
PMS Task


Date of last maintenance


PMS Task


Date of last maintenance

ALKALINITY/pH - Metrohm 794 Basic Titrino Autotitrator 

Check 3M KCl level in the electrode, top up if low


May 29, 2024 


Check storage solution (Metrohm Storage Solution) level in the electrode storage vial, top up if low


May 29, 2024   


Check DI water level in dispensing tip storage vial, top up if low


May 29, 2024  


Change out desiccant

When ~50% pink

May 29, 2024   


Check water level in water bath, top up if low


May 24, 2024        

BALANCE - Cahn Microbalance 

No PMS necessary



BALANCE - Mettler-Toledo XS204 Dual-Balance System

No PMS necessary




Run water from the DI tank and nanopure outlet for 5 minutes


May 29, 2024    


Replace the pre-Barnstead filter under the counter (UTS CM0063)

When discolored

May 13, 2024 


Replace the three pretreatment cartridges 


Jan 18, 2024 


Replace the Genpure filter cartridge

Annually or when necessary

May 17, 2023 


Replace the UV lamp 

Every two years or when necessary

May 10, 2023  


Replace the 0.2 micron final filter 

Annually or when necessary

Jan 10, 2024  


Replace the two RO membranes (access through the back panel of the RO unit)

Annually or when necessary

Jan 19, 2024  

CARVER PRESSES - Carver 25 Ton Hydraulic Presses

Check hydraulic fluid level in Autopaks - should only be necessary if you have had a large spill and thus removed a significant amount of the fluid - top up with Carver hydraulic fluid (under the sink)

When necessary

May 13, 2024 

CENTRIFUGE - Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810

No PMS necessary



CHLORINITY - Metrohm 785 DMP Titrino Autotitrator

Check DI water level in the electrode storage vial, top up if low


May 29, 2024   


Check DI water level in the dispensing tip storage vial, top up if low


May 29, 2024  


Change out desiccant

When ~50% pink

May 29, 2024  

CHNS - Thermo FlashEA Elemental Analyzer  

Change out magnesium perchlorate in the water trap (if using trap) (the new instrument did not come with a trap installed)

Once a month when in use

Apr 20, 2024 

COULOMETER - UIC CM5015 Coulometer

No PMS necessary



FREEZE-DRYER - Labconco FreeZone 12 Freeze Dry System

Check vacuum pump oil level - should be between low and high mark - top up if low

Once a month when in use

May 13, 2024    


Empty the vacuum pump oil mist filter and discard oil

When necessary

May 13, 2024  


Change vacuum pump oil

When dirty

May 17, 2019 

FUME HOODS - Labconco Chemical and Acid Digestion Hoods

Inspect the drains for trash/debris and remove if present. Pour/run water down the drain in fume hood #3 and #4. Pour water down the fume hood #2 drain at the end of an expedition. Fume hood #1 drain is capped. Do not pour water in fume hood #1.   

Once an expedition

Oct 12, 2023  

GC GC2 - Agilent 6890N Gas Chromatograph

Replace gas traps

Every 2 years or when necessary

Aug 30, 2023   


Replace front inlet septum 

When necessary

Sep 27, 2023  


Replace autosampler tension cord

When needles are getting bent

Jun 3, 2022 


Replace autosampler syringe plunger

When necessary

Sep 10, 2023  


Replace autosampler syringe

When necessary

Sep 14, 2023 

GC NGA1 - Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph

No PMS necessary



GC NGA2 - Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph

No PMS necessary




Check water level in the generator(s) in use, top up if low


May 27, 2024  


Generator 1 (SRA): Replace "6-month maintenance kit" components

Annually or when necessary

Mar 31, 2022 


Generator 1 (SRA): Replace "24-month maintenance kit" components

Every few years

Sep 17, 2022 


Generator 2 (NGAs): Replace "6-month maintenance kit" components

Annually or when necessary



Generator 2 (NGAs): Replace "24-month maintenance kit" components

Every few years

Sep 17, 2022  


Generator 3 (NGAs): Replace "6-month maintenance kit" components

Annually or when necessary



Generator 3 (NGAs): Replace "24-month maintenance kit" components

Every few years

Sep 17, 2022 

IC - Metrohm 850 Professional Ion Chromatograph

Circulate eluent through the system for one hour


May 31, 2024   


Replace soda lime in eluent bottle CO2 scrubbers 

When ~50% pink or once a year

Mar 31, 2022 


Replace inline filters (1 on cation flow path, 3 on anion flow path)

Once an expedition (in the beginning)

Dec 22, 2023   


Replace anion guard column

Once an expedition (in the beginning)

Sep 14, 2023      


Replace cation guard column

Once an expedition (in the beginning)

Sep 14, 2023  


Replace anion column

When necessary

Sep 14, 2023 


Replace cation column

When necessary

Sep 14, 2023 


Replace the CO2 suppressor CO2 scrubber cartridge (soda lime)  

When ~50% pink

Mar 30, 2022 


Replace the beads in the CO2 suppressor H2O scrubber cartridge (put old beads in the aft oven at > 140 C on a kimwipe-lined tray and bake back to dark orange color)

When beads lose their color

Jan 10, 2024   


Replace the autosampler ultrafiltration membrane

Every 200 samples or when necessary

Jan 11, 2024    


Replace all peristaltic pump tubing for autosampler


Jul 7, 2023   


Replace all peristaltic pump tubing for suppressor


Oct 12, 2022 


Clean bearings on peristaltic pump for suppressor


Jul 20, 2021 

ICP-OES - Agilent 5110 Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer

Clean the instrument water inlet filter


Feb 7, 2021 


Clean the air inlet filter


Feb 5, 2024    


Clean the water chiller


Feb 7, 2021 


Clean the cone

When necessary

Apr 30, 2024   


Clean the snout


Oct 8, 2023  


Replace the HR torch

When necessary

Mar 5, 2024  


Replace the IW torch

When necessary



Replace the HR nebulizer (CM5228, Agilent G8010-60255)

Periodically or when necessary

Mar 10, 2022 


Replace the IW nebulizer (CM5228, Agilent G8010-60255)

Periodically or when necessary



Replace autosampler peristaltic pump tubing


Dec 23, 2023  


Replace "blue" peristaltic pump tubing


Apr 30, 2024  


Replace "white" peristaltic pump tubing


Apr 30, 2024  

OXYGEN SENSOR - AMI Oxygen Analyzer

Replace the sensor (replacement sensor in LO office cabinet)

Every two years

Jan 4, 2023 


Replace autosampler peristaltic pump tubing

When necessary

Jan 30, 2024   


Replace instrument peristaltic pump tubing

When necessary

Oct 4, 2023 


Replace "Lamp, visible source, Varian #5610021700", CM1217


Jan 30, 2024 

SRA - Weatherford Source Rock Analyzer

Replace moisture trap contents

Before use

Feb 23, 2022 


Replace CO2 trap (or contents)

Before use

Dec 20, 2023  


Replace drierite

Before use

Mar 27, 2024