P-Wave Velocity Bayonet/ Caliper Gantry ( PWB/PWC )


  • gantry presents problems with motion, manual buttons are changed of directions of movement and exalar screen shows imput4 on all time and movement are randomly blocked from screen. the problem was solved when we found a wire loose in the upper side of grey  box (see picture). IT tech fix the issue re-soldering the wire to the connector


  • Bayonets were not used during the expedition. Only the caliper was used on section and discrete samples.
  • Sections from Site U1610 were challenging to measure and P-wave measurements were made on cut slab from the PAL sample of the Core Catcher.


2023 Dec 10. Ship wide power out 1030-1130.  Powered up.

  • Reset AR700 to 230400 baud. And ran command "W1234" from NI-MAX > AR700 com port > VISA Test Panel to save current settings across short duration power outages.
  • Power out messed up Exlar motor control settings on the caliper drive (rightmost). Used the Exlar Utility to reset configuration from programmatically stored defaults.
  • EXLAR Utility is found on the Motion menu.
  • Using the Edit Me tab, restored caliper motor function by
    • Click Copy Default Values to Edit Me. Causes programmatic default to be applied to all the field. The values show are these defaults.
    • Click Sync Edit Me to Actuator and Config File.
    • Switch back to the CONTROL tab. Shutdown and restart the program. Confirm operability of caliper system.

2023 Nov 28. Powered up. AR700 laser not communicating (baud rate fell back to factory 9600 setting). Reapplied.


  • Only the caliper was used during this expedition with P-wave measurements on section only. The bayonets were not used and not calibrated.
  • No issue with the caliper loosing communication happened during the expedition.
  • The bottom transducer needed to be polished at the end of the expedition because the surface was no longer flat due to repeated measurements.


  • After connecting the instruments and the computer there was a lost communication with the laser AR700, it was solved by re configuring the laser bud rate as explained in the manual.

  • caliper also lost communication but it was easily fixed by coping the configuration parameters of exlar in the configuration utility.


  • Only the caliper was used during this expedition with P-wave measurements on cube and piece. The bayonets were not used and not calibrated.
  • Some samples were giving noisy signal and the number of stacks was increased to get a better signal.
  • The caliper experienced issues during the expedition by getting stuck in the up position a few times. The mechanical buttons did not work, and the EXLAR Utility did not appear to fix the problem. This may be related to a loss of configuration between IMS and the actuator, as seen in the screenshot below with all the values = 0. This required closing IMS and restarting it. It may not be needed to restart IMS every time. One may choose in the main IMS menu File>Initialize System. This was not tried during the expedition, but might be worth checking when this issue happens again.

EXLAR Utility showing 0s and no values suggesting a loss of communication

  • The laser AR1000 and the mechanical buttons were not activated during the initialization phase of IMS. It was necessary to open the utilities to activate them. This was no longer observed later during the expedition.
  • The shortcut Velocity VI on the Desktop was not working at the beginning of the expedition. To run the IMS program Velocity if that happens again, open DPW.lvproj in LabVIEW which is located on Desktop>New folder>FRIENDS. In DPW.lvproj, open the library Discrete P-wave.lib and click on Velocity.vi. The vi will open, click on the RUN arrow of LabVIEW to run the program.


  • IMS software Updated
  • Scratchs on transducer caps were shaved and calibrated


  • Caliper and Y and Z bayonets were used during this expedition.
  • For measuring sediments a gain of 1.0 or 2.0 was used, but for measuring pumices a gain of 4.0.
  • Pwave Caliper measurements from U1592A 10H to 14H had to be reprocessed, instead of picking the first arrival the higher amplitude was selected, making the velocity of the material slower than the real one.

IMS software method fits a Gaussian curve to the 'front' of the waveform and uses a fixed threshold of the first derivative of that curve. The method used for reprocessing the data (Zenon Mateo designed an Excel tool) is based on the Energy Ratio (ER) primarily, and uses the modified version (MES) as a confirmatory method.

For making the results more similar, the liner correction used in the ER method was adjusted to 1.08 microsec (instead of the 1.23 microsec used by the IMS-velocity software) based on a repeat measurement of a single point in core 16.

This tool and related literature is saved  in the right side of the P-Wave Velocity Bayonet/ Caliper Gantry page of the PP Laboratory Notebook and in T:\IODP_Share\PhysProps Lab\Testing and Calibration Notes\GANTRY\X398_Zenon-Pwave-Correction.

Edited files were saved into C:/ DATA Gantry files and uploaded using MUT. Both, original and edited files are saved in DATA1 and in IODP_Share in the PhysProps Lab folder.

Based on this incident and in order to make this process more efficient a suggestion to improve IMS software in the Gantry will be to allow the scientist and/or technician to open previous waveform files and select a new first arrival using the Manual Pick option.

Software Issues

  • Sometimes when restart IMS, AR 1000 didn't start. An error window appears, it is not possible to close it, making impossible to continue the opening of the software. The software was restart several times using Task Manager in order to solve the problem. Origin of the problem unknown.
  • Slow Open button in the monitor got stacked like it was pushed all the time, but none of the sensors move. Restart IMS solved the issue. Origin of the problem unknown.
  • Caliper and Bayonets stopped to move in few occasions during measurements using IMS buttons. It was possible to move them using the manual mode. To use the Exlar Utility didn't help to solve this issue. The value of the actuators was 0. It was possible to import the default values to the Utility but they were not exported to the actuators. After several tries and by restarting the software the problem was solved. Origin of the problem unknown.

Caliper configuration parameters

Parameters when Caliper and Bayonets cannot move


No Issues


  • No major issues were encountered.
  • The PWC caliper was exclusively used this expedition for velocity measurements.
  • One measurement per section for homogenous lithologies, and in the hard rock sections, a measurement was taken close to where the PMAG sample was taken. If no PMAG sample was taken then the measurement was taken where deemed appropriate.


  • Gantry sample information label parsing was updated to accept more label types (Pmag cube (with sample type OTHR, CUBE, or CYL), MAD labels (small and large) and sample table labels all work now.  For shared samples, do not use the MAD label when printing. This information was added to the manual and was posted by the gantry monitor.
  • During setup it is key to ensure the bayonets are properly configured.  They must be set to 2 wire auto instead of 4 wire or they respond erratically to software commands.
  • The caliper calibration window no longer automatically selects the first standard when the window is open.  This will prevent unintentional changes to the calibration.
  • A new executable for the Gantry software was deployed after all testing and changes were completed.


  • It is not possible to enter MAD labels on the Gantry if we measure pieces. Do we want that feature? 
  • The caliper has still the problem of getting stacked sometimes when the Auto Close button is used for measuring. To unlock it go to MOTION > EXLAR UTILITY and wait until the configuration is downloaded. Click DONE. The Caliper should move again.
  • Users have to be aware that when they open CALIPER CALIBRATION utility, the first measurement row appears automatically activated, what could cause the calibration parameters to change it user clicks ACCEPT. The user should do a new measurement of the standard and unclick the first row. It would be useful to maintain that first row unclicked when opening the utility.


X393 PP scientists, Chiara Amadori and Sarah Widlansky, did several experiments with hard rock sample-cubes in the Caliper in order to determine the behavior of the instrument and the samples:

  1. Experiment on cubes that were already measured: Measured after a complete MAD analysis.
    1. Measuring first X axis, then Y axis and then Z axis.
    2. Measuring X-Y-Z axis randomly.
  2. Experiment on fresh cubes: Fresh cubes, not heated previously, saturated during 12 h in seawater. The order of the axis measurement was X, Y, Z.
    1. Measured after MAD analysis (oven 24 h at 105°C and 3 hours desiccator).
    2. Measured before MAD analysis (saturated 12 h in seawater).

The conclusion for experiment 1 was that in the 75% of the cases the axis measured first shows a quick and extreme drop of Vp. This could be produce because the samples measured had been heated in the oven 24 hours at 105°C, what altered the clay and made other physical changes, allowing the pressure of the caliper to destroy some structures.

Acrylic standards were also measured, in the first case the measurements were repeated several times in the same axis and in the second case the order of the axis was change during the subsequent measurements. Obtaining a variation of < 0.03 %.

Data could be found in  T:\IODP_Share\PhysProps Lab\Testing and Calibration Notes\GANTRY\Hard-rock cubes Test - X393.xlsx and in the right side of this page under 'Hard-rock cubes Test - X393'.


  • Red line in "Abs Zoom" show picking at 16.2us but the real picking is at 14.7us, you can see the real place in manual picking.


  • A new upper limit switch was installed on the Caliper.
  • The caliper locks sometimes when using automatic close, to unlock it open the Exlar Utility and wait until it finish to read the data. If it still doesn't work push jock up.
  • In order to start running AR1000, after restart IMS open AR1000 Utility. It will start the communication between the laser and the software.
  • Be careful if going to Caliper Calibration Utility becasue raw 0 is selected and default and the measurement will start to change. A new measurement should be done and the raw should be unselected.
  • No major issues were reported.


  • The caliper on the gantry began behaving erratically (opening on its own during a measurement). The Z-bayonet stopped communicating at IMS software start up.  After a Pc reboot, no instrument on the gantry track would initialize properly at software launch.  The Exlar utility in IMS would move the instruments but not consistently.  We believed there was a driver issue (see screen shot below) so the MCS' installed a new driver version (, which is compatible with the new Ni -Max version 21.0 installed.  This did not correct the issue.  This warning message is always seen in Ni Max for the USB 485 hub and does not indicate a driver issue.
  • In NI-Max we noted that the setup had defaulted back to 4-wire. (In NI-Max, check that the Caliper, Y-Bayonet, and Z-Bayonet Transceiver Mode (under the Advanced tab) all are set to 2 Wire Auto.)  We had an MCS change this to 2-wire Auto in the windows Device Manager> Ports.  Right click the NI USB 485 port to open the properties window and under Port Setting>Advanced the transceiver mode must be 2 Wire Auto.  After this was reset, communication was restored with the Gantry instruments.  This issue has been noted previously on Exp395P.  After computer updates verify the communication settings!

When Gantry software was initialized the communication to the bayonets and caliper did not initialize properly.  Over Current limits were found when ever the system was going to home on any of the Exlar devices.  Because the track homes at start up, the instruments were going into an error state at start up and could not finish initializing.  Solution: We checked and rechecked the actuator settings and synced with the config file.  We also reset the home and the negative and positive limits for each instrument.  It is unclear as to why the over current limit was occurring in the first place and it is unclear what caused it to start working again.

We also reset the home and the negative and positive limits for each instrument. We noted the Input 4 indicator would periodically flicker on the Exlar Utility page.  After tracing the wires of the Exlar actuators, we found a loose connection leading into the junction box.  When this cable was ‘disconnected’ at start up, it would cause the various inconsistent behaviors seen in the gantry.  Once the cable was secured, the Gantry initialized properly on every start up.

  • Gantry Software will not accept sample type ‘Wedge’ labels. Scientists had to manually enter sample names for these samples.


  • The black cups that covered the springs were retired to give more space to the Caliper, to allow to adjust it to measure soft sediments using Auto close mode. Two 1-2 mm washers were installed inside the spring to hold it on position.

Black cups were stored inside the Velocity drawer (PPTRKF7), together with the extra Caliper springs.

  • When AR1000 loose communication with the software, the solution is to unplug in from the back (turn off the power) and plug it again.
  • NOTE: If Exlar actuactors loose its motion follow instructions on Tritex Configuration Guide to start them again.
  • Exlar Utility section has been added to the User Guide.
  • Jurie designed a new caliper limit switch to adjust auto close movement. This switch is more robust than the previous one, which will allow it to be used even with the manual closing buttons, without damaging the switch.


  • AR1000 Laser on the Gantry not communicating with software on start up.  Powered laser down (unplugged) , let sit, and restarted.  Communications restored.
  • Upon opening of the IMS software the AR1000 laser offset is sometimes off by a factor of 100. This is easily fixed by opening the AR1000 utility, letting the config parameters load and then closing it again.
  • Gantry experienced some issues with 'getting stuck' but was easily reset by opening the Exlar utility window and selecting 'Sync'.
  • PP scientists took mini cores from whole rounds perpendicular to the vertical axis of the core. Discrete measurements were taken on these cylinders. There were issues uploading this data IMS the system did not recognize the label format. IMS would write XXX into the file names rather than the text id.  The programmer developed a script to rename the files and the files were successfully uploaded. 
  • There were issues scanning large format MAD labels for discrete samples at the gantry station.  A new large format MAD residue label was generated and added to Sample Master.


  • The problems reported during X395E continue to appear, but it was possible to measure correctly with the Caliper.
  • The AR1000 offset doesn't default to zero. It was added manually on the save sample window.
  • Caliper calibration instructions were added to the User Guide.
  • Y and Z-Bayonets were not used during this expedition.


Not used

  • The AR1000 laser utility resets to the default values when you open the utility window.  The user must check the core offset after opening this window.  The offset should be zero. (Code was updated-this should now default to zero as of June 1)

  • If you squeeze on a standard too much (even using slow close), it will reach overcurrent error and release the pressure on the standard. The caliper then freezes in place until the user resyncs the TRITEX configuration in the Exlar utility window (button circled in red on the below image). 
  • The lower limit switch on the caliper is supposed to prevent the system from reaching this overcurrent limit. The switch is functioning properly. It appears the software may not be registering the input from the switch properly.  When the switch is pressed, the ‘Stop’ indicator flickers rather than staying lit (circled in blue below).

  • The last configuration of caliper TRITEX configuration utility is showed in next image


  • Explored the use of photoelastic imaging to define the ultrasonic transducer wavefield. This is an attempt to supplement the empirical measurement of an ultrasonic wavefield conducted last April-May 2020. This technique can provide a higher-resolution map of the beam intensity which can be calibrated using spot measurements.
  • Attempt to integrate a load cell into the PWC to measure actuator pressure on a sample and refine the relationship with measured velocity (ongoing).
  • After a normal, monthly Windows update to version 20H2:
    1. The AR700 and AR1000 laser range finders went missing in the Device Manager and NI-MAX > Devices and Interfaces. (cf: USB-232 Not Recognised by PC After Windows 10 Update).
      • Solution:
        1. With an Admin account, run NI Package Manager on NI-Serial (Mike Cannon). Make sure that only one device is defined for each (During this instance, two AR700 were defined)
        2. Make sure that the alias names given are the same as those being called out from the VIs (ACTION ITEM: Standardize the device alias names in IMS and make the necessary updates in ALL of the Confluence documents). If not, the following error will appear: "Error -1073807343 occurred at VISA Flush I/O Buffer in I_PI_AR700.lvlib:AR700 Single Distance.vi->I_PI_AR700.lvlib:AR700 Driver.....Insufficient location information or the device or resource is not present in the system"
    2. The serial settings for the USB-485 box were scrambled, particularly the transceiver setting for each of the Tritex actuators was re-set to 4 wire instead of 2-wire (cf. Tritex Configuration Guide)
      • Solution:
        1. With an Admin account, update the port settings in the Windows Device Manager to reflect the settings given in the Tritex Configuration Guide
        2. Open NI-MAX and verify that it reflects the same settings as those in the Windows Device Manager.
        3. Open the Tritex software and verify that the connections and serial networks are working.
  •   Updated the Gantry NI Max setup.docx document under IMS Hardware Communications Setup, to reflect the changes and important items noted above.


Not used


  •  QSG and checklist were reviewed and updated in Confluence.
  •  Change of caliper VNC cable that goes from the bottom of the caliper to the pulsar, due to erratic signal.
  • Caliper Gantry springs and square orings (PP5023) were moved to drawer PPTRKF7 in oder to have all the components of the caliper together.
  • Etienne Claassen machined a transducer lifter that allowed to use the red caps for measuring cores.


X390P II

Tech report notes:

  • New parts for the Pwave caliper system arrived in the freight. The parts were designed to make it easier to access the transducer caps for routine maintenance. The square o-rings were installed in the transducer caps with Dow Corning 111 applied before adding the transducer caps.

  • Received black disk for Zenon’s load cell experiment. The disk and the spare parts from the Pwave caliper system (new transducer caps and the old sleeves) have been left in PPTRKF7.
  • Installed the sleeve with o-rings on top and bottom transducer. Installed one red transducer cap on the upper transducer. Final assembly shown below.

  • O-rings for this assembly are in PP-2G and have been added to inventory (PP5023).

  • During installation issues were noted and further adjustments are needed.
    • The red transducer cap is too short. It will not contact the core when it is on the lower transducer. Bill Mills was notified and he stated he would look into modifying the design to raise the lower transducer. For now, the silver transducer cap has been installed.

      • A piece was machined to raise the lower transducer so it will contact the core. Testing should be conducted on 390C to ensure the system is properly functioning.

    • Etienne modified the core track piece around the transducer to allow the user to easily lift the sleeve off and access the transducer cap.

X384/390P I

No Issues


  • Changes on IMS code were implemented:
    • Improvements in AR700 laser code were made, allowing the station to have more stable measurements; this implies that the velocity measurements are also more stable.
    • Caliper Calibration Utility is now independent from the Bayonet one.


    • New Utility for Exlar Actuators was implemented, and changes in the code allows the user to have better control on the movements. The Exlar Actuator code was completely rebuilt. A user manual will be generated.



