Old XRD Lab Notebook

Tech Reports

Exp396T X-Ray Technical Report

Exp396 X-Ray Technical Report

Exp395P X-Ray Technical Report

Exp390R X-Ray Technical Report

EXP390C X-Ray Technical Report

EXP390P X-Ray Technical Report

Exp384 X-Ray Technical Report

Exp378P X-Ray Technical Report

Exp378 X-Ray Technical Report

Exp385 X-Ray Technical Report

Exp383 X-Ray Technical Report

Exp378T X-Ray Technical Report



Software Issues


  • Issues reported appear here and on All Reported Software Issues page, which serves as an archive of all software issues.

  • If you edit a Description, add your name, what you changed and the date. 

  • Once an issue has been resolved, change its Status to "Complete" and the issue will be moved to the "Completed Issues" section.  Technicians will have the option of  changing a status to "Verified and Closed" to remove the issue from the Notebook page.  All issues are archived in this page.

  • Only developers and only technicians can add notes to their respective Notes columns.

Hardware Issues

Oct 12 2021 - It was reported on Exp396 that the Labconco freeze dryer was not working, specifying the pump. During Exp396T we started to troubleshoot. The pump is working fine but there is an issue with the manifold and/or lid. Still troubleshooting. A User Manual for the freeze dryer can be found here.
March 2021 - 2 reoccurring errors on the Aeris XRD when the instrument is not running regularly: 1. Goniometer Tube Access Control 856384 and 2. Sample Changer Z-Axis Control 960378. Errors can be transferred to a USB stick by following instruction in the Aeris User Guide Section 4.6.6. (error file is panalytical.IMS.Server.log). To clear the error power off and power on my hitting the green power button on the left hand side of the control display. A 'case' has been filed with Panalytical (Support Case Portal: Website Support Request) to ask if these errors can be fixed or if we have to remain using the 'power off and power on' method to clear the errors. The jr_alo account has filed the case and replies will be sent there.

Info for filing a case on the Aeris XRD:

Serial #: DY853

Machine Type : XRD-Research

Software Version: 1.3.110

Operating System: 2.0.76


Create separate section in confluence for Sample Prep (XRD, pXRF and ICP). (This is started but info needs to be transferred).

Comparison Tests Between Malvern and Bruker XRD
Review Manuals for Malvern AERIS XRD
Review manuals for Bruker XRD User Guide and Quick Start Guide, the formatting and wording is poor. Specifically in Sample Prep and Scanning Samples, plus converting files and uploading.
Write Manual for Highscore Plus Software
Haskris Motor and Pump Replacement
Replace the tubing inside Haskris


X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)

Bruker D4 XRD

Malvern AERIS XRD, vendor manuals

Haskris WW1

ICP Prep: Bead Maker

Handheld XRF (pXRF)




Bruker Water Flow Log

Bruker X-Ray Tube Conditioning Log 

Freeze Dryer Oil Change Log

Haskris Maintenance Log