard Image Specialist Office (to avoid cluttering the limited disc space on our ship-board server). The written descriptions and calibration xls-spreadsheets reside inside the corresponding "Current" manual folder of the Xray-working group (V:\IODP_Share_IODP_Technical_Manual\Xray\Current).





  • APCT-3 # 1858005C was used to measure temperature in cores U1437B-4H and 7H. It was also deployed forU1437B-10H, but was aborted due to elevated coreline tension.


  • At the start of the expedition, we received four heat flow catcher sub bodies (#OP4377).
  • Two of the older catcher sub bodies are found to be 1 inch longer than the new ones, but was deemed by Kevin and Bubba to be non-issues as long as the valve and core catchers line up in the final assembly.
  • A pair of one of the old heat flow catcher sub body and shoe (part # OP4375) are also found to have damaged sealing surface and galled threads and will also be sent back to shore to be properly examined.
  • The temperature probe (part # OM0809) for electronic module 1858004C is found to be loose and will be sent back to IODP for repair.


  • At the start of the expedition we received 4 (OP 4377-4) Heat Flow Catcher Sub Bodies. These were cleaned and greased. Installed O-Rings on them and installed the cutting shoe over them to keep the dust and dirt out.
  • Conducted battery tests of the APCT-3 electronics modules with the following result:
    • S/N 1858004C=3.023 VDC
    • S/N 1858005C = 3.006 VDC
    • S/N 1858007C = 3.054 VDC
  • Installed new batteries in the battery packs for the APCT-3. S/N 1887 and S/N 1059.
  • Tested battery pack S/N 1895 and it tested good.




Expedition 350 has been a low recovery, but successful expedition. The main focus of my work was to proof the line scan images for all the core recovered, photograph all close-up requests and thin sections, edit re-entry video, produce or edit the weekly photos and write the captions, produce the group photos, t-shirt stencil production and co-ordinate the ironing party, assist the scientists with microscope set-up and issues and provide assistance on the catwalk with the core retrieval.
No major issues with software/programs occurred. Any minor issues occurred early on; these were all addressed in a timely manner and did not disrupt my workflow to any extent.

Equipment & Software Performance Summary

I used Photoshop to edit/produce images for the cruise. Image Grabber to download the line scan images and Excel to sort the data for whole round sample check. These all worked fine as expected.

General Duties Performed

  • Generated the "mug photos"
  • Downloaded and proofed all of the line scan core images.
  • Photographed the close-up requests and thin sections.
  • Photographed and edited the weekly photo submissions and produced the captions.
  • Produced all of the group photos.
  • Printed the T-shirt stencils and coordinated the ironing party.
  • Assisted with the core retrieval on the cat walk.

Additional duties

  • Edited and produced reentry videos


  • Epson Inkjet printer has clogged nozzles. This is not a problem yet, however, it may be at some point in the future. I had to run a couple of nozzle cleanings before printing for productions.
  • Microscope in the core lab needs the correct camera fitting attachment to achieve full frame usage of the sensor.
  • Microscope in the core lab – firewire cable replaced.
  • Thin section camera (PICAT) light source had to be serviced twice by ET. Simple fixes – clean corrosion off bulb plugs and tighten the wires to the light.


Lisa Brandt & Rachael Gray
Sample totals as of 1200 5/23/14

IWs taken


(salinity, pH/alkalinity, chloride, IC, NH4, PO4, ICP)

ICP (solids)








Equipmen STATUS


The ampoule sealer was not used.


No issues to report for the balances.

Carver Presses

No issues to report.

Cary Spectrophotometer

The Cary was used to analyze ammonium and phosphate concentrations.
The instrument was initially not communicating with the host. Bill Mills discovered that the drivers were corrupted and reinstalled them, and the issue was resolved.
The readings for ammonium were found to be very unstable, and calibrations were not usable as a result. After extensive testing and contact with Agilent tech support, the align program was run and the alignment adjusted using the front thumbscrew in the bulb compartment on the left-hand side of the instrument. The peristaltic pump tubing was also changed out to ensure consistent sample volume delivery. After this the calibration was much better.
Phosphate analyses were also performed, with no issues to report.


Carbon and nitrogen were measured on the CHNS. After the first few runs showed very low carbon and nitrogen values, the organic geochemist decided to switch from using sulfanilamide to the Thermo NC Soil Reference standard for calibration and re-analyzed all samples.
There were no issues with the instrument.


The coulometer was used to analyze for calcium carbonate.
The cathode solution was found to be leaking into the anode chamber of the reaction cell. This seemed to be due to a blockage in the vent line. The vent line to the fume hood was removed and the problem resolved.


The freeze-drier was showing poor vacuum readings at the beginning of the expedition. The vacuum sensor was replaced but low vacuum readings continued. It was discovered that the drain tube was cracked. The ETs shortened the vacuum tube, which fixed the low vacuum issue. At week 8, we had the same issue re-appear. We again trimmed the end of the drain tube and re-inserted the plug. Garrick also created an epoxy filled metal plug, to go along with newer vacuum tubing. It might be that the drain tube is getting dried out. The epoxy plug and newer tube is in the Freeze Dryer supplies drawer next to the Freeze Dryer. If the drain tube cracks again, it might be easier to just replace the whole thing with the Garrick creation.
The old vacuum sensor is still on board and usable.

Gas Lines/manifold

No issues to report.


All headspace samples were analyzed on the GC3. No problems were encountered.

Hydrogen generators

No issues to report.


Poor potassium calibrations continued to be an issue. Metrohm tech support has not had any helpful suggestions. Otherwise the IC ran with no problems.


ICP was used to analyze porewater, sediment and hard rock samples. No issues to report.


The optical refractometer was used, no issues to report.


The SRA was not used.


No issues reported.



There were some issues with the software crashing at the beginning of sample analysis. Bill Mills is overhauling the software completely to deal with these and other issues, to increase user-friendliness, and to bring the software in line with current technology and IODP standard procedures. A very basic user guide was written for the new alkalinity software. The purpose of this user guide is to assist the X351 chemistry technicians with evaluating the new alkalinity software. After the software has gone through validation testing (which we anticipate will happen on X352) we will write up a full user guide, with screenshots and the works.


No issues to report.


The TOC was not used.

Water system

No issues to report.


XRF: The handheld XRF was set up in the MBIO area and used extensively by the geochemists; however, primary support for the instrument was provided by Thomas Gorgas. The XRF is scheduled to go back to College Station at the Yokohama 1 port call. We will only be sending the instrument home, not its consumables or accessories. The goal is to have the repaired XRF or a rental unit in place by X352.


Ann-Sophie Jonas, Organic Geochemist, Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Kiel (IFM)
Kevin Konrad, Inorganic Geochemist, Oregon State University
Takashi Miyazaki, Inorganic Geochemist, IFREE/JAMSTEC
Axel Schmitt, Inorganic Geochemist, University of California, Los Angeles
Yang Yang, Inorganic Geochemist, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry CAS


Kristin BRONK


This expedition saw a mix of materials, from sediment to mudstone to volcanic clastics. All equipment functioned well on the expedition with the exception of the XRD that has been off-line since January, but is due for a service in Yokohama. 93 ICP samples were prepped.
ICP samples: 93


  • The Bruker Diffractometer was down for this cruise.
  • The ICP Prep/bead making process this expedition went smoothly.

Equipment and Software

  • It was determined on this expedition that the XRF will fall under the XRD technician responsibilities. There were then many emails regarding what type of XRF is best, where it will be set up, obtaining radiation rings, etc and was sent for further discussion to the geochemistry lab working group. The XRF began overheating this expedition and will be sent home in the air freight to be repaired. It is expected to be used on x352.
  • I updated the ICP Prep manual to reflect Pt-Au crucibles. I have not received the final draft back from David to be placed in the 'current' folder of technical manuals volume in IODP Share.
  • We received the Geiger counter back from shore after being tested/calibrated.
  • A new batch of LiBr was made for the bead making process.
  • There were emails being sent regarding the new platinum crucibles being remachined and refinished. I have not heard, but do not believe they will be coming to Yokohama 1 portcall.
  • During casing, I made a large batch of ICP standard beads to use for the rest of the expedition. Only half of these were used, so you may check for prepared standard beads depending on what standards your scientists want to use.


  • As with the previous cruise, the XRD is down due to problems with the detector and boards in the controller in need of replacement. A service call with Bruker Yokohama is scheduled to begin 0900 May 31, 2014 with two technicians for two days.
  • We should be receiving several inventory supplies during portcall, including the pre-weighed flux vials and bottles for ICP powders. With such long lead times for shipping supplies, I was careful to watch reorder points and estimate what we would use for the remainder of the cruise so the ALOs could update AMS as soon as possible.
  • I ran into a problem when I opened a new box of Wheaton vials to store ignited powders. A large percentage of vials from that particular box had cardboard debris inside. I cleaned out the vials in our cabinet, but this should be monitored in the future.
  • With the odd material being collected, I learned early that mudstone samples could not be ignited at 1025° C. Doing this would cause some samples to fuse together into a brick and pull quartz off the crucibles. Several inner quartz crucibles and lids were lost due to clouding or quartz flaking.




