Exp395C ALO report

Expedition Info

Boarded June 8 and offboarding August 8, 2021. Started and ended in Reykjavik, Iceland.


The expedition continued operations at sites of U1554/U1555 and started sites U1562/U1563/U1564.


Area monitor (XSCAN) w/ two sensors sent home BUT its power adapter was not. Unsure if the one to be received here is sent w/ its adapter. 

Due to late retrieval of a good amount of cores, we have to leave two incubators and a stack of five empty KBoxes onboard for the next SURF back to IODP.

COVID Protocol

Most of the sailing staff arrived to the hotel in Reykjavik on June 1. We quarantined at the hotel until boarding on June 8.

We had a PCR test upon arriving at the airport and two in the hotel. Everyone was able to successfully board after the hotel quarantine.

We were fortunate to not have any confirmed cases while onboard.


The oncoming 395C SF and AF was loaded and received prior to our boarding. 

The 395E FAF and RAF was transferred to the agent whilst in port.


Due to shipping regulations to France, Gabriel Pasquet's WC shipment will not be sent at the end of 395C but will be shipped from Norway at the end of 396. His room-temp samples will be sent RAF and sent to France from IODP.



: two 40 ft reefers with cores and surface freight.


: one flat with various CT/Engineering items.


: yellow box

: cardboard tube with MOT


: six sample boxes to international destinations (UK & Sweden)

World Courier:

: five frozen coolers to USA (same Scientist)

: two cold cardboard kits to USA (two different Scientists)

AMS/inventory/store rooms

One blue cap removed from the glass display cabinet.

IODP Stores monies will be sent back with Gary Acton.

Discussion/important information for upcoming expedition

Have fun and welcome back the Scientists. We sorely missed them this trip.