Core Description Laboratory Notebook


Software Issues


  • Issues reported appear here and on All Reported Software Issues page, which serves as an archive of all software issues.

  • If you edit a Description, add your name, what you changed and the date. 

  • Once an issue has been resolved, change its Status to "Verified and Closed" to remove the issue from the Notebook.  All issues are archived in All Reported Software Issues.

  • Only developers and only technicians can add notes to their respective Notes columns.

Ongoing Issues



Enter information about ongoing instrument and laboratory issues. Keep the issues succinct. More detail should be included in the Instrument Issues History section.








Current Tasks



Enter information about ongoing tasks that overlap expedition or pertain to work in progress rather than expeditions.  Select Done? to remove task.








Instrument Issues History


Enter information about troubleshooting instruments and systems. Info from this section may be compiled into the end of expedition tech report. Information retroactively added from previous tech reports, before the introduction of confluence, have an expedition number rather than a date.


Instrument Resources


Scanning Electron Microscope


  • 28 February 2020: Put the Reference Mesh back in and quality seemed to be going down, contrast maxing out and a little more gray. Attempted another beam alignment and image quality became much worse, the mesh was very gray washed. I took out a copper ring spacer from the filament (now no copper spacer), performed a new beam alignment, and the reference images look much better.

  • 27 February 2020: Reference Mesh images show poor image quality (gray washed, little contrast, possible focusing issues). A maintenance suite was done to attempt to improve image quality. The condenser lens, objective lens, and filament were all changed. Condenser liner tube parts, anode, and filament cap were all cleaned. A small amount of grease was added onto O-ring of objective liner tube. A beam alignment was performed. New reference images showed much better image quality and Auto B/C and Auto Focus buttons not maxing out. Looked at images for about 60 - 90 minutes.

  • X371: Service call with New Spec, was performed at the beginning of the expedition. New Spec serviced both the diaphragm and turbo molecular pumps. A new cable was given (source of the errors on X368). A full service report in more detail is available here: New Spec Service Report.

  • X368: The SEM became unable to display any image, with the screen being just grey static. A small multi-wire cable was found on the floor of the specimen chamber (figure below).  Gerrick was able to reattach the cable and imaging was restored.  The cable ports are hard to see so some photos have been added to the SEM QAQC folder

  • X367: Issues with image quality. Steps below were taken:

1.Performed a beam alignment.  No improvement.

2. Contacted Linda Dailey at Marine Reef, who recommended cleaning the backscatter detector (which should be done VERY carefully) with a lint-free cloth and methanol

3. As recommended by the manual, replaced the condenser apertures. These should be replaced every other time the filament is changed, but we’re not sure how often this has been done in the past.

4. Cleaned the objective aperture. The objective aperture should be replaced every other time the filament is changed, but we had no spares on board, and it seems likely this part has never been replaced.  We attempted to remove the aperture itself for cleaning, but had trouble taking apart the aperture assembly.  Linda recommended sonicating the whole thing in methanol.  This didn’t seem to improve the image either.

  • X367: In works to schedule a service call.

  • X367: The SEM filament was replaced once, toward the end of the expedition

  • X362: The SEM filament was replaced (midway through the expedition), and a beam axis alignment was peformed

Sputter Coater

  • X371T: Sputter Coater sent off for maintenance and will be returned to the ship in Townsville




Core Description Laboratory Notebook notes from X395 at the following link:

395 Report


Core Description Laboratory Notebook notes from X398P at the following link:

398P Report


  • we eventually settled on the X369 macro- and microscopic templates as a starting point. 

  • cleaned up the Diatoms value list; at some point about 300 new species were added at the bottom.  Reformatted same to fit our list formats for species and attribution.  Several exact duplicate species + references were removed from the main list.

  • Paleontologists provided a small number of renamed/reclassified species for the Nanno, diatom and dinoflagellates value lists.

  • James B. tweaked the value list manager so that it could display more than 500 sublists.  It can now display up to 2000 sublists.  The previous limit prevented by-name access to a number of sublists. 

  • After encountering a crash on one of the main description tables, one scientist's Autosaves had quit 3+ days prior.  No obvious reason why, unless normal template updates were somehow involved.  For good measure, all config templates were opened, Autosave settings confirmed, and re-saved.  That seems to have done the trick, or maybe it just started working again.

  • Thin Section Report Writer had a number of issues such as not validating reports; much of that can be attributed to a very rusty DESC tech!





  • Anchorage outside of Panama City

  • No scientists or expedition; Maintenance period

  • InDesign was proposed as a replacement for Thin Section Builder. Further testing is still required

  • GEODESC test plans, specifically Template Manager, were actively worked on

Paleo Lab

  • Acid baths have been emptied in preparation for upcoming dry dock

  • Chemicals have been filtered; thrown away any discolored or old solutions, and amassed solutions into one large container when possible.

