Bruker Tracer 5 pXRF

Dec 1, 2022 The Limestone application calibration values seem to be out of tolerances for the reference check sample provided by Bruker. A set of 10 measurements has been sent to Rick at US Analytical. He is consulting with Bruker and we are waiting to hear if the device will need to be sent back to Germany to rectify this.

Nov 29, 2022 It was discovered that the Limestone.tsv results file was not presenting the CaCO3 data and that the Mudrock (Air) calibration had not been reinstalled when the device was in Germany. A remote session with Bruker was established using the TeamViewer on the XRDIH computer with the Tracer connected by USB. The Bruker programs were loaded onto the XRDIH to facilitate this. The Bruker product specialist was able to add the files for the Mudrock (Air) calibration and fix the Limestone.tsv output. Both were tested before terminating the session and were working properly. 

Nov 19, 2022 The prototype section half bracket was turned into a holder for between samples instead of trying to connect the device to the rail or setting it down on it's side.

Nov 14, 2022 Rick has responded about the proximity sensor and the device freezing. He said it sounds like something is loose with the proximity sensor and to just disable it if it is causing too much problem. As far as the freezing up, he has suggested also keeping the amount of measurements in the Data folder on the USB stick low. It should be our practice not to store data long term on the USB and to routinely remove data from the USB Data folder. When the USB is installed, data is automatically saved in the Data folder of the USB. The setting to save all scans to the internal memory is also engaged, so the data is saved in 2 places with each measurement. This means that we should be clearing the device multiple times an expedition, especially if the device is being heavily used.

Nov 11, 2022 Changed the prolene window protecting the measurement window.

Nov 10, 2022 Clay has 3-D printed a shielded holder for the nose of the device to provide some extra shielding while scaning section halves. This wil be used without the desktop stand, which is a bit hard to maneuver the device up and down with. Lisa did leak testing and found that the highest leakage (~50uR/hr) was straight out to the sides of the nose of the device. Retesting with the final shielding holder prototype has decreased that to <12uR/hr. This was measured right next to the device, but with 30cm distance, the levels are down to background already (2-10 uR/hr). Therefore, even with out shielding, if the device is placed 30cm back on the bench, the radiation exposure is already maximally reduced. This holder was printed in grey PET plastic.

Nov 9, 2022 The device has frozen up a couple times over the course of almost 300 measurements for an unknown reason. Otherwise, it seems to have a faulty proximity sensor that will cause the device to flash arm/disarm even when perfectly flat against a sample. We believe this to be the reason that some of the measurements stop midway through. I have emailed the vendor about both of these issues.

Nov 8, 2022 The internal battery is not dead! It was plugged in for a couple days while powered on and the battery was able to charge!

Oct 24, 2022 The internal batter of the device is dead, so the date and time must be manually set each time the device is powered on. The gun can be left on continually to avoid having to do this often as it is tedious with several very small buttons. The aid of a stylus type devise with a fine point that won't damage the touchscreen is advised. Instruction on how to set the time will be included in the user guide, which is in progress.

Oct 17, 2022 Rick suggested (from Bruker) to plug the unit in for 2-3 days to charge the internal battery. 

Oct 16, 2022 Discovered the device does not keep it's date and time after being powered off. Emailed Rick at US Analytical.

Oct 13, 2022 Repaired Bruker pXRF device was received onboard in Lisbon. The device powered up as normal. Further testing and drafting of a user guide to proceed.

Oct 6, 2022 Bruker pXRF was sent to Germany for repairs due to a overfull memory. A reset of the device was needed that only Bruker could fix. The pXRF was sent from Cape Town to Germany. It is expected to be returned to port in Lisbon or in Tarragona.