NGR Testing/Bug List 368T

Background measurement top graph x-axis – shows “offset (cm)” should be “Detector #”
On main section page, upon initial start the counts/sec graph is missing until run of section starts
Missing top – detector offset changes based on the value entered for missing top, large missing top values result in detectors beginning with 1, 2, 3, etc. to not be used, this should be the opposite, where missing top removes the usage of detector 8, 7, 6, and so on (IMG 3)
Using LIMS to select a section – creates a XXXX-timestamp file in a manual entry folder
Abort run function “oops pls continue” – 2 different behaviors observed 1. “oops pls continue” does not continue run, files are written from the about point and the track returns to load position, 2. “oops pls continue” continued run, but immediately moved to position 2 not completing position 1 measurement. - Will be fixed at a later date
 Offset for measurements is 10, 21, 31, 41, etc…, should be 10, 20, 30, 40, etc
No field for Username input
Long term monitoring page – no option to save; export issue 1. Export to clipboard – blank image, 2. Save image – blank image, export to excel returns values. X-axis time issue, the time remains at zero continuously
 Energy Calibration setup – default values are not remaining, each time the page is open they reset to, this behavior has only been seen sporadically
The Total Counts/Sec graph is placing the last histogram past the length of the section on short sections (<75cm), should this be cut off at the section end?
Composite Spectra Graph 0 on short sections (~<75cm) in use detectors are not plotting all energy channels, only seeing from ~500-1400KeV for the detectors closer to the end of the section
Energy Calibration - option to adjust threshold search and peak width while running the calibration does not overwrite the original defaults, writing the incorrect/original selection to the calibration files
100 keV threshold - seen in 375 1518D 1H1 Detector 7. The value was 100.73, IMS considered it under 100, choosing channel 46 instead of 45.
In NGR Instrument Setup - the serial numbers for Detector 1 and Detector 2 are the same. The user does not have the ability to change these nor the files that are referenced. Additional, seen once - detector one took on detector two's offset and when a section/calibration was run the data overlapped for those 2 detectors. See IMAGE. In order to get detector 1 back to the its original settings, I had to remove the .ini file and restart IMS letting it revert back to default settings. This did begin when I tried to change the calibration files with the the folder and not from IMS.
.SPE files and Threshold Pick - for the threshold pick in a file with channels 0-1023 the <100 is including the threshold channel, when it should be the threshold channel-1. The >100 is using the threshold channel + 1, when it should be = to the threshold channel.
Single Detector Calibration - choosing a single detector seems to cause some issues when the files are referenced during a sample run, this is not observed every time - removed for now, to be added back?
Instrument name inside .NGR file too long; could cause formatting issues with LORE reports (TBD)
LORE expanded report needs modification to include configuration component
energy calibration spectral files lack a delimiter at the start of the channel data
no position designator at the end of a sample spectral file name (d1p1 etc) -Position requirement dropped
no position designator inside a sample spectral file (can only tell by timestamp inside file, or sample's offset.
all detectors should write spectral files for both positions, no matter how long the section is. - requirement dropped
the position column is missing in the .CSV file - dropped
energy calibration ROI picks are not formatted correctly to show in either Maestro or WinPlot.  Either app displays one huge ROI starting at the first channel pick and extends to the last channel in the file.
duplication of Detector 2’s background data into Detector 1’s background file
Sample scan issue - when using the scanner to enter sample info, the information does not parse out into the correct fields at all
In the background window, the histogram is labeled 1-8, while at the bottom of the screen the order is 8-1
On sample scan screen, after scanning the label the cursor should automatically move to the manual length entry
The sample scan screen, should reappear after run similar to the other IMS tracks
Confirm that track positioning is accurate and not the cause of edge effects (erroneous measurements at the edge of sections) noted in emails dated 2018-11-19 to 20. This can be done after Expedition 368X.
Output files not created for label IDs that have a space (e.g., STND-NUCLIDE 4 K40)