  • Added a latch and lock mechanism to the Hydrogen peroxide locker

  • Four wooden bins were made (as requested on X378/X378S)

  • Temperature bath: TBD


  • In preparation for the upcoming dry dock; microscopes will be stored in a secure K-box. Microscopes will not be stacked; and will be individually packed with desiccant to avoid moisture within the objectives or lenses


  • No errors to report


  • Was not used. No errors to report

  • Instrument maintenance section on Lab Notebook was updated. All expedition tech reports (361- onward) were checked, and only expeditions with maintenance or errors reported were added.

Value List Manager

  • Was not used. No errors to report

Thin Section Builder

  • Adobe's InDesign was proposed as a replacement for Thin Section Builder. Testing is still required. Using the Data merge function I was able to re-create all of the 360 TSRs. Tutorials, base templates, and data used are located within All Things DESClogik > InDesign.


  • SEM and EDS manuals were added to All Things DESClogik, and to the Core Description Lab Notebook page (see SEM section)


  • Template Manager test plan was written

  • Test plans are located on Google Drive > Scientific Ocean Drilling site


  • 1/32/2020: Thin Section Report Writer Error. Unable to generate files. Report Writer will write one pdf that can't be opened.

  • 1/28/2020: Confluence page updated to included tables for reporting issues and tasks. When the status of an item in the table changes from 'Open' to either 'Complete' or 'Permanently Closed' the issue will move into the Archive section in the respective 'Tasks' or 'Completed Ongoing Issues' tables. The Bug Tracker Section was moved into the 'Software Issues' and deleted. Lab Notebook page formatted in standard layout.


  • 1/29/2020: In the Thin Section tab scientists could not select a sample, click in 'Sample' cell and have it populate with sample information, nothing would happen. Scientist thinks he accidentally moved a top/bottom offset column and when prompted to save the changes, selected yes. This saved globally to the template, not just for him. After this samples could no longer be entered. The scientist switched changed the column back and still could not enter samples. Deleting the template and re-importing the configuration sheet solved the problem. Comparing the config sheet that no longer allowed samples to be entered with the config sheet that works, no difference seen. In attempting to recreate the issue, in microscopic worksheets a user with scientist credentials can move and save the top/bottom offset and depth columns but can still enter samples. However when tried in macroscopic tabs users with scientist credentials cannot move top/bottom offset and depth columns. The difference is in the 'Permissions' at the top of the config sheet for Change Column Oder set to True or False. Would not expect 'True' to enable users to apply to top/bottom offset and depth columns. Will follow up with developers.

Vale List Manager

  • 1/22/2020: Updating the value list for 'fossil_calcareous_nannofossil' would recieve the error message below (FigureXX). Despite message the value list still uploaded properly. This happened consistently for 2 or 3 days on different web browsers, on different computers, with different users. The message would not appear when uploading other value lists. Developers and MCS' looking into possible causes.

  • 1/28/2020: Updated value list for 'fossil_calcareous_nannofossil', did not recieve proxy error message. As of now unclear what changed/why it works without error now.

Thin Section Report Writer

  • Program wasn't working with new Java11. Programmers put Java 8 and old version of the Report Writer back on the Core Description computer to write reports for 378. No programmers sailing on 378S so I have been working remotely with James Zhao on the new Thin Section Report Writer. Seems to work right now, but only on the Core Description computer. Currently the program needs to be opened by going to C>ProgramData>IODP>ThinSectionReportWriter and opening ThinSectionReportWriter.bat. A new version of IODPLauncher should be deployed on 378P and then the program should be able to be opened regularly through launcher and the desktop icon. More testing should be done once Launcher is deployed.


  • Performed full suite of maintenance on the SEM. Replaced the condenser lens aperture and cleaned liner assembly. Replaced the objective aperture and re-greased the O-ring on the liner pipe. Replaced the filament and cleaned the anode and welhnut. Pieces were cleaned with the metal polishing powder mixed with isopropyl alcohol and then rinsed with isopropyl. A beam alignment was performed and reference mesh images taken. Images looked good initally but over 60 - 90 minutes contrast setting was creeping up and seemed to have a harder time focusing at higher magnifications. Next day image quality worsened on reference mesh. A beam alignment attempted but image quality got even worse. A copper ring spacer was taken out, leaving no copper spacers in the filament, beam alignment performed, and the image quality greatly improved. Reference images can be found in the SEM Reference Mesh Images section in the lab notebook

  • Images in the 15kV looked fine but will max out the contrast adjustment. During the transit when SEM no longer being used, will perform cleaning of objective and replacement of condenser lens.

