ALO tasks

Enter information about ongoing tasks that overlap expedition or pertain to work in progress rather than expeditions. Move to ARCHIVED when completed.




  • Tie-up and transit Aug/Sept 2022 we may ned to send the Pt crucibles for recasting. Verify June 2022.

  • Order TS0037 (Epo-tek 301 Parts A & B) for 398. Zero'd TS0037 27 July 2022.

  • Exp391: send set of CTD sensors to Subsea Technologies for calibration (RAF to IODP)

  • Repair floor in front of muffle furnace under the autoclave

  • Rock cutting saw cover modifications to ensure the covers can be pushed up against the wall in the splitting room

  • Maintenance on the splitting room floor pads.  There appears to be damage to the wires on one pad causing the pad to not operate at times

  • Have Saravanan remove superfluous shipment items from 395E AF; copy JVH..  Awaiting Bill Reihnert discussions with CTs.

  • Cape Town : Organize with LO/port agent for hazardous waste disposal. Items in the forward hood in FCL. (disposed of in Reykjavik) Jun 7, 2021 

  • Completed re-linking/format of 'new' ALO Notebook page Oct 9, 2020 

  • TS0037 : Epo-tek Epoxy expired Oct 6, 2020. Order in Feb/March for shipment to 395E (if projected usage) or to 395. Oct 18, 2020 

  • HW0519 : Norlan Optical expired Jun 2020 (note added in Item Master). Contact John Miller for reorder for shipment 395E (Feb/March).