Bathymetric depths correct with vessel heave

Black Box Industrial Ethernet Serial Server (LES402A)

  • ethernet stuff

    • heave_ss (server name)

    • webaccess pwd - IRIS


    • port 2 on Enterysys switch

    • serial port 2 (lower) in black box unit (port 4001)

  • connected to NI USB-232/4 (serial - USB convertor)

    • S/N 1971046 

    • port 3 on convertor gives COM 8 on PC (nav2)

  • DIN rail 12 VDC power supply

  • vendor manual

  • Note: Running LabView data monitoring on COM8 will prevent Knudsen EchoServer from seeing COM8


  • Setup → Serial Devices (on server) → Peripherals → COM8 : TSS1 format

  • Overlay Selections

    • Heave Indicator (records heave values)

    • Heave corrected depth (records the detected depth corrected by the heave value)

  • Echogram

    • Heave Compensated enabled (the echogram data is compensated for heave)

TSS1 format string




Message Component




Horizontal acceleration (hex value), in 3.83 cm/s², with a range of zero to 9.81 m/s²


Vertical acceleration (hex value - 2’s complement), in 0.0625 cm/s², with a range of –20.48 to +20.48 m/s²


Space character


Space if positive; minus if negative


Heave, in centimeters, with a range of –99.99 to +99.99 meters


Status flag

Value         Description

h                Heading aided mode (settling) - The system is receiving heading aiding signals from a gyrocompass but is still awaiting the end of the three minutes settling period after power-on or a change of mode or heave bandwidth.

The gyrocompass takes approximately five minutes to settle after it has been powered on. During this time, gyrocompass aiding of the system will not be perfect. The status flag does not indicate this condition.

F                Full aided mode (settled condition) - The system is receiving and using aiding signals from a gyrocompass and from a GNSS receiver or a Doppler log.


Space if positive; minus if negative.


Roll, in units of 0.01 degrees (ex: 1000 = 10°), with a range of –99.99° to +99.99°


Space character


Space if positive; minus if negative


Pitch, in units of 0.01 degrees (ex: 1000 = 10°), with a range of –99.99° to +99.99°


Carriage return


Line feed


 :020010 -0001F 0023 -0169


        XX = 02, horizontal acceleration, which is 7.66 cm/s²

        (XX = 02 (hex) = decimal 2, multiplied by  3.83 cm/s² yields 7.66 cm/s²)

        AAAA = 0010, vertical acceleration, which is 1 cm/s²

        (AAAA = 0010 (hex), which = decimal 16, multiplied by 0.0625 cm/s² yields 1 cm/s²)

        S = (space)

        M = (minus), meaning following heave value is negative

        HHHH = 0001, heave, which is 1 cm (-1 cm based on the M value)

        Q = F, status flag, which is full aided mode

        M = (space),meaning following roll value is positive

        RRRR = 0023, roll, which is 0.23°

        S = (space)

        M = (minus), meaning following pitch value is negative

        PPPP = 0169, pitch, which is 1.69°


If Nav2 PC is receiving GPS position and MRU data, the EchoControlServer window will look like this: