Setting up Communications with the GRA

All of the ORTEC communication (GRA and NGR) are handled thru ORTEC's .NET api and not through NIMAX.  You must install MAESTRO and run MCB Configuration at least once and assign the correct addresses to the devices.  For GRA the address is always

  1. The ORTEC system is 32-bit, but it can operate on a 64 bit operating system as long as the 32 bit LabVIEW is installed on the PC

    1. Plug the GRA USB cable into the computer

  2. Make sure MAESTRO software is installed on the computer

  3. In the MAESTRO folder, open the MCB configuration program. The program will look for all available devices. (Figure 1)

    1. MCB configuration is not the same as MCB properties inside of MAESTRO. MCB configuration is a separate item within the MAESTRO folder on the PC.

4. If the device is new and it is the first time it is being configured on the PC, an explanatory window will open. If the device is already recognized the program will continue directly to the Configure instruments window (Figure 2).

5. In the Configure Instruments window, the possible devices should appear under Number and Description.

       a. This window will have a different appearance if the device you are viewing is new (Figure 3) or if it has previously been configured on the PC (Figure 4).


6. Set the ID number to 1 for the GRA (Figure 5).


    1. When there is only one device, an ID number can be assigned by simply clicking Renumber All.

      1. Be careful using the Renumber all if there are multiple devices in the configure instruments menu because existing numbers may change

      2. Renumber new will assign an ID number larger than the last used ID number.

    2. If you wish to renumber a device or devices manually, double click the device name in the list to open a Change Description or ID The default descriptions that appear may vary based on the version of Maestro and MCB Configuration used.


7. Select Close

8. Verify that in the Configure Instruments window the ID Number is now set to 1 for your device

9. Select Close

10. Open IMS and verify that the GRA is properly connected. If no errors are given and the GRA device window appears on the screen, the device is properly configured.

Current Configuration information for Whole Round Tracks as of 11/20/2018.



Digibase Serial Number

Forward Whole Round Logger


SN 83852

Aft Whole Round Logger


SN 15340