Thermal Conductivity Meter ( TCON )

[ 1 X402 ] [ 2 X401 ] [ 3 X400 ] [ 4 X395 ] [ 5 X399 ] [ 6 X398 ] [ 7 X397 ] [ 8 X397T ] [ 9 X397P ] [ 10 X393 ] [ 11 X390 ] [ 12 X392 ] [ 13 X391 ] [ 14 X396T ] [ 15 X396 ] [ 16 X395C ] [ 17 X395E ] [ 18 X395P ] [ 19 X390R ] [ 20 X390C ] [ 21 X390P II ] [ 22 X384/390P I ] [ 23 X387P/387T ] [ 24 X378/378S ] [ 25 X378T ] [ 26 X385 ] [ 27 X379T/385T ] [ 28 X383 ] [ 29 X382 ] [ 30 X379 ] [ 31 X368T ] [ 32 X378P/368X ] [ 33 2009 ] [ 34 INSTRUMENT RESOURCES ]



  • needle V10701 has used at the beginning for sediment cores but they are so sandy so I decided to use mini puck H51027 with god results, at 6th week I change the puck to prevent moisture and was stored on drierite for a week, and we start to use the mini puckH51035 with good results. no issues

  • developer start to work in a new up-loader to prevent the multiple upload of files clicking on upload button, first test doesn't work so we back to the previous version

  • After a few versions we finally reached version which was tested and no problems were found (this version was used on site 1616E)


  • Two needles (V10701 and V10702), two pucks (H11080 and H11090), and two mini-pucks (H51033 and H51035) were tested successfully at the beginning of the expedition.

  • Needle V10702 was used to measure thermal conductivity on WRND APC cores at Site U1609. No issue reported.

  • Puck H11090 was used when possible at Site U1609: no issue is reported.

  • Mini puck H51035 failed during a measurement. Testing showed that the probe does not measure all the time. The mini-puck was put in the desiccator for 24+ hours and remeasured but failed again and did not pass the "Probe Heater" test. Several tries were further made until it was successful. It failed again when scientists wanted to use it. H51035 was tested again many times after some days in the desiccator and failed each time. H51035 can no longer be used.

Scientists used H51033 and H51027 for thermal conductivity on section halves. Note that at the end of the expedition, H51033 gave more variable values for the MACOR standard than H51027, yet in the acceptable range.

  • Hundreds of TCON Tests with no data and weird timestamp of 1601-01-01 00:00:00 had to be deleted by the developers. This could be due to the fact that the data are not saved in the folder read by MUT2 (i.e., saved in the IN folder instead of the sample folder with name as SECTION ID_offset), or files having an offset non readable by MUT2, or files sitting in the IN folder with no data in it (aborted measurement), or else. The "empty" folder would then be uploaded everytime a user clicks on "Upload to LIMS".


  • Scientists used the needle V10701 to measure the thermal conductivity on whole-round cores. A puck (H11090) and a mini-puck (H51033) were used to measure thermal conductivity on working halves and hard rock pieces in sea water bath.

  • No issue is reported.


  • From the beginning of the expedition, the pucks and the needles were tested, problems were seen in the reading of the ceramic and rubber standards, in no case were results obtained (poor data quality).

  • All the pucks and needles were tested and none of them gave good results, different settings were tried and no changes, that's why we started testing the low pass filter and the UPS to see if the problem was there (with help from Garrik) , it was even tested connecting the wall plug directly to the instrument, testing in regulated power (blue plug) and in normal power (white plug), in all cases the result was the same ('Low data quality"), in a point was randomly achieved to take one of the three measurements, the first site was taken under these conditions.

finally, we connected the instrument on the opposite side of the boat through a power extension, inside the UT shop in a white plug (normal electrical current), in this case the measurements began to be taken normally and continued in this way throughout the expedition (in transit the good reading is maintained consistently), since when plugging back in the place where it is normally used the reading again falls to "poor data quality"

  • Jul 13, 2023 Taking advantage of the time without measurements, we tried other white sockets next to the door of the core entrance, we found that the L37-20-1 (just under the phone) works well for T-Con measurements, we moved the connection to that place at the beginning of the site U1602 E

  • Good results with mini puck H51033

  • The white socket next to the corer entrance (L37-20-1) remains permanent. The readings are consistent for the rest of the expedition with the H51033 mini puck for sediments and for the rock samples, the H11090 was used with consistent data


  • Probes H11060, H11080, H11090 (puck), H51033 and H51035 (mini-puck), V10701 and V10702 (needles) were tested at the beginning of the expedition. Probes H11060, H11080 and H11090 were used by the Scientists.