  • There were a total of 164 thin section requests of Mudstones, Tuffs, and Volcanic Clasts. Most were surface impregnated.

Special projects

  • None

Problems encountered

  • The hot plate temperature-switch contacts were cleaned by the ETs.


  • Routine equipment maintenance as needed.
  • Emailed Logitech to get quotes and part numbers for thrust bearings and a scraper block for LP50 replacement parts and handed the information over to Tim Bronk to order.
  • Lab smelled like poop 95% of the time.


William Mills



  • One VSP survey was performed during the expedition without issues;

MagnetometeR DATA

  • The magnetometer was not deployed per our drilling permit restrictions.


  • Bathymetric data was collected on the transit from Keelung to our first site and the short transits between sites 1436 and 1437.


Starboard Winch

  • Not used.

Port Winch

  • No used.

Deck Crane

  • Not used. Minor maintenance was performed. Corrected issue with the hand controller were the cable uptake would initially start to slowly wind the cable in when the switch was set to let the cable out, but as soon as you engaged the speed trigger it pay the cable out correctly. The problem was the speed trigger which uses a magnet mounted in the trigger to control a sensor in the housing. The magnet had just collected metal fillings. Cleaned the magnet and the problem disappeared.

Underway Lab

Bathy 2010

For the majority of our expedition we operated with the repaired A00107 board. I contacted Russell Philibert, technical support manager for SyQwest (r.philibert@syqwestinc.com) and sent him the photos and description of the damage described in the X349 tech reports. His reply:
I hope you are well.
I have only seen this happen once before out of over 400 units in the field.
We are not sure what could have caused this to occur as there is plenty of over voltage and surge protection in-line with the signal path.
In the other case of the failure the transformer also was damaged with the secondary of the transformer was opened.
Was this also the case?
Would you like an RMA to send the circuit board in for evaluation/repair?
I later called him on the phone and discussed the problem and it appears we are the first to have this issue without a secondary transformer failure. Our ETs , as requested by the other crew, added the insulation film between the board and housing, and we saw no other problems during the expedition. We still could not get the depth tracking or SEGY-Y recording to work. Depths for drilling were picked using the cursor.
During my conversation with Russell, I mentioned that we could not get either set of the new spares to work. He looked up our information and determined that these boards both had the latest firmware version #92 which was not compatible with our current software. The older boards use firmware version #87.
So we had a choice, downgrade out boards to firmware 87 or upgrade our software. Given our issues with the current software I talked Russ into sending out a copy of the new program and letting us do the upgrade on the ship (the upgrade is usually done at their facility).
It took a while to get the software to us but the upgrade was completed without any problems. The issues with depth tracking and the SEG-Y are gone and many other features that never worked are now working. With this software, communication has been moved from two RS232 cables to a single network cable running on a Gigabit NIC. With the greater bandwidth, we are receiving higher resolution data and the SEG_Y files are larger. We were able to fully test the software on our transit back to U1436 and collected very nice records down to 40m.
Unfortunately, SyQwest have not updated their documentation. It is important to note, that if you have to upgrade the firmware, don't use the procedure in the User Manual. In the Program folder there is a utility folder with a different manual and software that you'll use to make the upgrade using the network cable.
Network cable is plugged into a daughter board on the A00107 board.I have taken the old boards, serial cables (they are specially configured) and the CD's for the older Bathy software, bagged them all and placed them in the parts drawer. I doubt that we'll ever need them again as we have a second set of new boards.
Both WinFrog 1 and 2 have been updated and test.
I've updated a diagram out of the Bathy manual to show our configuration (next page).

  • Not used.

GPS Receivers

  • No problems


  • Other than the stray ET or MCS killing the UPS power to the computers, there were no serious issues.
  • Of course, killing the power corrupted the config files. I restored from the previous leg and found the GPS offset in the device window (not the display window) were set back to the old offsets. These are the offsets surveyed in by Fugro and should be the ones we use:
    • Forward GPS: x= -6.2361 m, y=51.8907, z=6.800
    • Aft GPS:x=-0.0877, y=-73.1801, z=0.350

Z= height above rig floor not sea level

  • Also found that the device definitions, that connect the Forward and Aft GPS, did not define them as the primary "heading" device. With the Gyro disconnect (see below) there was no heading input.
  • Gyro: When we came on board I noticed that the gryo was disconnected. Reconnect the serial cable and noticed there was no data. Called DP and they restored the connection. A few hours earlier their Winfrog software was acting up and the AFN dish was failing to track. Steve (in DP) disconnected us and their problems disappeared. I suspect trying to drive an RS232 single the length of the ship 470 feet is the issue which is 9x the rated maximum of 50 feet.

In order to get the gyro data back to Underway, we connected a Serial Device Server which transmits the RS232 data over our network. In Winfrog I changed the Gyro's device definition making it a TCP/IP device. Here is the setup:

    • IP =
    • Port: 4660
    • Connection Option: Call selected

I renamed the device to "DP Gyro –IN" and the added the device back to vehicle.
That was the easy part. Our current issue is the LAN switch I'm connected into in the DP room, is on the VIT virtual LAN (VLAN) and WinFrog is on another VLAN, they don't talk to each other. Until the MCSs can sort out configuration and VLANs we won't have access to gyro when they switch it back to support the VIT video system. Because we are in the last days of the crew this problem may kicked to the oncoming staff.

  • The serial cable that comes from the DP has been tagged don't use and rolled up into the ceiling.
  • No problem sending navigation to or receiving depth data from the new Bathy software.


  • !worddav7c1dd85feed9f59c24399680482e5b60.png|height=160,width=148!No problems with the program.
  • When on site you should go into the vehicle configuration and turn the Kalman filter off. When the filter is on, the fix data will have a bias in the direction of the heading. The Kalman filter is used to smooth the data and predict the next point. In other words it assumes you are moving in the direction of the heading/course made good and if the next GPS is not within a certain range of its prediction, then it will dead recon. In heavy weather when the DP is moving the ship around this bias can be up 3+ meters. You can also use the velocity filter to reject jumps in the GPS data or set the HDOP filter to a smaller value in the site fix program.


  • We all like the changes made to the lab during X349.


  • I'm still working on getting the 3.5 pinger for the VIT frame up and running.


Garrick Van Rensburg & Randy GjesvolD

ET Shop

  • Assembled new Gantry instrument. Wired in a 5 pin connector for the transducer conditioner. Installed a BNC wire from the 0 and Voltage terminals for computer control on the transducer conditioner. Wired in a 48 volt power supply for the Exlar TLM 20. National Instruments Academic Labview program was installed on the ET Shop computer. Used the Labview program to design several circuits for the Laser safety circuit. Assisted in Electronics training, Soldier training and Nixie tube training for staff and scientists. During electrical safety checks found the following items damaged:
  • Floor buffer Strain Relief was damaged (IODP 110). This was repaired.
  • Steinel heat gun in the core splitting room had a damaged power cord (IODP 058). This was replaced.
  • Hitachi Plainer power cord was damaged (IODP 009). It was shortened and a new end installed.
  • Makita finishing sander power cord damaged (IODP 012). It was shortened and a new end installed.
  • Repaired the tools drawer so it will open and close smoothly.

Core Lab

  • In the Physical Properties connection box tape was added to the inside of the connectors to prevent cross chatter in the instruments. Thermcon UPS was alarming. Found that the wall surge protector had tripped. This was re set and the UPS re charged and quit alarming. Cleaned the filters on the NGR. Replaced the Ocean Optics Bulbs on the SHMSL. WRMSL ceased functioning. Found no power available at the Galil. The power supply tested good. Found the small power supply mounted behind the computer had tripped. This was re set. Dug out the portable white table and put it up. Found one of the Liebert GXT2-2000 RT 120 UPS's behind the NGR to be faulty. It has no power output. During investigation found out the battery contacts had become very loose. These were re crimped to make better contact. The second Liebert UPS was checked and the battery connectors re crimped. Changed out the Zebra Printer print head for the machine by core entry. Cleaned the Laser air filters.

Core Splitting Room

  • End of Run limit switch is sticking. It has been cleaned and greased. Searching for a replacement. Door opening pad by NGR failed to operate. During investigation found the connector for the door sensor to be damaged. This was replaced. Door opening pad by the Core Lab exit failed. Found the connector to be damaged. This was replaced. Manufactured a cutting jig for the Curator.

