LO Tasks

Prior to Expedition

Coordinate expedition preparations with ALOs, EPM, and TAS.

Manage the JRSO cabin assignments, coordinate with the EPM. Example

Communicate with new JRSO staff to prepare them for the expedition.


Coordinate and maintain records for scientist and JRSO staff training.  See the JRSO training matrix.

Perform a walkthrough of the JRSO spaces according to Attachment 3 of the JRSO Shipboard Laboratory Safety Policy.

During Expedition

Submit a Weekly Report on Sunday that covers the previous week from Sunday through Saturday.  The report will list Lab Activities, Developer, IT, and Safety.  There are many examples on the JRSO website.  The report is sent to the EPM, Brad Julson, David Houpt, Gary Acton, David Kratz, Algie Morgan, John Miller, and the LOs on shore.

Attend the 0800 daily meeting with Siem or inform the Ops Sup. of any issues, questions, clarifications that need to be addressed.  No meetings on Sundays.

Submit ship requisitions (REQs) to shore for items that need to be ordered.  Include details in the notes as justification and URLs to assist shore personnel in the ordering process.

Walk through all IODP spaces on a regular basis to check equipment and condition of spaces.  This is more important during periods of less activity and personnel.

Assign the ALOs to do anything you do not want to do, as usual.

Answer ALL the questions...

Break up fights if any


If an injury occurs, no matter how small, it is a good idea to report it just in case.  Find the most updated form on the JRSO Intranet. Provide and instruct participant to file an injury report with IODP HR. The most recent form is here in case there is no internet. HSE Injury Report Form

End of Expedition

Coordinate end of expedition (EOX) activities calendar. Example

Make cleaning assignments. Example

Assemble an expedition technical report in a linked Lab Notebook page.