Knudsen EchoSim

The Knudsen EchoSim is a test and calibration instrument primarily designed to be used with the Knudsen echosounder systems.  

EchoSim Brochure

EchoSIM (Knudsen) - User Manual rev 2.0

EchoSim Quick Start Guide


The JRSO purchase the Echosim in 2020 to assist with troubleshooting the transducer side of the issues we were having with the sonar that started on 384.  Since we were primarily interested in testing our transducer functionality in the dome and in a hurry, Knudsen provided a cable that connects to their transducer test connector and has two open wires on the other end to be connected to our transducers.  The two wires can be connected to the two wires at the junction box or the appropriate pins on the cable connectors the go into the back of the LPT, see the SyQwest manual for the pin-outs of the connectors.


The user will need a laptop with the EchoSim software installed to connect to the transducers in the thyrig room.  The software is installed on both WinFrog computers in the UWGL.

390R Echosim Results