Yeop Office

  • Repaired wiring to the stereo. Set it up to run from an I phone.

Liquid N2 Gen

  • System shut down during Expedition 349 for a maintenance period on the gas lines. Started the system at 1415 am April 1, 2014.


  • Cleaned out the filter and de frosted.

Chem Lab

  • Replaced vacuum sensor in the freeze dryer. Still had issues creating a vacuum. Upon investigation found the drain hose had cracked. Cut off about half an inch of hose to remove the cracked portion. Added a stereo jack to the stereo system for IPODS. Conducted temperature testing of the Furnace. Installed a UPS for testing the Photoluminometer. The first UPS immediately failed. Replaced it with another one. Troubleshooting indicates the batteries are no longer reliable in the first one. Hot Plate failed to function. Opened up and cleaned the unit. Re set the temperature switch and re attached the power cable removing about an inch of worn cable.

Conference Room

  • The remote control to the Samsun TV has disappeared. The clock in the forward part of the room fell off during heavy seas. Repaired and re installed it. It fell off again and was replaced with a new one.


  • Repaired Bicycle Pump. Added air to the Speed Bag. Re set the zones on the gym stereo system so they work properly. Rowing machine gear drive is failing. Feels like it is skipping a gear. Found the Drawn Cup Roller Clutch to be bad. A new one has been ordered. The machine can still be used you just can't pull hard when you are rowing. Oiled the chain and it really quieted down. Big running machine heart rate monitor handle began giving static shocks. This was disconnected. During investigation found several caps damaged. These were replaced. New boards have been ordered. Also found the six pin Molex connector to the motor had been heat damaged. This was replaced. Adjusted the tension on the smaller running machine. On the curling bar found the screw on the right hand side had come loose. Removed, added locktight , reinstalled and tightened it. Stationary Bike began making a lot of noise. Removed the chain guard and oiled it. Re assembled the chain guard and the problem returned. Installed a few spacers on the fan guard to pull it farther out and away from the frame. It is now quiet.

Movie Room

  • Re set the Stereo Receiver so that the devices matched the programing in the receiver. Replaced a damaged HDMI cable from the Blue Ray DVD player. Updated the programming on the Popcorn media player and added a few new movies to it. Drove in one of the screws on the bottom of one of the couches so it would quit tearing up the carpet.


  • Assembled the two GI Gun VSP cluster. Set it up for operation near the port side crane. Ran the Gun Cluster on April 23, 2014 for logging. GI Gun cluster was disassembled, cleaned, oiled and stored. During disassembly one of the nuts galled causing some damage to one set of threads. Used a die to chase the threads. Found one of the bushings to be partially crushed. This was replaced.


  • Inspected the Sy-Quest sonar system. Installed some mylar tape below the D to A converter board in the receiver assembly to prevent shorting. Found out that the new boards won't work on this system. It appears that different revisions in the programming of the boards interferes with our function. Later in the expedition Sy-Quest sent a program update to get our boards up to speed. Installed new boards and tested. Will do a full test while we are underway for Yokohama. UPS Failed. Replaced with one of the Liebert GXT2-3000 RT 120 units. The APC Smart UPS 2200 IODP 1892 was removed and the battery removed. New batteries are on order.


  • Assisted in the stores load. This turned into an all hands event because of the regulations in Taiwan. The food had to be directly loaded onto the ship from the container. It was not allowed to touch ground due to concerns with hoof and mouth disease.


Chad Broyles



A total of 9,299 samples were taken for Expedition 350. We took 3,041 shipboard samples and 6,372 personal samples. 114 shipboard sample residues were requested as personal samples. 1,360 meters of core material were recovered during the expedition.


Core-Approximately 10 pallets of 218 core boxes will be shipped from Yokohama, Japan (following the Expedition 351) to the KCC in Kochi, Japan. The core boxes will be divided into Working and Archive pallets. The electronic Core Box Inventory is being sent via email with this report (Exp350CoreBoxInventory.xlsx). The handwritten Core Box Inventory was scanned as a pdf file and is being sent via email with this document for cross referencing. (Exp350CoreBoxInventoryHandwritten.pdf)

Frozen and Refrigerated Samples-

  1. 1 refrigerated shipment is being sent via World Courier during port call in Yokohama, Japan.
  2. 2 refrigerated coolers (JONA samples) to:

Ms. Ann-Sophie Jonas
Department of Organic GeochemistryInstitute of GeosciencesChristian-Albrechts-Universität zu KielLudewig-Meyn-Str. 1024118 KielGermany ann-sophie.jonas@web.deTel: (49) 431 880 2874

  1. In addition, a truck will be delivering the following samples directly to the KCC.
  • 1 frozen cooler (XIAO samples) to:

Dr. Yuki MoronoGeomicrobiology Group, Kochi Institute for Core Sample ResearchJapan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)Monobe B200, Nankoku, Kochi 783-8502
JapanPhone : +81-88-878-2198Fax: +81-88-878-2192
E-mail: morono@jamstec.go.jp

  • 2 refrigerated coolers (AOIK samples) to:

Dr. Toshio Hisamitsu
Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research
200 Monobe Otsu, Nankoku, Kochi 783-8502, JAPAN
Tel: +81-88-878-2242

  • 3 refrigerated coolers (KARS samples) to:

Dr. Myriam A.C. KarsPaleomagnetistCenter for Advanced Marine Core ResearchKochi UniversityB200 MonobeNankoku 783-8502Japan jm-mkars@kochi-u.ac.jpTel: (81) 88 864-6728


The residue distribution is as follows:

Shipboard Residue



All to KCC


All to KCC

ICP Powders

All to KCC

IW Squeeze Cake

All to Axel Schmitt

IW Liquids

All to KCC


Bordiga, Jia, KCC


KCC, Schmitt


Jia, Kars, Musgrave


Barker, DeBari, Jutzler, KCC, Schmitt, Yang


Bongiolo, Gill, KCC

Thin Sections

A total of 164 thin sections were prepared by Emily on Expedition 350.
The thin section inventory is being sent via email with this report. (Exp350ThinSectionInventory.xlsx).
Action Item: Thin sections will be sent to the KCC after Exp. 350 at the beginning of June, 2014. Two scientists Everton Bongiolo (Sample Request Code: BONG) and Martin Jutzler (Sample Request Code: JUTZ) have requested to borrow Exp. 350 thin sections from the KCC. A list of requested thin sections is being sent with this report (Exp350ThinSectionRequests.xlsx.).

Smear Slides

The core describers prepared and described 50 Smear Slides. A complete list of smear slides is being sent via email with this document to the KCC. (Exp350SmearSlideInventory.xlsx). Smear slides will be shipped from Yokohama with Exp. 350 and 351 core at the beginning of August 2014.CURATION & SAMPLING

Pre-site to Site Conversion









A, B, C, D, E

Catwalk Sampling


The primary purpose of this site was to serve as a geotechnical hole for the proposed 4th Expedition by the Japanese research vessel, Chikyu.
Physical Properties Whole Round Samples:
The Center for Deep Earth Exploration (CDEX) requested whole round (WRND) samples from each core collected at this site for physical properties (PP) measurements. The sample request number from the IODP Sample and Data Request (SaDR) system is 15066-IODP. The requesters name is Dr. Kan Aoike. The sample request code is AOIK. This hole was drilled to 150 meters with an average percent recovery of 72%. In total, 10 AOIK samples were taken. Each sample measured 40cm with the exception of Core 10F which measured 25 cm (due to low recovery). The PP whole rounds were processed using the IODP standard operating procedure of immersing the whole rounds in wax and stored refrigerated in a cooler of seawater. The samples will be shipped refrigerated without seawater to the KCC following Exp. 350.

Geochemistry: Interstitial Water (IW)

  • Standard IW whole rounds for pore water analysis were taken on this site where recovery was sufficient.

Geochemistry: Head Space (HS) Gas
Standard head Space Gas samples were taken for every core on this site.

  • 1 per Core.
  • 1 plug or chip (5cc).

Paleo (PAL) Samples:
The following plan was implemented for catwalk PAL samples:

  • 5 cm Whole Round
  • Taken from bottom of Core Catcher (CC)

U1436 B & C

Due to technical difficulties with the VIT camera, we were not able to re-enter U1437E to finish the last 200 meters of coring operations. The co-chiefs decided to re-drill site U1436 in the last week of drilling operations to obtain an ash layer recovered from U1436A. We took a 5cm PAL sample from all cores on U1436B.


Geochemistry: Interstitial Water (IW)

  • Due to technical difficulties with the VIT camera, we were not able to re-enter U1437E to finish the last 200 meters of coring operations. The co-chiefs decided to re-drill site U1436 in the last week of drilling operations to obtain an ash layer recovered from U1436A. We took a 5cm PAL sample from all cores on U1436B.

