XRD Books and Reference Material

Health and Safety

"General Radiological Safety Training" is provided by Texas A&M University to employees.

Useful information regarding health and safety in a X-Ray-emitting environment can be found here: 2020 General Radiological Safety Training (lecture)

Standards and Methods

and also at: https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/of01-041/htmldocs/methods.htm

X-Ray Diffractograms of Mineral Standards

Mineral standards available in the X-Ray Lab were measured with the D4 Bruker and the Aeris. Not all were measured with both instruments.

The raw files can be found on the Desktop of the XRD computer of the X-Ray Lab (in the folder "XRD STANDARDS"). The diffractograms plotted with EVA are combined in one single pdf file : Diffractograms of Mineral Standards - include settings/parameters of both instruments, if known. It is possible to find these in the metadata of the files.  There is a way to find this in HighScore for the .xrdml files. Open high score, open the desired .xrdml file.  Go to View, select Object Inspector Pane.  On the right hand side of the screen will be all the meta data stored for the file.

X-Ray Lab Library

Books are available in the X-Ray Lab library upon request (as of December 28, 2021).

List of books available in the X-Ray Lab Library

Reference Material

Hard copy is available to the scientists upon request.


Bruker D4 Endeavor XRD

Malvern-PANalytical Aeris XRD



HighScore Plus


Other Apparatus Manuals are available in the X-Ray Lab: List of Manual Hard Copy in the X-Ray Lab