
Fabricio Ferreira

1. GEODESC - DataCapture v.1.0.17 

The GEODESC - DataCapture system is an essential on-board application utilized during expeditions. Since the begging of the X395, the scientists repeatedly mention that it would be helpful if GEODESC DataCapture would remember selections made when filtering and/or creating worksets. In other words, they wanted the fields used to filters the workset tables (e.g. Expedition, Site and Hole from Create workset panel; Fig. 1A-B) to persist between work-set creation and edit. Prior, the behavior was that scientist would filter the workset, create the workset, then after opening and/or editing the workset, the screen would reset back to its unfiltered state. The demand for this feature is long standing and was submitted shortly after its initial use during expedition X397. Scientists, Expedition Project Managers (EPMs), and technical core description staff had consistently raised this concern on multiple occasions. The matter was further brought to the attention of the LWG during their meeting in November 2022. Moreover, it received substantial support from several scientists based on their expedition evaluations. Recognizing the importance of addressing the core descriptions scientists' concerns, a decision was made to develop and implement that request during the X395. The development and deployment of the requested modification were entrusted to IODP developer, Dan Cary, Under the authorization of the LO, ALOs, and EPM present on the expedition, the necessary steps were taken to incorporate the improvement into the GEODESC - DataCapture ship version.

The requested modification for the GEODESC - DataCapture system have been successfully carried out during expedition X395, and the successful implementation of this request is expected to contribute significantly to the improvement of the users experience of this and future expeditions.



Figure 1A. GEODESC DataCapture dashboard where users can create/edit worksets by selecting a template on the top right panel, and a hole (and optionally, a range of cores - top left panel); B. Close-up view of the Create Workset panel, where essential fields (such as Expedition, Site, and Hole) remain even after filtering, creating, opening, or editing worksets.  

2. SEM Hitachi

At the beginning of the X395, the Hitachi SEM encountered difficulties related to the initialization of the controlling application and image acquisition. This issue prevented the Hitachi software from opening, and an error message appeared on the screen (Fig. 2). However, with the valuable assistance of technicians Luan and Nick, the problem was promptly addressed, and the subsequent steps outline the encountered issues and the respective solutions implemented.

  • "Run-time error "6": Overflow" (Fig 2): it's an issue with the screen resolution of the monitor, and had been resolved with the assistance  of the IODP technicians, Luan, and Nick. Under Control Panel -> Display -> Screen Settings, the display resolution should had been set to1280x768 pixels, and the display color should be set below 16-bit color level, and  restarting the computer. his error had previously been reported during expedition X398, "Run-time error 1", and are associated to the "Error Code 1050" of the Hitachi vendor guide (SEM User Guide - vendor.pdf; pg. 5-27);  

Figure 2. The "Run-time error "6": Overflow", do not allowed the SEM application start up. 

  • Following the correct adjustment of the screen resolution, the errors "Error Code 1101", and "Error Code 1112" showing up. Those errors can be found in the Hitachi vendor guide (SEM User Guide - vendor.pdf; pg. 5-29); Both issues are related to the SEM application configurations files. To fix those issues, an old configurations folders (C:\TM3000; C:\Program Files\TM3000; and C:\ProgramData\HITACHI) and theirs respective files (mainly TM_Adust.ini - modified on 5/21/2012, TM_Stage.ini - modified on 10/17/2009, and log.dat - modified on 7/28/2009) were restored.    
    • In preparation for any future application reinstallation or other configuration-related issues, a backup of the correct configuration folders/files has been made available on the IODP_Share server. The backup can be found in the directory T:\IODP_Share\SEM\Hitachi - config_files. To restore the settings, the following steps should be followed:
      • the folder "TM3000 - copy all folder to C_" - should be copy and/or replace the previous one into the path C:\;
      •  the folder "TM3000 -copy all folder to C_Program Files_ "-should be copy and/or replace the previous one into the path C:\Program Files\;
      • the folder "HITACHI - copy all folder to C_ProgramData_" - should be copy and/or replace the previous one into the path  C:\ProgramData\.
    • After copying the folders, rename them to their original names (TM300, TM300, and HITACHI).

3. SEM SEC SNE-4500M Plus and EDS Bruker

SEM SNE-4500M Plus Filament Replacement, Gun and Focus alignment

The SEM filament was replaced on 07/21/2023 after reaching around 141 h of use (Filament Rum Time of 5 days and 20:27h; Fig 3A).  In addition to the absence of images, the need to change the filament was evidenced by the Emission Current value reached of 20 uA, while it should be between 110 +/-20 uA.  

  • For the filament replacement, the steps presented in the User Manual were followed (item 7.1.2. of the SNE-4500M_Plus_EN_20180104_E.pdf);
  • After the replacement the Filament Rum Time has been reset;
  • The Electro Gun Centering Handles and the image adjustment were also made, following the User Manual items 7.1.4 and 7.1.3 respectively (SNE-4500M_Plus_EN_20180104_E.pdf ). Final results can be verify in the Figures 3B and 3C.