Geochemistry: Head Space (HS) Gas
Standard head Space Gas samples were taken for every core on this site.

  • 1 per Core.
  • 1 plug or chip (5cc).

(PAL) Samples:
The same plan was implemented for catwalk PAL samples.

  • 5 cm Whole Round
  • Taken from bottom of Core Catcher (CC)

Microbiology (MBIO )

  • Microbiology samples were taken for Dr. Nan Xiao (12927-IODP) in intervals approved by the Sampling Allocation Committee.

U1437D & E

Geochemistry: Head Space (HS) Gas
Standard head Space Gas samples were taken for every core on this site.

  • 1 per Core.
  • 1 plug or chip (5cc).

(PAL) Samples:
The same plan was implemented for catwalk PAL samples:

  • 5 cm Whole Round
  • Taken from bottom of Core Catcher (CC)

Microbiology (MBIO )

  • Microbiology samples were taken for Dr. Nan Xiao in sediment intervals (12927-IODP) as

Section Half Shipboard Sampling

The EPM decided to have two shipboard sample parties every 24 hours. One was held at the midnight crossover and the other at the noon crossover. Since my shift was from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM I was unable to attend the midnight sample party. Lisa Crowder (ALO) agreed to attend the midnight sample party in my place. I was able to attend the noon shipboard sample party.
For the first half of the cruise the noon sample parties were very chaotic with most of the science party attending and everyone talking at once. There seemed to be a great amount of disagreement between the scientists and communication between shifts was poor at best. It was quite hard to discern what they wanted to take for shipboard samples, and personal samples seemed to be their top priority. Eventually this was somewhat ironed out with team leads from different groups attending the sample parties and picking shipboard sample in a more organized manner.
The core describers primarily took all of the shipboard samples due to the heavy workload on the technical staff with the exception of Thin Section Billets (TSB). X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) samples were taken in lieu of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) since the XRD machine on the ship was inoperable.
The following information is the general outline that was followed for section half sampling.

Working Halves:

Paleomagnetism (PMAG)

  • 1 per section
  • Picked by sampling scientist.
  • Japanese style 7cc cube for soft sediment
  • Cube cut with the parallel saw for litified sediments and volcanoclastics.
  • 7cc cut cube sometimes shared with Moisture and Density (MAD) analysis

Moisture and Density (MAD)

  • 1 per section
  • 10 cc syringe (soft material)
  • 7 cc cube (lithified material)

Thin Section Billets (TSB)

  • As requested by science party
  • Cut and entered into LIMS by IODP Technicians.

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)

  • Taken as requested by science party.

Carbonate Analysis (CARB)

  • 1 per section in areas where carbonate was present.

Nanno Fossils (NANNO)

  • As needed
  • Toothpick sample

PAL (Additional)

  • As needed to refine ages.
  • 10cc volume
  • Shared amongst all paleontologists for analysis.

Archive Halves

Smear Slides (SS)

  • Core Describers took toothpick samples as needed from archive halves for core description.

Sample Parties

All personal samples for the shipboard scientists were taken on board to accommodate their research for the next two years. We were limited to the number of cores we could physically lay out in the core lab. The Down Hole tools lab was used to lay out cores, since it has the largest area of table space on the Core Deck. We could lay out up to 80 sections in the core lab for each sample party.
Rather than waiting for the two weeks of casing the EPM had us implement the sample parties during coring operations. There were times where we were getting a core on deck every hour, doing daily shipboard sample parties, and implementing personal sample parties.


Two sample parties were implemented for U1436A. A total of XX personal samples were taken for this site.

U1436 B & C

A few scientists requested personal samples from holes B&C. They took the samples themselves as this did not warrant a full sample party.

U1437B, D, & E

9 sample parties were carried out in order to take all requested personal samples. A total of XX personal samples were taken for this site. Sample parties were conducted while we were getting core.

Section Half Core Wrapping

Working & Archive Halves-All soft sediment (working and archive) was wrapped in Glad Wrap per standard operating procedure. We used thick shrink film on working halves in more lithified material after all sampling was complete. These are distinguished by blue dots on the end caps of their corresponding d-tube. Litified archive halves were wrapped in Glad Wrap.



Sample Master v5.0.0.0

Entering a comment or simply clicking in the comment field during Section uploading causes the program not to print Section 1, when the "Print on Upload" box is checked. We took a large number of personal samples on this expedition. This involved inserting Excel spreadsheets into the application, uploading to LIMS, and printing labels. When doing this from my office on the F-deck, and printing to Core Lab Zebra printers, I could not confirm that labels had been printed. I requested that the "Labels successfully printed. Retrieve them from the specified printer" message appear after samples from the Sample Table had been printed. Algie Morgan successfully added this to the program. He also added it as an optional feature that the user can choose from in the "Settings" menu. The user can check the option "Notify After Label Print". This minor change did not seem to affect other aspects of the application. I suggest for Expedition 351 that this be implemented in production.

LIMS Editor (LIME)

LIME was an essential component towards making this a successful expedition. It was used extensively during and after shipboard sample parties where thousands of samples were taken. I also allowed one scientist to use LIME. I set up their account with scientist privileges. This was used mainly to 'edit' sample information. I did experience difficulty when cancelling, and/or editing over 100 samples at a time. The web services could not keep up with such a "large" number. LIME would perform the operation, and update the database, but would produce an error when trying to update the audit trail.

Sample and Data Request (SaDR)

The poor internet connection on Expedition 350 made it difficult to use the SaDR system. I ended up just asking scientists to update their requests in a Word document, and I kept a folder on the server with the updates.

Sample Request Code Manager

James Zhao has been assigned the project to update the Sample Request Code Manager application. I worked with James to show him how I used the Sample Request Code Manager, so we can begin to provide requirements and specifications for this application.

Requirements for New Section Entry Program

Algie Morgan, Lisa Crowder, and I had two separate meetings where we brainstormed requirements for the new Core Section Entry application. I sent detailed notes to Phil Rumford, GCR Superintendent.

Dell Docking Station

The Dell docking station malfunctioned and stopped connecting to the network. It was replaced by the Marine Computer Specialist (MCS).

Laser Engraver

Bill Mills updated the Laser Engraver software. He added many new features to the program to make it more user-friendly. He also added the option of engraving Whole Round samples.


Jean Wulfson


My duties included collection of publication materials from the scientists and generating the visual core descriptions (VCDs or graphic core summaries). I generated VCDs for two sites and 4 holes: U1436A, U1437B, U1437D, U1437E. Development of a standardized core description method across all IBM expeditions was discussed through much of the expedition and decisions regarding the final VCD template and lithology colors, patterns, and symbols have not been made as of 05-23-14. I anticipate a final decision at the last minute of the expedition and corrections will need to be made to the VCDs and Methods legend figure on shore. I communicated with the Publications Specialists for the upcoming IBM expeditions extensively to keep them apprised of the methods being developed on the ship to maintain consistency between expeditions.
I also generated core recovery figures for each hole and provided them to the scientists electronically via the server and assisted the scientists with figure creation. At the request of the scientists, I gave them a quick tutorial on Adobe Illustrator.
I collected publication materials for two site chapters U1436 and U1437, as well as the PR/Summary and Methods chapters and created a draft of the VCD legend figure for the Methods chapter. Since the primary site is also the last site and the transit to port is short, publication materials for this site will be received at the last minute.
When I had free time, I assisted on the catwalk and provided assistance during sampling parties.
During casing operations, I visited various labs on the ship to learn more about how samples were taken and the tests that were run on the samples. This helped me to understand more fully the process of receiving core, taking samples, running the tests, and data collection. I also gained valuable insight into the information contained within figures and VCDs that I work with regularly in the volume material.
An incident occurred in which sensitive information was sent to me on an unmarked tab in excel along with hotel confirmation information. Not knowing there was additional information on the unmarked tab, I sent the document to all the scientists and technicians. I later retracted and deleted the emails. Lesson learned: be cautious of files received regarding hotel and transportation information. Check all tabs to make sure there isn't sensitive information attached.

Equipment & Software Performance Summary

Software used: Strater 4, Acrobat, Illustrator CS5, Excel, DESC, L2E, Word, and Groupwise. With the exception of a few issues noted below regarding DESC, all the software worked fine on the PC.
The Mac mini in the Publications Specialist office had trouble opening and editing Excel, Word, and Illustrator files. It was so slow that I ended up doing all work on the PC and used the Mac only to check the scientists' figures. The problem was reported to the MCS.
The Adobe Creative Suite package of software on both Mac and PC needs to be updated to Creative Suite 6 in order to keep up with the scientists. The current version of this software package (CS5) cannot open files created in the newer version.

