Logitech LP50

Logitech LP50

  • Jun 10, 2021 New screen installed! With helpful instructions from Logitech.

  • Nov 11, 2020 Display screen on the LP50 is very dim, can that be fixed?

    • Oct 13, 2020 Update: "The most common cause of backlight issues are front panel inverter failure and display failure. If the customer is comfortable opening the machine we have a spares code for a new style display that does not require the inverter and would likely remedy the fault. The part is in stock and instructions for fitment are available," from 10/13 email from Jason Jex, Logitech Sales. Replacement display panel ordered on X390C.

  • Nov 11, 2019 Some slides get small cracks and chips on the edges after frosting on the LP50.