  • When thermal conductivity measurements started to be difficult, probe H11060 was put in the desiccator to dry/rest for at least 24 hours. Scientists moved then to probe H11080 until an error occur during the test at the beginning of a measurement (see screenshot below). Probe H11080 was put in the desiccator as some seawater was noticed on the connector. H11090 was then used. It may be good practice to put electrical tape around the connection between probe and cable to protect it from seawater. Scientists mention that H11080 was the worst of the three probes they used, this probe being slower and repeating cycles. According to the Scientists, H11060 was good and H11090 was excellent.

Error during probe test for Probe H11080

  • Because H11060 and H11080 were giving difficulties on the analysis, they were tested again by measuring the Macor standard. Nothing unusual was to report, the probes showed expected results, as shown in QCViewer.

MACOR Standard measurements during Expedition 399 with different probes



Min value

Max value

Average value

Standard deviation

Number of measurements


Min value

Max value

Average value

Standard deviation

Number of measurements



















Statistics of the MACOR standard measurements during Expedition 399

  • During the expedition, scientists had to change the seawater bath used for saturation every 2-3 days because of the presence of residual mud from splitting. Because of asbestos, the core handling and processing procedure was changed. Hard rock pieces are no longer washed individually. After splitting the liner with the big saw, the pieces (serpentinite or gabbro) are superficially washed and not cleaned. During the saturation process, the residual mud from the splitting precipitates in the vacuum chamber. The picture below represents mud/sediment particles and hard rock fragments in the cooler used for storing samples after they spent 12 hours in the vacuum chamber (in other words, the cooler constituted a kind of second bath for the samples).

Cooler filled with seawater, used to store samples for thermal conductivity after saturation in the vacuum chamber. Note the residues at the bottom.

  • At the end of the expedition, the clamp used to tighten the probe to the sample broke. It was replaced by a new one made by ET Jurie.

  • Probes which were discarded in the past because they were no longer communicating were tested again with their own and other cables to verify whether it came from the probe itself or from the cable. See TCON Needles and Probes List for an update of the status of needles and probes and table below for the tests performed at the end of the expedition. Two probes were recovered and can be used again (testing is recommended before use, however).

Probe tested

Test Jun 2, 2023 

Test Jun 4, 2023 after 48 hours in the desiccator


Probe tested

Test Jun 2, 2023 

Test Jun 4, 2023 after 48 hours in the desiccator





tests performed with cables for H51027 and for H51018




no configuration file available on the computer




tests performed with cables for H11028 and for H11038




tests performed with cables for H11028 and for H11038




tests performed with cables for H11017 and for H11027, configuration file of H11028




tests performed with cables for H11017 and for H11027, configuration file of H11028



  • Information about how TCON_CALC data are calculated and added to the data base has been added to the Thermal Conductivity Meter page in the PP Lab Notebook in Confluence

TCON_CALC uses a linear-regression to calculate thermal conductivity data, this is the older method that TeKa Berlin used before developing their SAM method.

The TCON_CALC method takes the heating curve, finds the best possible line from the linear part of the curve and performs a calculation, even if the quality of the data is poor.



  • Probes H11083, H11089, H51033, V10702, V10701, H11060 were tested at the beginning of the expedition. Data are saved in TCON computer and in IODP_Share.


Technical Service

  • Batteries of the UPS were changed.


  • mini puck H51035 give a heating error and was replaced for H51033, no issues after that. (H51035 need to be tested)



  • The TK04 was successfully tested using the half-space puck on the Macor standard.

  • It was later conveyed that they will not be taking any thermal conductivity measurements.



  • The Teka software installed was from the thumb drive set with the new Mini puck.

  • No issues were reported with the software or hardware.


  • Scientists asked to remove TCON_CALC data from the report because they are not real data measured by the instrument. The developer deleted them.

  • Puck H11083 was received with small holes on the acrylic. It was tested and it is measuring properly.



  • Probes tested: H11083, H11089, H51033, V10702, V10701, H11060. Data are saved in T:\IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\TCON\TCON_X393_PucksTests.xlsx. A summary of the results is on the right part of this page under "Pucks test X393 (June 2022)".

  • Sides were trimmed on Half space pucks H11080 and H11090. H11089 and H11083 are not trimmed.

  • After several connection errors during X390 and X393 on different pucks. TCON instrument box was opened, the ribbon cable was partially unplugged. Epoxy was added to the connector to avoid the issue to happen again in the future.


After that only ones the connection error appears again (puck H11060), it was solved by clicking OK in the window and continuing measuring.  This cable could be the cause of some of the issues that had being seen during lasts expeditions, it would we interesting to bring back the pucks that were sent to shore and test them again onboard (H51027, H11028 and H11038).

Connection errors on H51033 and H11060 were in the same step of the checking.