    • Caliper calibration utility is used to calibrate the laser offset and the delay of the system. A linear correction is applied to the laser offset.

    • Caliper calibration is back to a previous method it. Measurements are taken on standards with different sizes. The system delay and velocity of the material is calculated from the data.

  • New hardware designed by Bill Mills was added to the Caliper Exlar actuator. It allows more accurate measurements due to increased frame stiffness.

  • Rails were modified and aligned to adapt to the new hardware.
  • No Emergency Stop was installed to the PWL station for safety reasons; it takes out the power of the actuators not allowing the opening. Instead, each station has an Emergency Open button.

  • Cables have been organized. Actuators are wired to a 24 VDC terminal block. (See ETs report)

  • SYNC OUT and RF OUT wires from the caliper pulser to the digitizer were changed because the signal was not possible to identify. The cables that were taken out were damaged.
  • Home switches were install on each of the stations. A limit switch was installed on the caliper for spring compression limitation.

  • Jurie Kotze made a transducer lifter using the CNC, and adapted the rail to the new hardware.

  • Zenon Mateo design and 3D print: Home switches holders for Bayonets and Caliper, caliper limit switch holder, a gadget to allowed the laser to measure between its range and spring limit supports for the caliper. Designs are on PP Lab Notebook.

  • User manuals will be change to reflect these improvements.

Technical Service

  • Cables were change on the Gain box because the signal was lost because they were not in good shape.
  • The Exlar actuator cable for the Caliper was change.


  • Stiffer springs allow better measurements because the pressure exerted on the sample is uniform. The springs that are installed are: Stacked Wave Disc Spring for 1" Shaft Diameter, 0.019" Thick, 2" High, 30 lbs. Load 1561T64 (McMaster PO 1911002JOM).
  • Using this calibration system, assuming that the velocity of the acrylic is 2730 ± 40 m/s, we realize that our best quality data were obtain if we measure samples between 20 and 35 mm. More experiments will be done related with this topic. If we measure outside that limit, the error for the data will be less than 2 %.

Suggestions / notes

  • At IODP, check if there is a newer spare Exlar actuator for the Caliper and send it to the ship.


No Issues


  • : 2x large 75 V capacitor in the Power Supply box was replaced (ETs preventive maintenance).
  • The fan on the Power Supply box was replaced for a new one (ETs preventive maintenance).

  • If the TRITEX gears on the GANTRY (Caliper, Y-Bayonet or Z-Bayonet) loose their position it is related with the motion profile file. For correct it open Tritex Drive Setup on the Gantry Desktop. Then go to Open > File > Drive File and open the correspondent .edrv file, then click the arrow (See picture bellow), the initial parameters to the instrument will be reload and the problem should be sort out. These .edrv files are located at C: > IMS-10 > FRIENDS > TRITEX RESOURCES > VELOCITY > Drive Files. It is important to notice that this problem doesn't affect the measurements.



  • :  X Caliper was jammed in the open position and could not be moved with software commands.  The set screw on the guide rod was loosened and the motion rod twisted to free it up.  So far so good...   
  • IMS crashes while performing measurements and a section half is stuck: unable to control motors. To release the sample from the sensors
    1. Open Tritex software
    2. Choose the motor that you need to control
    3. Check on Monitor tab if temperature is being displayed. If so, the software is talking to the motor
    4. Go to Control tab
    5. Click on DISABLE
    6. Click on Reset Fault
    7. Click on DISABLE again to enable the motor
    8. Control the motor by pressing Open button on the track (next to the Emergency Stop button, or on the mounting pad next to the caliper)
  • The Z bayonet was lowered by unscrewing the set screws holding the bayonets. The tips of the bayonets are now barely touching the rail when fully lowered. This allows for transducers to fully submerge in the sample (section half).
  • The caliper gave bad readings: The laser did give good readings. The bottom caliper was raised to make a better contact with the core liner: The measurements are now in normal range.


  • A second oscilloscope was installed in order to separate the bayonet and caliper stations.
  • At the beginning of the expedition, the equation for calculate the velocity of P waves in water related with room temperature was change for the one that Gary Acton send.
  • Zenon Mateo conducted a feasibility study on the use of the Olympus normal-incidence shear wave transducer on fresh, water-saturated play core. Given the transducer frequency (0.5 MHz), the slow-travelling S-wave is attenuated by the high pore water content. However, the resulting waveform still exhibits a very prominent P-wave signal.

