SPEX Shatter Box Home

Sep 7, 2022 The new small rubber pads were installed on the currently used 3-pin bottom plate. These are more non-skid than the larger rubber pads used for the lid.

Aug 27, 2022 The Shatterbox operated fine for KTLF, although with the same amount of sample leakage. The 3-pin bottom plate was tested, however, a single sample was not tested.

May 27, 2022 The heavier 3-pin plate currently in the Shatterbox is best one to use. Each pin needs a thicker piece of padding and a thinner piece of padding. Grinding vessel shouldn't wiggle at all when placed on the pin. The lever arm is a little tricky, the bottom portion must be pulled over the end of the clamp arm before bringing the top part of the lever arm up and over. Getting the bottom of the lever arm over the end of the clamp arm will need some prying, but it won't be tight enough otherwise. The lever should then have moderate resistance as you bring it up and over and then come down easily. A good thing to check is to pull up on the clamp arm and grinding vessels after it is secured. If it wiggles, it's not tight enough. Use a lid with the rubber pad glued on (there are 2 with textured rubber pads, the one with the smooth rubber pad, the rubber pad does not stay in place). When the clamp is secured, the lid on top of the 3 grinding vessels shouldn't be able to be rotated, or very little and it's best if the grinding vessels are not able to be rotated either, but one is usually a little looser than the other 2 vessels. There is usually at least a little bit of leaked powder, so be sure to clean the shatterbox frequently (I was doing it after almost every run with the 3-pin plate). There is very little to no leaking when using the 1-pin plate. The small rubber pads for under the grinding vessels are being ordered (product number 23944); the wrong part number (31688) was listed in AMS previously. This has been clarified with John.

Apr 10, 2022 Installed new SPEX Shatterbox model 8350. All accessories can be used with this newer model. All necessary checks were made before installation. Installed as level as possible, secured with foam and bungee cord, and with display forward because the orientation of the clamp lever doesn't work if it was positioned sideways as the old shatterbox was. Foam was placed along the 3 sides to provide clearance for lid opening and cushion while grinding. Trial run of empty grinding cannister was successful. Spare belts, fuses and rubber pads were bagged together and labeled. The important things to remember when operating is 1) do not over-tighten the clamp lever (only need to feel moderate resistance) and 2) the shatterbox should be operated on a level surface (I would recommend not operating the shatterbox during transit at all, unless absolutely necessary). The user manual is located in the Shatterbox binder in the XRD lab cabinet. The old shatterbox was moved to the Upper Tween Storage area and will be offloaded at the end of X390.

Jan 7, 2022 Shatterbox stopped working. Lid safety interlock not working: switch not activated because of loose lid hook closure system. Will likely re-occur as the shaking is the cause.

Jan 6, 2022 New 3-D printed buttons for STOP/PAUSE and START were put in place of the old ones which kept falling off, causing the Shatterbox not to work.

Dec 27, 2021 Pins of the lever arm were broken, partially explaining why it was loose and lift up while working. New pins replaced broken ones.

Oct 15, 2021 Requested a new shatter box be bought. https://www.fishersci.com/shop/products/spex-sampleprep-8530-enclosed-shatterbox-swing-mill/8530115?searchHijack=true&searchTerm=shatterbox&searchType=RAPID&matchedCatNo=shatterbox¿.

Aug 16, 2021 The Shatterbox stopped working after an initial run of 3 samples. A switch had stopped working. This was replaced by SIEM, who also pulled the shatterbox apart to see why it was knocking so loudly. It was discovered that the metal shock mounts were very damaged with metal shavings and bits everywhere. Extra replacement shock mounts and rubber pads have been requisitioned, but a delivery timetable has not been communicated. It has been better positioned with the foam so that the lid can fully open. There is a Velcro strap on the inside handle to prevent that from lifting up and scraping on the inside of the lid. Additionally, the foam padding that is used to help dampen the noise on the inside of the lid had to be pulled away to get to the switch wiring and now it won't stay in position.

Please avoid using the Shatterbox during transit or rough seas to not place undue stress on the machine belts and shock absorbers.

Do not over-tighten the clamp lever! 

The small rubber pads (product number 23944) must be ordered directly from SPEX sales by calling 732-623-465.Â