  • Pucks have been keep inside a ziplock bag with a desiccant bag. This desiccant bag should be changed one time during the expedition. The desiccant bags are inside a metallic bucket under the TCON station. 

  • It was found that one of the pins of puck H11060 had a little bit of corrosion and presented a brownish color, what could cause a connection problem. It was cleaned by the ETs.

  • TEKA documentation has been organized (PPTRKA 1) and uploaded to Confluence under each probe name. TEKA information inside usbs anb CDs has been copied to T:\IODP_Share\PhysProps Lab\TEKA\Probes_Info.

  • New TEKA pendrives include and updated version of the software, it has not been installed in the TCON station.


  • Arrived new mini puck H51033, probe archive has installed on puck database and pendrive with info has stored on Thermcon PPTRKA1 drawer

  • Some test are made at the beginning of the expedition and using 20 like DCL the first data are not higher than the other values.

  • Puck H11028 loose connection

  • Puck H11038 loose connection

    • Both pucks are given to ET to review connections:

    • Both pucks responded to the resistance measurement differently than expected compared to the properly functioning puck, on visual inspection under magnification, corrosion wear is evident on both pucks H11028 and H11038 (attached images)



  • PP scientist asked to remove TCON_CALC data from the report because they didn't measured data. Developer has been deleting them manually during this expedition.

  • A set of three vacuum containers was used on the last site, to allow the processing of a large number of samples.

  • Pucks used during the expedition H11028 and needle V10702.

  • There are 5 Half Space pucks onboard and 2 Mini Half Space Pucks. All the pucks and two needles (V10702 and V10701) were tested at the beginning of the expedition. Two pucks (sn H11017, H1160) and one mini puck (sn H51018) presented no accurate results or not data at all. They were put inside a box with desiccants to try to recover them. The final results of the tests are presented bellow:
    Half Space Pucks
    H11027 - Play puck NOT WORKING
    H11060 - Works correctly
    H11028 - Works correctly
    H11038 - Works correctly but shows rust traces.
    H11017 - Works but all the values are bellow the standard range (It was tested with its own cable and with H11060 cable)
    H11040 - Was sent to shore at the end of X390C. It presented the same problem as H11017.

           A requisition has been set in order to buy two new pucks.


          Mini Half Space Pucks
          H51018 - Works but all the values are bellow the standard range (It tested with its own cable and with H51027 cable)
          H51027 - Works correctly
          A new one have been purchased and will be here for next expedition.


Data are saved in T:\IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\TCON\TCON_X392_PucksTests.xlsx. A summary of the results is on the right part of this page under "Pucks test X392 (March 2022)".




  • Many sections were measured alternating between needle, pucks, and mini pucks. Sediment samples were used with the needle V10702, and hard rocks and sedimentary rocks are measured with puck H11028 and mini puck H51018.

  • Some issues with mini puck H51018 were detected at the end of expedition (last site). At three different times the puck failed the test at the beginning the measurement. The cable was moved to the near side of the puck and then the test passed. A new mini puck was requisitioned on Requisition number 4.


  • A new shelf was build underneath the FWD-WR track, in order to accommodate probes and other TCON items.



  • While testing the instrument measurements could not be uploaded to the data base, and an error massage appeared on ThermCon window. After few days TCON was tested again and data uploaded as usual to the database. Cause of the issue is unknown.



  • When measuring soft sediment probe V10702 was used. For harder sediments and rock puck H11017 was used.

  • Sep 10, 2021 Puck H11017 failed to communicate with the machine during start of measurement procedures. Checked for corrosion due to salt water and did not see anything. Restarted the machine and still not communicating. Switched to using puck H11060 for now. H11017 was placed in drierite for a period of time.  The puck was returned to the t-con station and no further issues were noticed.


  • TCON was used to measure both, sediments and rocks. Puck ns H11017 was used for most measurements on section halves; when necessary, due to the characteristics of the piece, it was exchanged for mini-puck H51018. For whole rounds needle ns V10701 was used.

  • For rock measurements we immersed the sample on a container with salt water and used a vacuum pump to extract the air and allowed the water to fill the pores. The sample was in that container for four hours.

  • By the end of the expedition puck H11017 got 'tired'. Following Jurie Senior advice it was put together with desiccant in a closed container. It was tested at the end of the expedition. It has regular behavior again.

  • Zenon Mateo apply a new method to measure hard rock samples that fits better on the new TCON station position, and make the measurements more comfortable to the user. Using a plastic shoe box instead of the cooler, also, allowed to safe space around  the station because the measurements could be done inside the TCON box.

  • TCON vacuum pump logsheet was added to Confluence.

  • Vacuum pump sn 05150134909 was used during this expedition to make the measurements. It was used not more than 3 hours in total.



