QAQC LabVIEW Program

I have written a rudimentary LabVIEW program (still somewhat of a work-in-progress) to give the user a quick perusal of the IMS raw data files (from the loggers) to confirm that everything is operating within certain parameters. 

This program can be run at any time and the user can manually select a data file to scan. There are certain parameters that must be met:

1) There must be a LIMS textID.


    • If not, there will be an error shown in the header errors tab (Figure 1).

2) There must be a section length between 0 and 155 cm.


    • If not, there will be an error shown in the header errors tab (Figure 1).

3) Various instrument specific parameters must also be met and these are shown in the main panel window (Figure 1). They are currently hard-coded but future iterations might have these parameters user specified.


    • Each instrument has a LIMS parameter name that IMS must match. If the raw data file does not have matching parameter syntax, a warning is displayed in the string errors tab.

    • If the value for a parameter is not within a certain range, a warning will appear in the tab, specific to the instrument. 

This iteration of the program only checks GRA, MSL, PWL, MSP and RSC data (NGR and SRM checks will be coming soon).

The application is currently on the WRMSL desktop under the folder QAQC_1Feb. The stand-alone executable is named QAQC_20190406.exe.


Figure 1 : QAQC Main Window



      1. Select the instrument : Drop-down menu to select the instrument (GRA, MSL, PWL, MSP, RSC).

      2. Click GO to select file : Click to browse to the raw data files. The tabs will show any warnings.

      3. Click when finished STOP : Click to exit the program.


Figure 2 shows an example raw data file (MSL).

  • text_id : must have a valid LIMS TextID

  • observed_length : must be in a certain length range

  • offset : must have correct syntax and be within observed_length

  • magnetic_susceptibility : must have correct syntax and be within a certain range

  • timestamp : must only have correct syntax


Figure 2 : Example raw data file (MSL)


There must be a folder C:\TEMP. 


  • Moogy is awesome!!
