Instrument and Methods Troubleshooting


  • Problem: Epoxy is not creating a good bond

    • Solution: Use Epotek instead of NOA 61 (see Exp. 376 technical report)

    • Solution: Use NOA 61 instead of Epotek (Exp. 366 technical report)

    • Solution: Clean the slide very well by ultrasonicating in DI water then wiping with isopropanol and a kimwipe (logitech training)

    • Solution: Freeze-dry billets for 6 hours prior to attempting to bond to a slide. Cure epoxy overnight at room temperature, before a limited (30 minute) cure on the hot plate.


  • Problem: Water is accumulating in water trap (wall mounted Logitech VS-2 unit)

    • Solution: Drain water out of the water trap by removing the little plug. Check the mating between the PetroThin vacuum chuck face and the slide, make sure the surface is free of grit/dirt. It problem persists, use vacuum grease on the vacuum chuck to ensure water does not enter the system. (see Exp. 382 technical report).

  • Problem: Vacuum is making a funny noise

    • Solution: Check the water trap and the vacuum pump oil for water build-up (see Exp. 359, 371, 382 technical reports).

  • Problem: Vacuum is spraying oil out of the filter

    • Solution: Check the water trap and the vacuum pump oil for water build-up (see Exp. 382 technical report)

    • Solution: Check to see if the filter is threaded correctly (see Exp. ??? technical report)

  • Problem: Billet is not cutting evenly/Petrothin blade is gouging the slide

    • Solution: Grind off excess epoxy off billet before gluing to slide and using Petrothin (see Exp. 367, 382 technical reports). Cut slower.

  • Problem: Sample is uneven after it comes off the cup wheel

    • Solution: Thin the section at small increments as you reach your target thickness, and flip your section 180 degrees and regrind at target thickness (see Exp. 369 technical reports)

WG2 Polisher

  • Problem: Polisher head rotates at maximum speed when the polisher is stopped by user or timer

    • Solution: Restart the machine and stop it again (see Exp. 353 technical report)

  • Problem: Slurry drum isn’t rotating

    • Solution: Tape the rotating rod back together (see Exp. 367 technical report)


  • Problem: Vacuum adapter hose heads not giving good pressure

    • Solution: take them apart and clean them (see Exp. 360 technical report)

  • Problem: Vacuum pump is making strange noises

    • Solution: Take it apart and clean it (see Exp. 363, 367 technical reports)

  • Problem: Abrasive cylinder is growing algae

    • Solution: Clean it and mix new abrasive slurry (see Exp. 361, 372 technical reports). Do not use bleach, as this will damage the metal fittings.

  • Problem: Abrasive drum roller is making a terrible noise

    • Solution: Anti-backlash nut needs to be closer to the outer rim of the valve (see Exp. 362 technical report)

  • Problem: Slides are discolored (yellowed) after frosting

    • Solution: Plate is rusty and being run without sufficient abrasive slurry, the plate should be reconditioned by running the test block for a while (Logitech training)

Tips for soft-sediment thin sections

  • See the following technical reports:

    • Exp. 362

    • Exp. 367

    • Exp. 368

    • Exp. 379

    • Exp. 382