Just V10701 needle was used in full cores

No issues

  • Practicing on play cores does not yield good results: play cores usually dry out and do not give good results. The software prints out "No Results - poor data quality" which may be due to unstable measurements. To make sure the sensors are working properly, testing was conducted with the standards.

  • During the expedition, we used thermal probe (V10701). Some of the core material was gassy and liquidy, and did not always produce good results (“No Results – poor data quality”). But generally, good results were achieved.


Mar 7, 2021  TCON QSG was reviewed and updated in Confluence.


Not Used



  • Nov 16, 2020 The edges of the three extra Half-Space probes (H11060, H11038 and H11028) were cut. New tests were performed after that (See image below). During the test we detected few times "No Data" results on the three of them, after them they continue to measure between the expected limits. 

H11028 presents the most erratic measurements. This behavior could be seen also before cutting the edges.

Data is saved on T:\IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\TCON\TCON_X390C_ProbesTest. A summary of the results is on the right part of this page under "Cut TCON Half-Space probes test X390C (Nov 2020)".


  • Oct 11, 2020 to Oct 18, 2020 Needles, Half-Space and Mini Half-Space probes were checked with Macor standards in order to review if they are measuring properly. Each sensor was tested during 20 rounds.

    • H11040: Reports lower values than expected. It was sent to IODP for recalibration, at the end of the expedition.

    • H11027: Reports a damage probe. It is labeled as Play-Puck.

    • Remaining sensors report accurate measurements.

Data is saved on T:\IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\TCON\TCON_X390C_ProbesTest. A summary of the results is on the right part of this page under "TCON Probes test X390C (Oct 2020)".


  • Oct 10, 2020 Needle and puck calibration was perform. Everything ok.

  • Oct 9, 2020 The program is not verifying the sample so it is not possible to enter it for measuring. When the label was scanned there was a SPACE after the ID. The scan gun was reset using the curator barcodes, without using code 4 (Send <Space> key). Appropriate barcodes for this situation were put on the TCON box and screen.                                                

X390P II

No Issues

X384/390P I

No Issues


  • IMPORTANT: Probe's cables can be use in different pucks.

  • A list of needles and probes on board was created and added to Confluence.

  • An archive folder with needles and probes configuration files that are not used anymore was created on C:\Program Files x86\Config\Archive_probes.

    • It contains configuration files for H11015, H11023, H51011, H51014, H51016, V11035 and V11037.

Suggestions / notes

  • Due to dry dock probes, needles and other TCON accessories have been moved temporally to the space under the TCON station and to the shelf on the top of it.



No issues



  • TCON station was move to a new place behind the WRMSL. This place will be tested during Exp 378, locking for potential issues and inconveniences, or corrections that should be made to the actual position. No changes have been done on the old station place; if the TCON station needs to go back to the original position it will be easy and quick.

  • New keyboard tray was build by the ETs below the TCON box in order to assure a comfortable space for sample entry.




  • During the expedition, we switched thermal probes among the needle (V11066) and half-space pucks (H11017 and H11040) . When the needle had not yielded any readings for a series of sections, scientists decided to use the H11017 puck (the one that has its sides milled to fit in the liner) on working halves. This became an issue when the H11017 puck was thought to be fatigued after continuous use and scientists wanted to switch to the other puck. The H11040 puck could not fit into the liner space and we lost some data of those cores. Another issue is the half-space pucks (H11017 & H11040) did not yield any readings (with thermal coupling fluid) when testing on the MACRON standard. This made scientists doubt the reliability of data produced by the pucks and spend too much time on testing gain confidence.


  • Practicing on play cores does not yield good resultsSep 23, 2019: Play cores usually dry out and do not give good results. The software prints out "No Results - poor data quality" which may be due to unstable measurements. To make sure the sensors are working properly, testing with the standards.

  • Needle probes did not work well on hard sediment, possibly due to cracks formed while inserting the probes into the sediment. The pucks gave good readings.

  • Measuring thermal conductivity on hard rock samples: Saturating samples up to 4 hours should be adequate to give good results. Do not use thermal coupling fluid to improve contact value.


No issues


No Issues


  • Apr 21, 2019 to Apr 22, 2019: During Exp. 379, the TCON half-space probe sn H51027 was noted to give inconsistent data, possibly due to a loose terminal. To verify this, we acquired 21 measurements of the macor standard. One of them (measurement 10) was outside the expected measurement value because it didn't find data values. However, the rest of the values are within the allowable range of the standard.



No Issues


No Issues


No Issues



See IODP_Share\PhysProps Lab\TEKA called "Juries Teka noise" for issues related with ship's regulated power affecting the instrument.