EZ TSV-XLS Converter: Quick Start Guide

Fabricio Ferreira



The EZ TSV-XLS Converter (v.6) is a simple and user-friendly tool for converting TSV files to XLSX and XLS file formats using the Python programming language. This tool provides a graphical user interface that makes the conversion process quick and easy.



To use the script, you need to have Python installed on your system. If you don't have Python installed, you can download and install it from the official website (https://www.python.org/downloads/). Additionally, you need to install some Python libraries such as tkinter, pandas, openpyxl, and win32com.client.

In the desc-technician workstation, the required Python libraries are already installed and ready to use. To run the script, open the Jupyter Notebook and navigate to the EZ_TSV-XLS_Converter folder (located at C:\Users\daq.SHIP\Desktop\EZ_TSV-XLS_Converter) where the script is saved. Then, click on the "Run" button to launch the user interface of the EZ TSV-XLS Converter.


Using the Script

The application files are available in various formats, including a Jupyter Notebook file (.IPYNB), a Python script (.PY), and an executable file (.EXE), allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs. All of the files are stored in the T:\IODP_Share\ALL things GEODESC\EZ_TSV-XLS_CONVERTER_v6 folder on VOL1[(\NOVARUPTA)(T:)]. Please note that it is crucial to keep the folders and files in their designated location to ensure the proper execution of the applications.


To convert TSV files to XLSX and XLS file formats, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Launch the application and imput the number of TSV files you want to convert

When you launch the script (see options a and b below), you will see a label asking you to enter the number of TSV files you want to convert. Enter the number and click on the "Submit" button.

Resetting the Interface - You can reset the information at any time by clicking on the "Clear" button. This will clear all the fields and allow you to start again from scratch.

a. If you run the script directly from the Jupyter Notebook or a similar file format (.IPYNB and/or .PY files):

Jupyter Notebook Icon;



b. If you run the script from the Desktop shortcut (.EXE file):

EZ TSV-XLS Converter icon on EXE format;

Please note that while the script is running, you do not close the black window below the application panel. Instead, you may minimize it and continue with your conversion. 


Step 2: Browse and select TSV files

After you submit the number of TSV files, the user interface will display a label and a "Browse" button for each TSV file. Click on each "Browse" button to select the corresponding TSV file.



Step 3: Enter sheet names for each TSV file

For each TSV file, enter a sheet name in the corresponding entry field.


Step 4: Convert TSV files to XLSX and XLS file formats

Once you have selected all the TSV files and entered sheet names, click on the "Convert to Excel" button. The script will convert the TSV files to XLSX and XLS file formats and save them to the location you choose. To ensure the correct conversion of files, due to Windows "permission" related to IODP system configurations, it is necessary that save the XLS and XLSX files to the User’s volume [USERS (\\CLEVELAND)(R:\)]. If you use a different destination folder, the XLS file may not be converted and an error message will be displayed.



IMPORTANT: To ensure a successful conversion, please save the files to the User's volume [USERS (\CLEVELAND)(R:)]. Saving the files to any other destination folder may result in the XLS file not being converted and an error being displayed. Please take note of this warning to avoid any issues during the conversion process.

IMPORTANT: To ensure a successful conversion, please save the files to the User's volume [USERS (\CLEVELAND)(R:)]. Saving the files to any other destination folder may result in the XLS file not being converted and an error being displayed. Please take note of this warning to avoid any issues during the conversion process.



Step 5: Save the XLSX and XLS file formats

After the conversion is complete, the script will prompt you to choose a location to save the XLSX and XLS file formats. If there is an error during the conversion process, an error message will be displayed, if not, a success message will be displayed. In the success message, click on the "GREAT!!!" button for close the application.


Once the conversion is complete, you can proceed with running the Thin Section Report Builder, selecting and declaring the worksheets, and creating your report template as usual.