Expedition Info.

EXP395 (Feb 4 to April 6, 2021) Started and ended in Cape Town, South Africa. The expedition was planned to revisit the sites for 390C and finish casing the sites missed on 390C, however an outbreak of covid-19 prevented the expedition from proceeding as planned and the ship remained tied up in Cape Town.


Whole round basement sections recovered on EXP390C are onboard. They are boxed in the HRS (AFT Port side).

COMBO for TBULK cage is changed to 0593.

COVID Protocol

The COPE document was revised in light of the Covid-19 outbreak among the crew and staff during EXP395P. The main improvement to the COPE protocol is a required seven day hotel quarantine. During that period there will be two Covid-19 tests, with the second test being as late as possible before joining.

The sanitizing stations (hand sanitizer and spray bottle of 70% isopropanol) need to be maintained regularly (this includes, but not limited to, the gym, the movie room, the conference room, core lab, store rooms and bridge planning area). We suggested Entier not clean state rooms or offices for 7 days after boarding to minimize cross contamination among people onboard. All staff must sanitize their offices and any entry/exit to their lab (including stairwell door handles) regularly. Entier provided disinfectant spray for cleaning our offices, lab spaces and state rooms. Temperature checks were recorded daily on the bridge planning with IODP's digital thermometer.

Several 'free' isopropanol cans in flammable locker on catwalk.


Received - A/F

Kbox 054169

Kbox 054170

Kbox 054171

Kbox 054172

Kbox 054173

Kbox 054174

*ARDUINO items for Aaron and Mark are in LO office

*Vinyl wall for catwalk is in IODPShop.

*Blue Dry Deck Tiles are under stairs in TBULK

*Goose Neck bottle fillers for Water Fountains (to be fitted by SIEM Engineers) are in UTSHOP

*New label maker for ALO's is in ALO desk drawer in the office

Offgoing - NONE


32" TV in 395P Pending - please add to 395C offgoing


Several stacks of plastic k-boxes to go back if you have room in the offgoing

AMS/Inventory/Store rooms

IODPS sold $40.00 worth of Store Items. Cash and store form are in the safe. Please send back to IODP with your store sales.

IODPS has new USB sticks, 32GB. These are $10.00 each. The 8GB are in a labeled ziplock in the drawer and have 8GB marked on them, the 32GB do not have 32GB marked on them.

COMBO for TBULK cage is changed to 0593.

SIEM have stored some of their Hand Sanitizer and Masks in a cardboard kbox in TBULK and the FCRS. You may see the doctor accessing those areas when needing supplies.

Special projects

Bar topped DHML table, splitting room plywood table, white board table

Gelcoated the splitting table working bench

Varnished the Core Entry table

Painted Core Reefer floor

Painted chem lab (fwd area) floor with gripped area for condensation

Discussion/Important info. for upcoming expedition

During EXP390C we did not split any cores containing hardrock. Any cores (entire core, not just sections) that contained the sediment/basalt interface were to remain intact in the core liner. The science party requested they stay onboard and be curated when the actual expeditions occur. The end caps were taped and the sections were shrink wrapped, stored in UV light resistant bags (silver wine bags) with Oxygen Absorbers and flushed with N2. The N2 gas is set up in the Splitting Room above the shrink wrap.