Jun 4, 2022 All older standards were disassembled and the standard powders were dried at 110ºC for 12 hours. Make up new standards on request from the dried standard powders (located in the XRF cabinet in the X-Ray Lab) or original rock standard stocks (Located mostly in the Chem Lab).

Jun 1, 2022 New pXRF (Bruker Tracer 5) will be sent out for Exp 393 while the Olympus will be sent back to shore after Exp 393, as long as the Tracer 5 is successfully set up.

Apr 27, 2022 Olympus service support believes the x-ray tube in the device is dimming because it does not receive sufficient backscatter from powdered samples with a higher proportion of lighter elements (similar to the BCS-CRM-393 standard).

Apr 20, 2022 Replaced the prolene window of the pXRF device. Additionally, new BHVO-2 and BCR-2 standard sample cups were made new at the request of the petrologists. These new standards were closer to the reference values than the older standards. Of the standards requested, most were close to the published reference values, however, it might be a good idea to make up new sample cups of standards as requested since we do not store these in a desiccator. I have put the more newly made standards (Apr 2022) in the good older desiccator. If you make up any new standard in the sample cups, label with the date you made them (at least the month and year).  

Apr 11, 2022 Laptop would not start up properly. Was given to MCSs to diagnose. Laptop was rebuilt and David created a back up laptop as well.

Feb 2, 2022 Prolene measurement window of the pXRF device replaced.

Jan 5, 2022 USB cable connecting the pXRF device and the PC was replaced by a new one.