Logitech PLJ2 Jigs

Logitech PLJ2 jigs


Dec 1, 2021 New jig received Exp 391

PLJ2-C jig, serial number P-1715

  • X392 status:

PLJ2 jig, serial number 287

  • X392 status: Good.

  • X390C status: Good. Disassembled and cleaned using isopropanol and kimwipes, with new lubricant applied to contact surfaces.

PLJ2 jig, serial number 64

  • X392 status: Not holding a good vacuum.

  • X390C status: Reconditioned. Piston was found to be stuck in piston sleeve, which was loosened by ET Jurie by ultrasonicating the jig in water for a period of hours, then pushing on the chuckface with the spring. Upon freeing the piston, the contact surface was found to have been previously repaired using a red substance, potentially red chip seal. The jig is over 30 years old and no longer servicable by the company. Upon re-assembly, the surface of the chuckface was found to be tilted by 100 um but still exhibiting good parallelism, so the chuckface was flattened by lapping it down using 600 grit SiC for a period of hours. Does not pull the best vacuum but will get there if you push on the slides and the vacuum adaptor. When setting the chuckface, you need to give it a few good waps on the adjustment column (using the white plastic end of the setting tool) to make sure that the internal spring settles into the right tension, will email Logitech to ask why that is.

PLJ2 jig, serial number 322

  • X392 status: Not holding a vacuum. ET Etienne tried to rebuild the white plastic internal lip, however the jig still will not hold a vacuum.

  • X390C status: Reconditioning, with piston no longer stuck in piston sleeve (thanks Jurie!!), and rust on base of piston was sanded off. Chuckface shows good parallelism indicating reconditioned piston is in acceptable condition, however o-ring and scraper ring not making a vacuum seal with the stop-ring. The chuckface exhibits about 20 microns unevenness across its surface, which would need to be lapped down using 600 grit SiC. A next step is to disassemble and apply more vacuum grease to the inside of the stop ring, outside of the chuckface (including o-ring and scraper ring.

General notes

  • All three jigs are no longer servicable by the company, due to Logitech switching to metric measurements some time in the last 30 years. This is the quote for a new PLJ2 jig, from Jason Jex (Logitech Sales) on 10/28/20.

    • 1PLJ2: PLJ2c Precision Lapping Jig to accept 6 slides 28 x 48mm or 2 slides 25 x 75mm plus 3 slides 28 x 48mm or 1 slide 50 x 75mm plus 3 slides 28 x 48mm - $24,946.00

    • 1ACCS-0100: Rotary vacuum adaptor with tubing - for use with PLJ2, PP5GT, PP6GT, PP8GT and vacuum chuck mounting blocks - $422.00