403 Imaging Report

Tiffany Liao, the Contractor


During Exp403, imaging specialist assignments were done.
Microscopes are taken care by Fabricio, and PICAT are taken care by Max.

General imaging duties/services provided:

  • Headshot photography and posters

  • ID badges creation for IODP staff

  • SHIL images check and support

  • Close-ups photography

  • Special request photography

  • Friends and Family photography and captions

  • T-shirt logo printing and pressing party

  • Group photography production, editing and printing

List of images taken:

SHLF images


Close-up images


Thin Section images


System Status


The SHIL worked well, no issues experienced during the expedition, and calibration had been done multiple times during port call and transit.

Section Half Image

  • All images (.TIFF and .JPEG) were methodically checked and retaken when necessary.

  • After a week of operation, two scientists mentioned that the color of SHIL image didn't look bright enough and was different from looking at cores by eyes, and asked if we could edit the image. Most cores we got in this expedition are dark colored sediment, which made the images turned out darker and the contrast weren't strong enough to see the details on VCDs.  We checked through the calibration settings and it look fine, so we decided not to change any configuration on SHIL and keep the same setting through the whole expedition. 

  • We tried to pull out some images and edit on Lightroom by using the color checker (figure1), and tried to apply on dark-colored sediment core images (figure2), but the scientists decided to set the edit parameters by eyes and feeling. Finally we suggest that if the images were too dark for reports, they can download and edit them individually by themselves and add the note for the editing. We edited and exported all the images using their settings for all sections of one hole for them, and afterwards they haven't mentioned about it again.  

  • The default setting of SHIL was "section" instead of "section half" in the beginning of the operation, when the barcode couldn't be scanned, scientists selected the core sections manually, but sometimes selected to section by mistake, and when SHIL images were parented to section, they could not show up in core composite images. We asked everyone to keep an eye on the setting, and also the application developers helped to change the default to "section half", and no issues after.

    figure1. SHIL image edited by using color checker 

    figure2. Dark-colored sediment core image edited by using same setting 



  • Close-up camera and flash system worked properly.

  • For some drop stone requests, both wet and dry images were taken.

  • We replace the close-up Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera with the outreach team's camera twice to film the close-up capture procedure.



  • Worked properly with no issues.

  • Mainly used to print ID badges for IODP staff and group photos.

  • Also used for some special personal requests such as passport and visa headshot photos for technicians and crewmembers.

  • The printer was used at least once every week.

  • Ink cartridge and maintainance box were replaced


  • It was used to print T-shirt logos. No issues.

  • The ink tanks were lower than ¾ and is filled.


Friends & Family

  • A total of 8 weekly image sets were produced, hopefully...

Expedition Logo

  • Supported the Expedition Logo contest organized by Alyssa.

  • T-shirt Logo Pressing Party was organized and requested logos were printed and pressed. T-shirt logo requests and “take home” instructions were printed.

  • Expedition Logo has been printed, laminated and put up in the stairwell.


  • No issues encountered. All equipment used is working properly. Special requests were done.

  • We shared the Canon 16-35mm and 400mm lens with the filming team during the expedition.