ASC Scientific IM10 and IM10-30 Impulse Magnetizers

To calculate the voltage corresponding to the desired field value, use the Excel spreadsheet IM10_30_voltage_table.xlsx. Enter the desired field value in the column Field (mT) and use the linear regression to calculate the voltage.

[ 1 Exp 397P ]

Exp 397P

Instrument Testing as part of KTLF

  • Both impulse magnetizers were tested as part of KTLF. Ten discrete samples were imparted an IRM at 100 mT (with the IM-10) and at 1200 mT (with the IM-10-30). The samples were measured with the JR6 spinner magnetometer currently in use in the lab. Results were consistent with such a field value.

  • 2" coils only were tested (usual coil). No coil calibration check was performed.