Guide to Ship REQs (375)

Ship REQ (Requisition)

The LO will be submitting requisitions (ship REQs) to the College Station office periodically or as necessary throughout an expedition.  If you find we are in need of a particular item or need to restock, please fill out a Req and send to the LO. 
Please use the form template located in VOL1/_IODP OFFICIAL/REQ/BLANK REQ.xls.  Fill out as much information as you have and indicate when the item is needed (which expedition).  Please use the Notes column to provide the reason we need the items, what they are for etc.

Notes on Export Control

All vendors that we order from need to be screened by our EC representatives.  Attempt to use one of our common vendors when requesting items (you can look up our vendors in AMS).  If you are using a new vendor, provide as much information as possible so the screening process goes quickly.
If you recognize, that we seem to be ordering the same things repeatedly, consider if the item should become part of our inventory.  The more items we have on inventory, the easier it is to order and ship the items.  See an ALO/LO for details.