Info for Physical Properties Technicians

In this Page the PP technician can find important information for managing the PP Lab, like Vendor Manuals, Lab Templates, Documents & Configuration Files by Instrument. (Vendor Manuals and Resources for each station could be added in this Page. Also there is a page created for adding Physical Properties Tech Reports)

IMS Resources and other Software Resources

IMS Hardware Communication Setup

QAQC (LabVIEW IMS Tracks File Checker)

Presenting MS in SI units

Convert LabVIEW timestamps to Excel m/d/y format: use the formula (LVtime/86400) + 1462, then put column in Date or Time format.  Use a Custom column format "m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss" if you need to see down to the seconds level.

Archive Information

Physical Properties Notebook Page (2020)