Database, entries, and data upload or download related

L2E was used to export depth, section, core scale, title, core images, samples, analysis data, and core composites photos. I experienced no problems with L2E.
DESC export was used for all core descriptive data. There were a few issues with DESC adding extra spaces in keywords and incomplete removal of classifications, but I compensated by exporting data with classifications and removed the extra spaces and classifications in excel. This problem has been experienced by the other Publication Specialists on other expeditions. Algie Morgan worked on a solution to the problem and provided several DESC versions for testing. The final DESC version installed on the Yeop PC computer removed all classifications and extra spaces and alleviated the need to use macros to clean up the data. Additional macros were needed to deal with Strater plotting issues involving data sharing intervals, but those have been known issues and are unrelated to the database. I used a macro to sort the Sample domain number in the DESC download so that the data appeared in the correct order and also used a macro to find the midpoint depth of an interval so the data could be plotted at depth. This information has been passed on to the next oncoming Publication Specialist.

Volume Materials

Since there were only two sites and four holes, there wasn't a lot of volume material. Chapters were collected as they were finished and I kept track of all material using the tracking logs for text, tables, and figures. The current site, U1437, is the main site for the expedition and has been drilled since the second week of the expedition. Writing has been in progress since we started drilling and cannot be concluded until the last hole is complete, which will be the last week of the expedition. I anticipate receiving all material on or before the last day of the expedition.
In the beginning, I updated the VCDs twice per day, printed hard copies of the VCDs, and provided the scientists with two copies – one on the core deck and one in the conference room. Eventually, VCDs were updated once per day at the end of the shift and a PDF was placed on the Uservol server within the site chapter. The scientists preferred this method of delivery as they were all able to view the PDF instead of the few who got the paper copy.
A major project was started at the beginning of the last two weeks of the expedition to design a lithology matrix that will standardize all lithology patterns and colors for future expeditions. Until that project is complete, the VCDs cannot be completed. VCD production will need to be finished on shore.

General Duties Performed

  • Exported data using L2E, DESClogik, and Lims Reports; reviewed data for accuracy; plotted data using Strater software version 4; produced PDFs of the VCDs and core summaries; and distributed PDFs to the scientists for review.
  • Worked with the DESClogik programmer and administrator to debug DESClogik exports and to develop Excel macros to automate time-consuming tasks (data clean-up).
  • Worked with the scientists to ensure accurate data display in the VCDs. Corrected/modified VCDs, Strater schemes, templates, and Methods legend figure as needed.
  • Collected, organized, and tracked all publication volume materials including text, figures, and tables in hard copy and electronic files.
  • Assisted scientists with figure creation and in the use of the Adobe Illustrator software and Kaleidagraph.
  • Provided administrative support to scientists and technical staff as needed, including providing supplies and assisting with travel arrangements.
  • Distributed and collected necessary expedition paperwork - IODP communication policy, lab safety certification, photo image release, manuscript and copyright forms, cabin repairs, personal safety equipment, and shipboard network access.
  • Worked with the Radio Operator and the Japanese port agent to ensure the science party and technical staff had appropriate documents for arrival in Yokohama.
  • Ensured that all scientific personnel and technical staff signed the customs declaration form.
  • Scheduled shuttle bus transportation from Yokohama hotel to airports for science party and technical staff.

Additional duties

  • Assisted in the core lab, on the cat walk, and with sampling as needed.
  • Communicated with shore staff regularly to provide updates.
  • Restocked Publication supply cabinet as needed, and provide science party with supplies per request.
  • Set up birthday parties, Hump Day party, and t-shirt contest.


As we move toward direct DESC exports of core description data, there appears to be a need for the ability to write macros in Excel to automate many time-consuming tasks. It would be helpful if more people (and at least the Publication Specialist) were trained to write macros.
It would be a tremendous benefit to the Publication Specialist if the DESClogik data export included an additional depth column. This depth column should provide the midpoint of the depth interval so that the option exists to plot data in Strater by a specific depth. Currently, only the interval is exported and if we need to plot by a specific depth we have to run an external macro to produce this column of data. The more the data is manipulated outside of the database, the greater the chances for error.
The Adobe software package that includes Illustrator, Photoshop, Bridge, and Acrobat needs to be updated to CS6. Illustrator is one of the main programs the Publication Specialist uses and if it isn't kept up to date with the scientists, we are unable to open and edit the files received from them and it affects our ability to perform our jobs effectively.
Files containing sensitive personal information regarding science party members and technicians should be clearly marked so the Yeop is aware of the contents of the file and can take precautions on the handling and distribution of the information. Sensitive information which is unnecessary for the performance of the Yeop duties should not be sent to the Yeop. Files sent between ship and shore should be protected/encrypted. Security precautions should be coordinated with Siem so the same protection is available on board the ship.


James Zhao and ALGIE MORGAN


This document highlights changes to the JOIDES Resolution laboratory data management environment during Expedition 350.
Selected issues are highlighted, but not reviewed in exhaustive detail. In general, see the ship activity log and Pending pages of various products on the developer site for additional detail: https://sites.google.com/a/scientific-ocean-drilling.org/developer-page.
There was no active development of applications by the Expedition 350 software developers. All modifications noted below are bug fixes and small enhancements requested by Expedition 350 techs.

Curation and Core Handling


Changed: Modified but not deployed. Version 5 deployment package has been built and copied to deployment server. Not deployed pending approval from Expedition 350 curator. See SampleMaster Release Notes on developer site for details: https://sites.google.com/a/scientific-ocean-drilling.org/developer-page/applications/-net-c/samplemaster/samplemaster-release-notes
Lest you become complacent: the product is functional, but buggy. Staff is so accustomed to work-arounds that issues are no longer reported. Not so with participants conducting sample entry shifts.
5 known reports. Failure to upload on batches of 15-20 samples spanning multiple sections. Re-entering same content from Excel by cut-and-paste, followed by upload works fine. If operator was persistent—repeated uploads generated repeated sample entries—leading to additional follow-up cleanup using LIME.

LazerKatjie 3.0 (Laser Engraver)

In preparation for the interlock upgrades, the code was refactored. Changes include:

  • Updated to the "consumer-produce" style coding
  • Updated to use the latest IMS common tool box. This version of the tool box use the LIME web-service calls plus a new web services that returns a list of SECT, SHLF and WRNDS for a given a core/hole/site/expedition values (thanks James).
  • More robust error detection and recovery.
    • Can detect when the "arming" button has not been engaged except during warm up. The arming button was not properly setup with the existing interlock system and can still causes the system to appear to hang during the warm-up cycle. Arming will cause the system to complete the warm-up cycle but there is no method to detect this issue. Just beware.
    • Can detect other internal systems delays and either report or silently recover. Better notifications to the user.
    • The software ABORT no longer requires the user to cycle the power on the engraver's PLC.
  • New features:
    • User can engrave the Working or Archive in any order.
    • There is now a small engraving format for those shorts sections.
    • Can exclude Core Catcher from the engraving list
    • Can engrave WRND samples if needed
  • The Site and Hole list boxes are now separated for less scrolling

Operating source snapshot to R:\AD\DEPLOY\LabVIEW\lazerkatjie\3.0. Not under code management via Subversion. The older application is still available for use.
The format files developed with the Keyence software has been fine tuned for recent geometry changes and new files developed for the small format engraving. These files are stored on the local computer and in the deployment folder.

LIME (LIMS Editor)

No change. Operating with LIME release 2 and its underlying web-services resteasy-lime at version 1.0.4 since tie-up 349P.



Changed: Operating with release 8 since 26 May 2014. Previously operating with release 5 since ???.
Version 8 underwent limited testing by Expedition 350 Yeoperson and Phys Props techs beginning ca. 1 May 2014. It was deployed for full production use on 26 May 2014 and core describers used it to enter and review data for the final site of Expedition 350. Note: Version 6 was created on Exp. 349. It was deployed but subsequently rolled back and never re-deployed. Version 8 includes the changes in version 6. A release version 7 was tagged in Subversion repository; it included only minor changes which are also included in version 8. See DESClogik release notes on the developer website: https://sites.google.com/a/scientific-ocean-drilling.org/developer-page/applications/-net-c/desclogik/desclogik-release-notes
Carried forward:
Operator perceptions (Noted by Expedition 349 Software Developers)

  • Painfully slow. Must be much faster on upload and download to be an integrated part of the descriptive process. Right now is typically relegated to the category of data entry "chore", post-observation.
  • Buggy.

