Ongoing Physical Properties Laboratory Issues

This page is for communication between PP Techs on different shifts. It describes issues pending to resolve during the current expedition.



Make a 8 cm template in QC Viewer to check standards on blue endcap
Add improvements on processing images on XRAY
Jurie: Ask for changes in Gantry
Maggie: Luz de SHMSL
NGR: Info curso revisar para que quede lista
Estudiar NGR
Estudiar tibetano
Ver clases que me faltan de tibetano
Train Traq



  • Review position and think on ideas to install the new XSAN.

    • Length 234.6 cm, width 111.6 cm and high 176.5 cm  

  • Adjust SHMSL light




Open the software issue again about the data files that doesn't download
Request on software issues change from double click to click
Gantry UG:
Start to unify the format.
Add the Exlar Utility (Started)
Add caliper Calibration Utility.
Add how to assemble and disassemble the caliper
Training on APCT3 (Ongoing)
Training on CTD (Ongoin)
Training Kuster tools (Will it be used during this expedition?)
Training Sediment Temperature Tool (Will it be used during this expedition?)
Kerry: Downhole logging (Saw tools, remain look at the data)
Training VSP (Ensemble guns, remain: Deploy them, measure and  see the data)
Petrel training needed
Review NGR training info
NGR min section
XRAY, review how to reprocess the imagers and add the explanation to the manual (if it is not there)
XRAY, change the manual to add the new process imaging tool
Continue NI inventory
MS and MSP Measure standards, and compare with previous measurements (X396T)
NGR background, 6 h or 12 h? (X396T) 
Radiation and Laser trainings
Training in 3D printer: Mini JR
Escribir Brad sobre goals
Encontrar en WRMSL donde cambiar para medir water pusher a 23 cm. (?????)
Escanear expediciones y cuadernos que me faltan.
Hacer conversion de datos de SHMSL del AL-standar
Add to WRMSL QUG and UG how to measure hard rock