Exp396T ALO report


EXP396T was a transit from Reykjavik, Iceland to Cape Town, South Africa with a 5 week tie up in Cape Town. Time was spent on maintenance, installing new instruments, testing tracks after IMS and LabVIEW updates, setting up new navigation software, updating Confluence and User Guides. 


Oncoming (received)

EXP396T -  ALL




Oncoming (not received)

Remaining EXP391U SURF.

Special AIR containing SHIL lights controllers, heaters and cable for U/W GPS (39101A, 39103A,39106A).

Offgoing (sent)

  • 396T_Gauge Tension Gauge. CoreTech item gone for calibration in Cape Town and should return before ship departs.

  • 396T_RAF_1 Schlumberger ELIC. This is sent to College Station and should to be returned before ship departs.

  • 396T_RAF_2 Items for Dean Farrell, IRIS.

NOTE: There are two pallets to go in the 391_SURF, both have room for other items if necessary. All info is entered in AMS:

  • 1 large kbox in TBULK.

  • 1 yellow box in TBULK - Note: there is a NGR standard to be added to the yellow box. The standard is in a box in BHAZ. 

  • Please add a couple stacks of empty plastic K-Boxes to send home in the 391_SURF. Four kboxes in reefer as the roof is full.

AMS/Inventory/Store rooms

  • New AIT address in AMS as Ship2IODP 2021.

  • Export control notes - please add export control notes to off going items (if time allows). The export control notes can include the Expedition Number, Pallet, Parcel number(s) of the item when it was sent to the ship. the Export Notes is in the bottom right hand corner of the Item description page in Shipping Overview.

  • Send all offgoing shipping documents to logistics/LeRoy/IODP export 72 hours before arrival into port so Leroy et al. have time to review and add Export Notes.

  • Inventory item numbers: CM# or MB# that are chemicals where changed to CH#.

  • Added extra Tslot pieces to inventory to AMS.

  • Physical counts on Tslot.

  • Software bug: when trying to change a 'location' in AMS to a blank space AMS will hold onto the previous location even if you blank it out. Work around is to add a dash '-'. This is somewhat of a one off, but for some chemicals that are Request Only we did not want to assign a location in the chem lab so we tried deleting the previous location and leaving the location blank, however AMS 'holds' onto the previous location.

  • We made the decision to not replace the (reserve) D-tubes in the bat cave, very dangerous for the sake 20 D-Tube boxes. The bat cave is currently empty. Do as you see fit.

  • Currently one of the TBULK -80s is relocated to facilitate the installation of SIEM's UPS. The UPS has not yet arrived and the freezer awaits its return.

Special Projects (Maintenance/Repairs)

  • Replaced nitrogen generator process valves (GS0032/GS0033). New ones requested in REQ #2. 

  • Lab air was off for several weeks during the transit and tie-up. There may be water accumulation (we did a weekly drain) but you may notice water when you go to use the lab air. 

  • Repaired floors under Haskris in PMag and under sterilizer in FCL. More floor repair material put in REQ #2.

  • Covers on rock saws are modified to fit against wall.

  • Yellow mats for splitting room are working - there are new ones in UTSHOP (the ET's may have the electronics in their office).

  • Imaging office floor painted.

  • New Haskris fitted for SRM (the portable is stored in core lab as emergency back up).

  • Defrosted the -80C freezers on F-Deck and TBULK.

  • Updated the pipettor calibration table the best we could. Some identifiers could not be matched. Once the pipettes arrive the remaining updates to the table can be made. There is a link to the most recent calibration sheet above the table.

  • New Water purification systems installed in Chem and Paleo lab, remember that when the ship is hooked up to shore water (ie. tie-ups) the membranes may need replacing sooner. The three old water purifiers are in the 391_SURF kbox. That kbox is started AMS under 391_SURF.