These perceptions are high visibility concerns. Multiply that per participant, per shift, per expedition.
There is no quick fix for the speed issue. One optimization is dependent on removal of all depth computation triggers on the result table. The other optimizations depend on significant code rewrite to submit multiple changes in a single batch. At present the upload process is chatty—multiple round-trips to the database for each cell update. Data retrievals are slow on two fronts: the mechanisms on the database side take 10-15 seconds to return a set of data, but then another 10-15 seconds is required by the local system to churn through that content and display it.
The most visible bugs cluster around two feature sets: dynamic columns, and cell change management. The dynamic column concept was implemented to support numeric and textual formulas. Cell change management has been adapted over time to provide a variety of data entry convenience, operator visual feedback, and upload efficiency. Add hoc repairs are not recommended. Clear specifications are required to guide repairs for both feature sets. Each encompasses multiple, inter-related, overlapping segments of code.
Dynamic columns. Propagation of change events is the primary weakness.
Anecdote: operator downloads a dataset, right-click cancels one cell that participates in the generation of a concatenated lithology name. The concatenated entry never updates. For concatenated columns and formulas to work properly, a robust mechanism must be in place to force internal data structures to update when any dependent column is changed. Presently the handling is localized and over time has been ad hoc.
Cell change management. Dynamic structures are updated under-the-hood to keep track of whether a cell is changed. The definitions of what constitutes a change are poorly specified.
Anecdote: Operator enters "1" in a blank cell that records a rank. The changed cell is shown in blue to reflect the change. Reviewing the value list, ranks are represented as "1.0", "2.0", etc. Should the cell have a red-line around it indicating it doesn't match the value list? Logical matching is a tougher concept to implement than literal matching.
Anecdote: Cut-and-paste of content from Excel has similar definitional problems. How should a blank cell affect the cell it is being pasted over? Are tabs and spaces to be treated as blanks? Under what circumstances are exceptions made? Special characters may have meaning. Example: square brackets identify classifications. When should classifications be stripped? When should they be retained and displayed?

Virtual core composite generation (aka Virtual Photo Table)

No change. Operating with release since tie-up 349P.

Stratigraphic Correlation


No change. Not used. Operating with release 1.695 since Exp 344. Release 1.7.0 was evaluated, but not used (native OSX 64-bit operation by switching to newer release of the python interpreter core).


https://sites.google.com/a/scientific-ocean-drilling.org/developer-page/applications/java/jnlp/correlator-download/correlator-downlod-release-notes]No change. Operating with release 5.1 since Exp 346, last changed Exp 345. Renamed for clarity from Correlator Download.

Affine and Splice CSV to XML format Converter

No change. Not used. Release ? available since Exp ?.

Splice Parser

No change. Not used. Release ? available since Exp ?.


No change. Operating with release 3.1 available and underlying web-services resteasy-affinesplice-services ? since Exp 346.
See notes in the Exp 346 technical report.

Closeup, Microphoto, Thinsection Capture

No change. Operating with release since Exp 344S.

  • Noted by science participant that the scale applied to images is in many cases inaccurate.
    • Applied a micrometer to each system.
    • Updated the calibration of the camera field of view.
    • Wrote up a procedure for it.

Release candidate 3 created and committed, but not yet distributed:

  • Login screen branding.
  • Additional dialog to remind users to check metadata settings before continuing the upload.
  • Added support for uploading content from the SEM.
  • Revised data storage path management for closeup and thinsection which are running on the same workstation since tieup 349P.


Whole core systems

Whole-round logger (WRMSL), Special task logger (STMSL)

No change. Operating at MSL software release since Exp 346.

  • Hardware support added for automatic wetting of the PWL transducers to improve contact during 349P. Software control not integrated at this time.
  • STMSL not used.
  • Note that barcode scanners on these systems apply a rule too: return all data that remains, then send the <Enter> key. Reprogrammed the STMSL scanner after borrowing it for SRM.

Release 4 distributed for evaluation in compiled form. Filed in R:\AD\DEPLOY\LabVIEW\msl\4.

Natural gamma (NGR)

No change. Operating with release since Exp 341P.

Section half image logger (SHIL)

No change. Operating with release IMS 8.0 SHIL 350. Last changed Exp 349.
Updated to reflect the changes in the IMS Common Toolbox (IMS 8) to prevent the user's configuration files from corrupting the programmers internally set constants and to prepare to deploy IMS code, for the tracks, as an executable.
Operational source code distribution snapshot to R:\AD\DEPLOY\LabVIEW\IMS 8 -SHIL ONLY. Not committed to subversion. Not available as a compiled distribution

Sonic velocity (GANTRY)

No change. Operating with release since 341P.

Section Half Multi-Sensor Logger (SHMSL)

No change. Operating at release IMS 7.0 SHMSL since tie-up 349P. Last changed Exp 346.
Operating source release snapshot to R:\AD\DEPLOY\LabVIEW\IMS 7\SHMSL use me JAN 23. Not under code management via Subversion. Not available as a compiled distribution.

Discrete sample systems

Thermal conductivity (TCON)

Third party acquisition software. Operating with vendor TCON release 5.0.0 build 7 since Exp 335.Uploader utility. No change. Operating with release since 341S.

Moisture and density (MAD)

No change. Operating with release since Exp 344. Display shows different version than available in the distribution site.

Penetration Strength

No change. Not used. Operating with release since Exp 340T.


Kappa Bridge KLY-4S

No change. Operating with AMSPIN unchanged since Exp 335.

Superconducting magnetometer (SRM section)

No change. Operating with release 318 since Apr 2011.

  • Noted. Barcode scanner rules aiding the automation of sample entry, flip-flop with the version of the SRM program in use. Applying the SRM section half scanner rule to SRM discrete can cause loss of sample and loss of data if operator is not trained to watch for the tray length being overwritten by an alphabetic character.
  • Proposed. Revise both interfaces to support available label content, independent of any particular barcode scanners that may be used.
  • Barcode rules useful to this station are now stored in Cumulus and on the instrument host desktop.

Superconducting magnetometer (SRM discrete)

No change. Operating with release 318 since Nov 2011.

  • If the tray length on the sample entry screen is overwritten with a character and the operator does not catch the error—the sample(s) will be demagnetized and none of the data will save—not even the backup copies.

Would be nice to have updates to the Sample Entry dialogs for both versions of the SRM control program to: support known label content, and to avoid the issues associated with repeatedly reprogramming the barcode scanners for each switch between section half and discrete measurement acquisition.

Demag and Internal Field Intelligence (DAFI)

No change. Not used. Operating with release 1 since Mar 2013.


Navigation, bathymetry feed

No change. Operating with release 1.0 since 340T.

JR Navigation, Site Fix, Heading

No change. Operating with release ? since 345.



No change. Operating with release since Exp 335.
A full rewrite of the code was completed this expedition to bring it up to modern LabView coding standards, address user issues and to make it compliant with our standard data uploading methods.
List of Changes:

  • No direct data uploads. No local password management.  Data is written to an "upload file" and MUT handles passwords and data uploading. The load file is identical in structure to the load files used on the SHIL ands SHMSL, capable with MUT uploader: see update for MUT in Data Uploader section: 7289707152
  • No binary files! All Config, Rates, Data Log and Calibration files are in readable, editable text files.
  • The user can set the file name and folder for the data log.  The data log now captures all user events (calibration, standard and sample measurements) and marks the record as saved or aborted.  There is still a built in viewer but the user can open the file in Excel. Note, the data logger is not used for shipboard data entry but is a tool for the staff to log events.
  • For entering and verifying samples against LIMS, there is a "web Tabular" like list box interface that allows the user to select the sample codes (text_id).  This feature requires connection with LIMS.  If this connection is not made, the user can "hand" enter the text_id. Also the LIMS verification process can turned off if LIMS is not available or the user simply wants to a take measurement that will not be uploaded.
  • The User Interface has been simplified. Instead of one window that does everything, the program has been broken down into discrete sections based on the function selected. The main UI is now just a small window with buttons that open the appropriate sub-windows. The 70' disco colors are gone and Dennis and Chieh have been retired from the splash screen. (can be returned by popular demand any shout outs??).
  • The drift determination method has been changed. Instead of only looking at the difference between the two end points of the span, it now measures the slope of a "best fit" line using all of the points within the span. This appears more stable method and is less subject to data bouncing between two values.
  • In the previous program, the mV value was the last measurement returned from the Titrino when the drift became stable. The new program now returns the mean of the data measured in the span interval but only when the range of the data within the span is 0.3 mv or less. This method will interpolate the last digit of precision when the Titrino is bouncing between two values.
  • Standard correction value list is stored with the calibration data. A new calibration requires that the standard correction be re-determined.

Programming Changes:

  • Replaced lims.dll and IODPUtils.dll with LIME web services for sample lookup and MUT for uploading data;
  • UsernameAuthentication.dll removed, passwords are handled by MUT;
  • Replaced the state engine frame work with the producer-consumer style frame work;
  • Titrino error list has been copied into excel for access by the IMS error handling vis;


  • IMS Common Toolbox vs 8
  • Open_G Libraries:
  • I3 JASON libraries (LAVA org)

Operating source release snapshot to R:\AD\DEPLOY\LabVIEW\alkalinity\ALKALINITY 4.0. Not under code management via Subversion. Until approved, this version is to be used for testing only. X351 are asked to test this version and recommend any changes they would like to see. This program must still pass thru the Change Management process. Unit then the previous program should be used for collecting shipboard data.


No change. Operating with vendor FLASH_EA 3000 since 341P; and MUT [TEST] since Exp 346.

  • MUT 7 is not recognizing CHNS csv files. This station is running MUT until the defect is repaired in the main version. The custom MUT release is available in these locations: http://web.ship.iodp.tamu.edu/tasapps/mut/chns2101, r:\ad\deploy\NET\mut\jr-
  • The CSV file generated for CHNS presents the respective elements in these columns of the spreadsheet: C=12, H=14, N=11, S=13.


No change. Operating Coulometer with release 2 since Exp 349. Last changed Apr 2013.
Requested, but not implemented:

  • Technicians request the log facility actually write a permanent record to disk. This will be more reliable than paper logs.

Carried forward:

  • Observed several cases where operator clearly saved coulometer observations (shows in application log history as well as check-marks and written values on paper logs), but no traffic ever made it to the Apache web-server. Frequency: 4 in 30 saves. Effectively save is unreliable. Save failures are particularly associated with switching away from the Coulometer application immediately after clicking save, but before the completion dialog appeared. Noted: completion dialog needs to be application modal with Z-ordering to place it front and center of the Coulometer application—no other Coulometer action should be allowed while the dialog is displayed.


No change. Operating Cahn balance with JavaBalance release 345 since Exp 345. Last changed Exp 318. Same release used in both the Chemistry and X-Ray labs.

Mettler-Toledo Dual Balance

No change. Operating with release ? since ?.

Gas bottle monitoring

No change. Operating with release since Sep 2011. Monitor program continues to be run on the NGA/GC3 system.
Moved to new machine by Chem tech.


No change. Data upload operating with release 6 of MUT since 349P (Jan 20, 2014).
Observed two instances where workflow uploaded files, but data never showed up in LIMS reports. Workaround. Retrieve raw data from Chemstation private directory. Re-upload. Verify.


Changed. Operating with release 2 since 27 May 2014. Previously operating with release since 341S.
Carried forward:
It is desirable that the same application login dialog used for other .NET products be applied to this product. Presently credentials are hardcoded in the application.

SpreadSheet Uploader

No change. Operating at release since Exp 344.

X-ray fluorescence

No change. ThermoScientific vendor product Niton XL? Available at version ? since ?.
Scientists used this instrument and generated Excel spreadsheets with data collected. Developers uploaded data using SpreadsheetUploader application.

X-ray diffraction

No change. Java Balance operating at release 345 since Exp 345. Last changed Exp 318.No change. Mettler Toledo balance software operating at release ? since ?.

  • Passwords may be reset on the Java Balance system by supplying "your-username = xxx" in the authenticate.ini file. Upon successful login, and encrypted version of your password will be stored in place of "xxx".

Rig Instrumentation Systems

Depth Overlay and WITS Communication

No change. Operating with release 4.0b5 of DOWcomm since 344S.


No change. Operating with release 8 since ?.

Development Tools and Frameworks


Currently all production LabVIEW applications are built with LabVIEW 2011.

IMS Common Tool Box

The IMS Common Tool box is currently in the middle of of an important update. Full reconciliation with all IMS applications planned for X352. If you need to work on the code during X351, you'll need to work on the local host or make sure you have done the following before working in your development environment:

  • Delete any copies of IMS Common Toolbox from the LabView User's library folder.
  • Copy from the host (or the particular deployment snapshot), the IMS Common Toolbox to your local LabView User's library folder. Don't forget you'll need the Open-G and the i3 JASON libraries, as well
  • When done, copy the changes to the track code and the IMS Common Toolbox back to the instrument host. Don't forget to back-up the host …just in case.

IMS 8 Upgrade deployment plan:

  • The IMS 7 and the Common Tool Box will not be moved with the LV upgrade but stay behind with LV2011 making a clean break. That means LaserKatjie 3.0 and Alkalinity 3.0 which are using the final version of IMS 8 Common Tool Box, are developed in LV 2013. Copies of LV13 are these hosts.
  • SHIL has been moved to a preliminary version IMS 8 to support the Image Length project (JASON Libraries were needed), but the SHIL code is not running on the final version of the IMS 8 and therefore, still running under LV2011.
  • On X352 all IMS based applications (especially the SHIL and SHMSL) will move to the final version IMS 8. Also, at that time we'll attempt to integrate the code into SVN using the new tools available.

Current Status of IMS based applications for X351:

  • Gantry-IMS7: SVN
  • LazerKatjie 3.0-IMS8 > R:\AD\DEPLOY\LabVIEW\lazerkatjie\3.0
  • Alkalinity 4.0-IMS8 >R:\AD\DEPLOY\LabVIEW\alkalinity\ALKALINITY 4.0



No change. Oracle release in use since May 2012.

Data Loaders

MegaUploadaTron5001 (MUT)

CHANGED. Operating at release 8.
Previously changed 349P.

  • ORIENT: provide for additional column headers applied by technical staff. Revise error handling so a message will be thrown if a column header is not recognized.
  • Folded CHNS column order changes into trunk, though not functional yet due to contention over who should handle CSVs.
  • Add function to upload Alkalinity data to MUT.

Data Editors


Removed from distribution. Superseded by LIME.


No change. Operating at release 3 since 349.

SQL Developer

No change. Operating with version 4.0.1 since Expedition 349.

Reporting Systems


No change. Not used. Running on version ? since Exp 345.

Thin Section Report

Changed: In testing: Writer: v. 16-BETA. Builder: v. 2. Deployed in limited fashion for specific end user acceptance testing. Not yet for general consumption.

WebTabular reports

No change. Operating with Release 6 since Expedition 349.

LIMS Reports

No change. Operating with release 7 since Expedition 349.


No change. Operating with release 1.3 since 345.


No change. Operating with release 2 since Expedition 349.


No change. Not used. Operating with release ? since ?.


No change. Operating at release 9 since Expedition 349.


CHANGED. Signed with license key, and configured each computer who is not connecting internet to skip certification checking .

Drill Report

CHANGED. Operating with release since Exp 341 over resteasy-drillreport 2 since Exp 349.

  • Fixed bug that an error will throw if multiple special characters, such as " ' &#", are inside comments field. Not released yet.

Culling Utility

No change. Not Used.


IODPUtils: No change.
LIMS: No change.

Web Services

SUSE OES Tomcat Servers [Ararat, Rainier, Shasta, BUILD]

Auther: No change. Operating with Version 1.1 since Expedition 349.
ChangePassword: No change. Release 3-PJR-20140115231410-hornbacher during tie-up 349P.
ReportOverview: No change. Operating at release 3.? since Exp 345.
UWQ: No change. Operating at release 7 since Expedition 349.
WTR: No change. Operating at release 6-AGNOSTIC-20140205004809-fackler since Expedition 349.
Image Report QAQC: First version released.
depth-services: No change. Operating at release
lims-log: No change. Operating at release
Ops: No change. Operating at release since Exp 330.
Probe: No change. Not used. Removed from the production servers for Exp 346. Not reinstated.
resteasy-affinesplice-webservices: No change. Not used. At release 3.1 since Exp 346.
resteasy-auther: No change. Operating at version 1.1.0-PJR-20140113074315-morgan since tie-up 349P.
resteasy-desclogik-services: No change. Operating at release 2-PJR-20140225223735-fackler since Exp 349; last changed Exp 345. See subversion logs, pretty esoteric.
resteasy-drillreport: No change. Operating at release 2-20140225035032-fackler since Expedition 349
resteasy-error-reporting: No change. Operating at release
resteasy-lims-sync. No change. Operating at release
resteasy-qaqc. First version 1.0. Operating at release 1.0 -PJR zhao.
resteasy-image-tiling: No change. Operating at release Removed on all SUSE nodes. Service can only be used on the system providing the file backing store: the Solaris cluster.
Image tiling is triggered by MUT and Image Capture for the various image sets. Both are hardcoded for a given environment--remember to revise it at build-time.
resteasy-lime: CHANGED. Operating at version 1.0.8-PJR-20140419043130-zhao since tieup 349P.

  • add a new web service function that returns test fields for LabView application.

resteasy-lims-webservices. CHANGED. Operating at release 11-PJR-20140405175545-morgan.