  • We test the measurement of different standards doing the calibration with different sizes and types of standards. Further experiments will be done in next expeditions in order to understand how the measurement process is working.

  • Bill Mills updated the method used in picking the P wave arrival time. Before, it was selected using threshold differences but now, it is selected by (1) using the Energy Ratio method of Han et al. (2009); (2) determine the next zero-crossing after the ER peak; (3) perform a second iteration of the ER within the bracketed period; (4) use the maximum ER on the second iteration as the arrival time.


  • Reoccurring issue with the Velocity software.  This issue has occurred multiple times during the expedition. When the software is launched errors related to the NIscope dll pop up. The user can click OK on each window, but the final result is a program what will not run.  Logging out of DAQ and logging back into the computer seems to correct the issue, at least temporarily.

  • Gantry was idle for a week.  Technicians went to test the system and the software was behaving abnormally.  Buttons were grayed out and the signal was inconsistent.  The Exlar actuators were not responding.  We found the E-stop button was pressed, but after deactivating the e-stop, the Caliper Exlar was unresponsive.  The bayonets initialized properly.  Using the Initialize utility in the software, we were able to get the Caliper to move a few centimeters down and back up, but it still did not initialize properly.  We used the Tritex software to communicate with the Caliper and found it was 'in current limit'. Using the "Home" option in the Tritex software, the system would go back into current limit. After clearing the current limit issue, we returned to the Velocity IMS program and the system initialized properly. But the Caliper does not go all the way down to the lower transducer when starting up. It stops 2 cm above the lower transducer before returning to the Home position.  *Question: Could this be related to the Gas Strut no longer supporting the system properly?
  • Working on Gantry Manual.  Note Standard report contains both Discrete and Section measurements.  Is this correct?  Also, the offset is set to 0 for all piece measurements.
    • Update: Standard report was updated to be Standard Section and Standard Discrete.  There is still an issue with the piece measurement offsets.

  • : Added measurement offset display to Sample information window. Deployed Velocity2.vi build until program is fully approved. Changes were made in the Sample Information vi in the Friends/DPW folder.
  • : Offsets are 2.5 cm off from the correct position after upload. The configuration values for the offset to instruments was incorrect. These values were corrected and the AR1000 returned proper values.
  • : Adjust the AR1000 laser and the aft end of Gantry track to get laser to hit the block.  Prior to this correction the laser was passing to the sample table.
  • : Multiple reports of negative and noisey values on Gantry have led to manual picking. There is a large noise signal immediately recorded. Increasing the amplifier value from 10db to 30 db on the Caliper pre-amp helped reduce the noise peak as the sample signal is amplified.

  • : Gantry giving NaN values during measurements on core with liner measurements. The configuration information had been cleared from the velocity setup window. The values for liner velocity and thickness were reset and the Gantry began giving good values.
  • 20 lb Gas Strut was replaced as it was no longer supporting the weight of the caliper.  The replacement strut looked to have been used previously.  New 20 lb struts are being ordered as no spares can be found on board.


  • : Blue endcap does not return a signal to the AR1000 laser, triggering a default offset value of 170.5 cm. This was also noted in the previous expedition (379), prompting a request to display the offset value for the user to verify before saving and uploading data. (NOTE: According to Bill, this request was included in the 379 PP Tech Report, but they did not have time to implement the change.)
  • : Save Data button inactive in IMS-Velocity software for cases where the initial cross-talk signal has a very high amplitude (e.g. greater than the threshold that can be set in the slider), which prevented the autopick line to move away from the initial/default position, even if a well defined compressional waveform is present.  In the manual picking mode, the user can move the pick line, BUT, the save button is disabled. Algie removed the condition in IMS-Velocity that causes this issue and the save data button is now active all the time. (ADD later: what is the condition that was disabled?).

  • Port call testing: evaluate system delays etc. between the gantry and the P-wave logger; determine final core liner (butyrate) and aluminum standard velocities (G. Acton).  Continue error analysis of the systems (how much error for each component or step).  Note:  the method of first arrival detection is currently different between the gantry (older method) and the WRMSL (new method). '*add details later* Notes from Gary


No Issues


No Issues


  • Gantry - Piece caliper selection, does not allow offset to be entered, gives a value of zero. Should be selecting offset instead of fixed position.  
  • Gantry - noticed that when the power is turned off the AR700 resets itself to default values (specifically the baud rate changes on the laser). We were able to set the correct baud rate and hardcode it so the value is now default.