EXP400T ALO Report

Expedition Info

Expedition 400T technical staff boarded vessel on October 14, 2023. The ship departed from Reykjavik, Iceland on October 16, 2023 and completed a 8 day transit arriving in Amsterdam, Netherlands on October 24, 2023. A 'School of Rock' program with 20 participants was conducted on the transit, boarding on October 15th and departing on October 25th. The  JR stayed tied up at Damen Shipyard until going into dry dock #4 on November 2nd. Due to high winds the ship did not go onto the blocks until November 3rd. The JR was float tested on November 27th....and passed! We then returned to the berth alongside and tied up until crew change on December 11th.


CORE REEFERS (X400 cores)

  • F400T_CORE_BCR - 1 x Working halves and residues going to BCR. 10 pallets of 15, 2 pallets of 14 each, 1 pallet of residues. 

  • F400T_CORE_GCR - 1 x Archive halves going to GCR plus gas rack of empty 'single bottles'. 10 pallets of 15, 2 pallets of 14 and gas rack.


  • F400T_SURF - 1 x 20' container. Misc. items returning to IODP for surplus/demob.


  • F400T_FLAT - 1 x Mud motor, core liner hardware(3), free fall funnel shipping frame, 30' knobby.


  • F400T_RAF1 - Misc. items returning to IODP. 

  • F400T_RAF2 - Misc. items returning to IODP. 


  • F400T_SLB: APS logging tool x 3.


  • There will be a last minute express box sent (400T_EXPRESS), from Amsterdam, for Billy Miller.


  • I suggest we count the items in display cabinet as part of the inventory in AMS if they are items that are in good condition to sell. Otherwise our records will be incorrect when we sell these items and there is nothing subtracted from inventory to show it.

  • There was some machined parts that came for the XSCAN but we were not sure who ordered them. Box is stored under the XSCAN on the floor for now.

  • Sent off all haz waste from the forward chem fume hood.

  • Made some changes in AMS for HW5512/5513 (lab floor paint) after looking at paint stock in BFLAM and noticing the smaller cans we received. IMPORTANT: Zeroed out the ROP/RSL in AMS. We should have enough do cover any projects over the last year.

General Lab Notes:

  • Many items we don't use anymore were sent back to shore for surplus/demob prep. Includes things like speakers/stereo sets, high pressure sampler for MBIO, Busan ship...

  • Defrosted all three -86 freezers and all small common fridges around labs while we were without power.

  •  Maintenance was performed on the N2 generator. The process valves were all replaced. The ship air inlet valve before the pre-filters was also taken off and fixed. There was an issue with is getting stuck which should now be solved.

  •  For most, if not all, of the dry-dock period from Nov. 3 - Nov. 27 the lab instrumentation was shut down. This was due to work being done on the 50kV UPS and also the supply of shore power being inconsistent
    (we experienced multiple brown-outs when first switching to shore power as it could not handle the load from the JR and would trip a breaker). Instrument hosts were kept up so that patches could be applied, but instruments themselves remained off until going wet again before testing.

  • Painted floor in the core lab including WRMSL/CENT/Correlator, stopping just outside the splitting room doors before reaching the sample table.

  • Replaced the body of the older Niskin bottle in preparation for use on X401. Also added tape markings on the deployment rope every 5 meters up to 20 meters.

  • Small updates and big fixes to the CTD_Plotter app. New v400T executable is on DHML pc and in DML folder on the server. Please use and add any comments/issues to the confluence page!

Load Outs