  • Revisions to resetDisplay, undisplayTest required to support full functionality of LIME display flag management.
  • Revise getLIMSData service (aka getDBObject data) to substitute in x_sample_depth for x_sca_depth. No change to Sample (.cs) object field names at this time [that change ripples throughout DescLogik and SampleMaster].

resteasy-monitor. No change. Operating at release
resteasy-printer. Changed. Operating at release 3-PJR-20140115230632-morgan.

  • Sorts printer and label lists.
  • Bumped up dependency versions (oracle, resteasy, utils).
  • Transfer "change log" to this release notes.
  • Compile java 1.7 bytecode.
  • Drop build numbering--just use sequential release numbering.

resteasy-reports. CHANGED. Operating at release 9.2-PJR-20140521232150-zhao_h since Exp 350.

  • Fixed incorrect number of total cores in Hole summary report, and Hole summary list report.
  • Fixed extra comma displayed in ICPAES chemistry report.
  • Fixed IW report so that it displays PH value with case non-sensitive matching.

resteasy-reqmgmt. No change. Operating at release
resteasy-role-management. Removed from service as a dedicated WAR. Is still embedded in library form as a part of resteasy-desclogik-services.
sampling-services. No change. Operating at release

Solaris Tomcat Server

Sites. No change.
labnotebookWebDav. No change.
resteasy-asman. No change. Operating at release
resteasy-image-tiling. No change. Operating at release

Developer Resources

Office Space

No change.


No change.


Load Balancing. No change.
Tomcat 7 Java 7 SUSE Linux OES. No change in Java version. OES was updated to new version during last tie-up.
Subversion code repositories. No change.
Subversion repository replication mechanism. No change.
Virtualization. MCS have equipment and licenses for server virtualization. Have proposed BUILD box become a candidate for early adoption. Proposed to move Laboratory Data web-services (Tomcat) to virtuals at first convenient opportunity.
Barcode scanner rules. Most of these are in cumulus. Some are on specific workstation desktops. The scanner manual and selected barcodes that we use in programming the scanners are here: r:\AD\DEPLOY\Bar Code Infh1. SYSTEM MANAGER'S REPORT
Mike Hodge and Thomas Wick


Departed Keelung Taiwan on April 4, 2014 with all IT systems up and running including all scientific instruments PCs and servers in working order. VSAT system working on both DACs and ship's internet and phones working normal. Received an ongoing issue with data center MGE UPS located in Koomey room from Expedition 349. Opened ticket with vendor and both SIEM and IODP personal arranging vendor service call at portcall Yokohama Japan. No problems with RigNet or VIT/VIT color systems during first drill site and last drill site. During second week of expedition HP Tape Library drive 3 shut down. Opened trouble ticket with vendor and brought offline drive back online without further problems. During last week of first month encountered a DIMM memory module error on server St. Helens where our network management software and tools reside. After troubleshooting with vendor decided to open up server, reseat memory modules and perform a reboot. Server came back online without further DIMM errors. Encountered an issue with Core Entry Zebra printer where it stopped printing after servicing. Troubleshot and resolved issue by tracking to Corelab network switch and modifying switch configuration, this resolved printer issue.
Second month encountered an issue with Apple File Protocol (AFP) on Novell servers where users could not connect to servers. Troubleshot with vendor and decided to reboot server which cleared the drive mapping problem. No further AFP issues. Both Zoom and Skype have worked outstanding this expedition. The 2 educators working around the clock have done well over 200 Zoom sessions with class rooms around the world. Also, we have done a nightly Zoom session with a scientist that could not make the trip because of health issues. All helpdesk issues were minor and taken care of by the MCS's in a timely manner. Overall summary, was good time to train a new MCS and take care of and maintain shipboard network and IT systems.

Servers (Microsoft):

  • Applied Microsoft SQL Server Service Pack 1 (SP1) successfully to server McKinley and AMS system.
  • Encountered DIMM memory module failures on server StHelens. Reseated modules cleared problem.
  • Performed shore Cumulus vault import to ship vault using Moksa's new procedures developed last expedition. Process did not perform as outlined and troubleshot to two corrupted files and 45 files that did not import. Corrected all files with shore help and updated procedure document to reflect discoveries.
  • Discovered 9 host instrument systems that were failing to be backed up by Acronis. Resolved discrepancies and all host instruments are being backed up.

Servers (OES)

  • Encountered an incident where Mac users were not able to access Uservol. Initiated a reboot process of server and Uservol would not mount on server after reboot. Opened a ticket with Novell for assistance. Eventually was able to manually mount Uservol. Open ticket is still being pursued with vendor.
  • Discovered AFP (Apple File Protocol) log file had grown to an unsustainable size. Cleared log file and implemented a log file rotation scheme to keep log file size down to an operational level.
  • Encountered two incidents where the GroupWise Internet Access (GWIA) gateway had hung and stopped message transfers to shore. Restarted GWIA cleared problem.
  • During routine server monitoring noticed GroupWise disk space lost ~16 GB of size. Initiated GroupWise utility maintenance process and recovered disk space.

Servers (Solaris):

  • Installed CommVault Oracle virtual client on server Etna. This will allow for Oracle backups when this service is migrated to Etna. Prior to installation was not able to perform Oracle backups on Etna.

EVA4000 Storage:

  • No incidents with the EVA to report.


  • Continued Expedition 349 open ticket with Dell about developing an App Control Signature file for blocking unauthorized Zoom sessions using our SonicWALL firewall. Captured Zoom packet traffic for Dell who developed a signature file. The file has been installed and implemented.
  • During maintenance on Core Entry Zebra printer it lost network access. Not able to use printer. Further investigation of the Corelab network switch discovered configuration issue. Resolved switch configuration issue restored printer function.
  • Per email request from shore, investigated our Oracle system for susceptibility to the Heartbleed vulnerability per Oracle documents on the subject. Working with the developers we did not identify any Oracle products in the JR environment liable to the vulnerability. Furthermore, Dell stated that our SonicWALL firewire was scanning for the vulnerability and would block it at the firewall.
  • Discovered on routine helpdesk call to Drill Shack that LAN-OPT-03 fiber cable had un-raveled from fiber box in Drill Shack. Pictures were taken and sent to shore for follow-up. Awaiting response.
  • Education Teachers advised us of their need to use social media "Instagram" for this expedition. Disabled blocking in SonicWALL.

PC Workstations:

  • Sent email to shore to order DIMM memory modules for Corelab SHIL PCs a & b and for spare modules.
  • Replaced Curator's Dell docking station with spare unit. Ethernet port failed on original unit. Sent email to shore for replacement units.
  • Shore email from Jim Rosser stated that IODP has dropped support for IOCOM Video Conference systems and software. Instructed to remove all installations.


  • A second iPad was brought onboard for teachers by one of the sailing teachers. Permanent ship addition.


  • Incurred numerous planned maintenance outages from RigNet this expedition.
  • Encountered 3 instances where the Below Deck Equipment (BDE) Antenna Control Unit (ACU) lost its IF frequency. Equipment had to either be reset or power cycled to clear. This occurred early in the expedition's first month but, has not been seen in the second month.
  • Completed a spares inventory of all VSAT spare parts and documented in spreadsheet. Sent copy to shore.

Other Equipment/Projects:

  • MGE-UPS Comet 50 KVA UPS for data center reporting "8 minutes runtime" and "Battery Charge Level" is at 0%. Siem personnel reset front panel but, UPS reports the same. Contacted vendor for assistance who then stated that UPS requires on-site field service engineer to restore UPS configuration with proprietary software. Multiple email traffic internally for Siem and then handed off to IODP to initiate service call. APC/Schneider Electric (support vendor) states no service technician in Japan for this UPS and will have to send someone out from the USA. This process is on-going with IODP shore personnel.
  • APC UPS 2200 (tag # N1892) in underway had battery failure, pulled by ET's who are ordering batteries.
  • One failed hand scanner (tag # N2044). Unit shipped to shore.
  • Installed two flat panels for Drillers and Subsea shop – 720p resolution to 1080p upgrade.
  • Encountered a deck AC outage, adjusted auxiliary air handler to verify operational then set it to run continuously and notified ECR. Discovered Ultraviolet light (used for killing bacteria) overheated a sensor and caused blower motor for deck AC to stop. ECR personnel acknowledged PLC prompt to override and deck AC air handler started blowing again. Was informed that ECR does not have an alarm for this kind of incident.
  • Incurred an incident where a tape cartridge caused a tape drive to drop offline. Opened a ticket with HP (case # 4726488222) and their analysis was tape drive choked on a tape. Power cycling tape library cleared condition and allowed ejection of tape and clear electronics. Was then able to bring drive back online. Nothing of interest showed up in log files sent to vendor. We are to monitor tape library and if another occurrence returns or persist contact HP and reference this case #, it will be reopened. There have been no further incidents since first occurrence in first half of expedition.