Fig 3. SEM SNE-4500M Plus Filament Replacement; A. Filament Rum Time show a total of 5 days and 20:27 hours of use ( about 141h); B. The Electro Gun Centering Handles and the image adjustment process; C. Results of the gun alignment and image adjustments.

4. EZ Washer 3000 - device improvements 

The biostratigraphical analysis conducted on board the JR is a vital component of sediment and sedimentary rock investigations. The standard methodology involves washing core-catcher samples through a sieve of predefined size, according to the target fossil group. This process is essential for sorting and concentrating microfossils from sediment residues, facilitating their examination under the microscope. To enhance the efficiency of micropaleontological sample preparation for sediment and certain types of sedimentary rocks, the development of the EZW-3000 was carried out during expedition X398P. Subsequently, during expedition X395, two new components were developed and incorporated into EZW-3000 device, contributing further to its optimization.

  • One of the new components addresses the issue of the spinning system's position after prolonged use. This component (Fig. 4A) has been designed to ensure the correct positioning of the spinning system, even after extended hours of operation. By maintaining stability, it prevents disruptions to the sample preparation process;
  • the second component had been developed to the enhancement of the water draining (Fig. 4B and 4C), and improvs the water draining capabilities. You just need to assemble the sieve above the new feet, and the EZW above the sieve (Fig 4E and 4F).







Figure 4. The new two components incorporate to the EZW 3000. A. component design to maintain the stability and the correct positioning of the spinning system; B and C. component design to improve the water draining capabilities; D. first version of the EZW 3000 assembled with the sieve; E and F. last version of the EZW 3000 assembled with the sieve.

5. EZ-Shaker 2000 (EZS-2000)- Enhancing Fisher Scientific Shaker - Orbital Platform for sample preparation and microfossil recovery

The EZS-2000 is a set of components developed with the primary objective of enhancing the capabilities of the Fisher Scientific Shaker - Orbital Platform. The idea to create these components arose from the challenges encountered during the processing of hard and/or semi-consolidated sediments samples. The aim of this new device is to facilitate sample preparation and enhance the recovery of microfossils, particularly from hard and/or semi-consolidated sediments. The EZS-2000 significantly increases the usability of the instrument, offering improved versatility and efficient handling of a variety of Becker's.

The components were designed to seamlessly integrate with the Fisher Scientific Shaker - Orbital Platform (model n. 13687700). This integration was achieved through the development of an base (Fig. 5A) that ensures stability and precise operation when the EZS-2000 is in use. The base facilitates a secure connection between the EZS-2000 and the Shaker, allowing for hassle-free installation and reliable performance. The top table (Fig. 5B) is designed to hold up to five Becker's of 2000 ml each, or five Becker's of 500 ml (utilizing the ring adapter). This expansion in capacity offers several advantages, including increased sample processing capabilities and improved experimentation efficiency. 





Figure 5. EZS-2000 - components developed to enhance the Fisher Scientific Shaker - Orbital Platform's versatility, enabling it to accommodate a greater number and variety of Becker's, and ensuring efficient and convenient usage. A.  EZS-2000 Base: Fisher Scientific Shaker - Orbital Platform, along with a close-up of the EZS-2000 base; B.  EZS-2000 Top Table - Expanding Capacity: detailed view of the EZS-2000 top table and it's capability to accommodate up to five Becker's of 2000 ml and/or 500 ml (with ring adapter); C.  Assemblage of the EZS-2000 top table onto the Fisher Scientific Shaker: the process is effortless, with the four screws of the top table fitting perfectly onto the shaker device, ensuring a secure and robust connection;  D. Detail of the EZS-2000 top table assemblage to the Fisher Scientific Shake, highlighting the compatibility and integration between the devices.

The effortlessly assemblage between EZS-2000 and the Fisher Scientific Shaker (Fig. 5C-D) was reached straightforward, with four screws of the top table fitting perfectly onto the shaker device, ensuring a secure and robust connection. This seamless integration enhances the overall stability and functionality of the EZS-2000, allowing the simultaneous sample processing (e.g. Fig. 6A to 6D) and various experimental needs. The device was particularly useful for working with hard and/or semi-consolidated sediments, where efficient microfossil recovery is essential for accurate analysis. This new device also opens up a wide array of applications for others labs and sample preparation. 





Figure 6. The EZS-2000, once assembled on the Fisher Scientific Shaker - Orbital Platform, offers a wide array of applications, as demonstrated in Figure XA to XD. The expanding capacity to hold one to five Becker's of 2000 ml or 500 ml (with ring adapter, Fig. XB) ensures flexibility and adaptability for various experimental needs.