Paleo Lab

  • Paleo lab was cleaned out and reorganized. Biggest change is there are no more inventory items kept in the paleo lab. Only 'checked out' items are in the paleo lab. Stains, oil, and jelly moved onto the BHAZ inventory sheet. Evaporating dishes are on the UTS inventory sheet. Most stains, oils, and jelly had been opened so the appropriate were combined if could be and physical counts updated to zero for those opened items. All evaporating dishes were assumed to be used and 'checked out' so physical counts updated to zero and reorder point updated to 5. Should be getting out quite a few stains out.



  • New version of DESClogik deployed. Current version: Multiple bugs found: two new and two preexisting.

    • The new bugs were 1) while uploading a previous expedition's config sheet we would get the error "profile corrupted". This would correlate to one tab specifically on that template's config file. If you uploaded the "profile corrupted" tab as it's own config, no error was generated. 2) This error is more complicated and deals with case-sensitivity and how it relates to the preexisting tabs created automatically with each DESC template. If a tab on a config sheet matched the "preexisting or preloaded" tab in name, but not in capitalization, it would generate bizarre tab errors: multiple tabs, missing columns and profile corrupted messages. The developers found that part of the DESC code was case-sensitive whereas other parts were not. This has since been changed and the new version of DESClogik deployed.

    • Preexisting errors: 1) While loading the 385 macroscopic and microscopic config file I receive multiple errors for "sublist... null"; however, these sublists (and corresponding values) were correctly defined within their matching value list and within Value List Manager. I "redid" the sublists, re-set VLM, re-imported the config, and received no error. This is a similar bug to that found on X382. I loaded every config file for the last ten expeditions, and was not able to duplicate this error. 2) After editing a config sheet (removing tabs), and importing it to DESC, I was not able to overwrite the template successfully. I received no errors and the overwrite was "successful", however, my edits were not visible, and the tabs which I had deleted were still available.

NOTE: while bug-testing I loaded values with special characters (from a word file; outlook email, etc.,) into a config file, and received no errors on upload. Potentially the new version of DESC is unaffected by special characters (testing needed).

Value List Manager

  • While bug-testing I received multiple errors from VLM saying " HTTP Status 400- Bad Request" or "Server Response: Bad Request". The error was reported to the developers and has been solved.


  • Seven video tutorials were made and are located on Confluence> Core Description> Video Tutorials.



  • Filament replaced in mid October. SEM Software displayed error message indicating Filament burned out. The filament was replaced and parts cleaned according to vendor manual and when the machine/software was powered up again received same message that filament was burned out. Replaced with another filament and when powered on received the message that the beam current was too low. Filament was taken out, parts confirmed to be clean, and one copper ring spacer was taken out. Powered on without error and reference mesh images successfully taken.


  • Three changes made to DESClogik: 1) In the 'export to excel' field, a new export was added 'depth midpoint' for publications specialist. 2) Most frequently used value list term sorter was re-instated. 3) Pre existing error addressed: DESClogik would crash when an autosave version restored to screen if user would right click in cell. This issue has been fixed. 



  • Rolled back DESClogik to version The new feature of sort value list caused multiple error to other DESC functions. With the new update, users were not able to resolve overlaps, add comments to cells or extend a definition onto subsequent sections.

Paleo Prep

  • Chemicals and solutions in paleo prep were examined and inventoried. All solutions and chemicals which were un-labelled, expired, and off-coloured were properly disposed of. It is suggested to routinely check and correctly dispose of improper solutions made by the expedition's science party.



  • In the case of over-exposed, white cores scientists' chose to keep RGB data from overexposed image and temporarily have RGB data from 'True' image canceled. Scientist and EPM approved.


  • Added new feature to sort value list by most frequently used. Feature that is activated by scientists and applies to everything covered by that value list.


  • 30 June, 2019: Filament replaced in SEM.



New bug. Four new species within the Diatom value list would consistently throw errors with each config import. All species were correctly defined and already recognized within VLM, however with each value list re-set, the four corrected species, would throw the error "[species name] not valid". DESC or VLM would remember past errors even though the information had been validated, species names were correctly defined, and the species were already in use within the DESC template.


Two macros were created. Both compare DESC macroscopic data to physical properties measurements (GRA, MAD, MS point, MS WRMSL, P-wave WRMSL, and Thermcon). The second macro contains a filter by depth feature.


Resources for technicians


MM Tool (Goniometer)


The following are files needed to fabricate the MMT, used in measuring the dip and dip direction of features in a section-half
